Obama had full control of Congress??? Placing this myth to rest ...


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
As many of us are itching to see which....if any....of Trump's promises he will address and fulfill, right wingers are readily offering the "example" that Obama also had FULL control of Congress during his first 2 years and wasn't able to address HIS promises.

THIS IS A MYTH !!!! Obama had full control of Congress for less than FOUR MONTHS during that period.

Although it was only 8 years ago, many of us forget the flimsy majority that Obama had in 2008-2009.
We forget that Ted Kennedy was ill and prior to his death, he could not be part of Congress. We forget that Al Franken from MN was challenged for many months and could not attend Congress......We forget that Byrd was also severely sick during that period and also could not be part of Congress....

Bottom line: Obama could not fulfill many of his promises because his dominance of Congress was extremely short lived (even those 4 months when he had a majority, those 4 months were mostly during recess and holidays' season.)

Conversely, Trump has virtual control of both the executive AND legislative branches.....So, we will see if his promises were bullshit or not......We WILL be watching.
As many of us are itching to see which....if any....of Trump's promises he will address and fulfill, right wingers are readily offering the "example" that Obama also had FULL control of Congress during his first 2 years and wasn't able to address HIS promises.

THIS IS A MYTH !!!! Obama had full control of Congress for less than FOUR MONTHS during that period.

Although it was only 8 years ago, many of us forget the flimsy majority that Obama had in 2008-2009.
We forget that Ted Kennedy was ill and prior to his death, he could not be part of Congress. We forget that Al Franken from MN was challenged for many months and could not attend Congress......We forget that Byrd was also severely sick during that period and also could not be part of Congress....

Bottom line: Obama could not fulfill many of his promises because his dominance of Congress was extremely short lived (even those 4 months when he had a majority, those 4 months were mostly during recess and holidays' season.)

Conversely, Trump has virtual control of both the executive AND legislative branches.....So, we will see if his promises were bullshit or not......We WILL be watching.
Did you forget, the GOP establishment were a bunch spineless lap dogs. They did everything he told them to do.
No, there was no opposition there for the first two years… Fact
As many of us are itching to see which....if any....of Trump's promises he will address and fulfill, right wingers are readily offering the "example" that Obama also had FULL control of Congress during his first 2 years and wasn't able to address HIS promises.

THIS IS A MYTH !!!! Obama had full control of Congress for less than FOUR MONTHS during that period.

Although it was only 8 years ago, many of us forget the flimsy majority that Obama had in 2008-2009.
We forget that Ted Kennedy was ill and prior to his death, he could not be part of Congress. We forget that Al Franken from MN was challenged for many months and could not attend Congress......We forget that Byrd was also severely sick during that period and also could not be part of Congress....

Bottom line: Obama could not fulfill many of his promises because his dominance of Congress was extremely short lived (even those 4 months when he had a majority, those 4 months were mostly during recess and holidays' season.)

Conversely, Trump has virtual control of both the executive AND legislative branches.....So, we will see if his promises were bullshit or not......We WILL be watching.

Notice how the far left has no facts to back up their claims, they just spew their religious dogma to cover up the fact that their religion is being rejected world wide.


Party standings in the Senate for most of this Congress
57 Democrats
2 Independents, caucusing with Democrats
41 Republicans


Final party distribution in the House of Representatives
Democratic Party: 255 members.
Republican Party: 179 members.

The far left had the Congress and the white house and did nothing but pass the worse piece of legislation to ever hit the working people.
As many of us are itching to see which....if any....of Trump's promises he will address and fulfill, right wingers are readily offering the "example" that Obama also had FULL control of Congress during his first 2 years and wasn't able to address HIS promises.

THIS IS A MYTH !!!! Obama had full control of Congress for less than FOUR MONTHS during that period.

Although it was only 8 years ago, many of us forget the flimsy majority that Obama had in 2008-2009.
We forget that Ted Kennedy was ill and prior to his death, he could not be part of Congress. We forget that Al Franken from MN was challenged for many months and could not attend Congress......We forget that Byrd was also severely sick during that period and also could not be part of Congress....

Bottom line: Obama could not fulfill many of his promises because his dominance of Congress was extremely short lived (even those 4 months when he had a majority, those 4 months were mostly during recess and holidays' season.)

Conversely, Trump has virtual control of both the executive AND legislative branches.....So, we will see if his promises were bullshit or not......We WILL be watching.

Trump still does not have the same amount of Senators that President Obama had when President Obama won the election...

Also stop with the damn excuses because if President Obama did not have the amount of votes in the Senate then explain how the ACA was passed but Immigration Reform could not get done?

Are you saying John McCain would have not shifted to help the Democrats in the Senate?

So when you write about how something is a myth the reality is President Obama and Democrats only care about wedge issues when it is an election year when they need to pander for votes...

Now how many Senate seats will be GOP in 2017 and how many Senate Seats were Democratic in 2009 even if you subtract the three you are writing about?
As many of us are itching to see which....if any....of Trump's promises he will address and fulfill, right wingers are readily offering the "example" that Obama also had FULL control of Congress during his first 2 years and wasn't able to address HIS promises.

THIS IS A MYTH !!!! Obama had full control of Congress for less than FOUR MONTHS during that period.

Although it was only 8 years ago, many of us forget the flimsy majority that Obama had in 2008-2009.
We forget that Ted Kennedy was ill and prior to his death, he could not be part of Congress. We forget that Al Franken from MN was challenged for many months and could not attend Congress......We forget that Byrd was also severely sick during that period and also could not be part of Congress....

Bottom line: Obama could not fulfill many of his promises because his dominance of Congress was extremely short lived (even those 4 months when he had a majority, those 4 months were mostly during recess and holidays' season.)

Conversely, Trump has virtual control of both the executive AND legislative branches.....So, we will see if his promises were bullshit or not......We WILL be watching.

Numbnutz from 2008-2010 he had a majority in the house and senate. Not a 60, but a majority. But nice try.
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Also stop with the damn excuses because if President Obama did not have the amount of votes in the Senate then explain how the ACA was passed but Immigration Reform could not get done?

The super-majority vote......The Senate moved rather quickly to pass the ACA – or ObamaCare – on Christmas Eve 2009 in a 60 – 39 vote (Kentucky Republican Senator Jim Bunning chose not to vote since he was not running for reelection..
As many of us are itching to see which....if any....of Trump's promises he will address and fulfill, right wingers are readily offering the "example" that Obama also had FULL control of Congress during his first 2 years and wasn't able to address HIS promises.

THIS IS A MYTH !!!! Obama had full control of Congress for less than FOUR MONTHS during that period.

Although it was only 8 years ago, many of us forget the flimsy majority that Obama had in 2008-2009.
We forget that Ted Kennedy was ill and prior to his death, he could not be part of Congress. We forget that Al Franken from MN was challenged for many months and could not attend Congress......We forget that Byrd was also severely sick during that period and also could not be part of Congress....

Bottom line: Obama could not fulfill many of his promises because his dominance of Congress was extremely short lived (even those 4 months when he had a majority, those 4 months were mostly during recess and holidays' season.)

Conversely, Trump has virtual control of both the executive AND legislative branches.....So, we will see if his promises were bullshit or not......We WILL be watching.

He still had a majority and in fact he had more of a majority in the Senate than Trump has now so I don't know why you think Trump has some sort of blank check in Congress when he is in a similar position as Obama was in 2009
Priorities and Facts......Let us see what Trump will accomplish in a similar situation.....

During his first two years in office, President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress compiled a substantial record of policy accomplishment—the economic stimulus, bringing the financial system back from the brink of collapse, rescuing two automakers, universal health care, sweeping reform of financial regulation, and major changes in student loan programs, among many others.

President Barack Obama’s First Two Years: Policy Accomplishments, Political Difficulties | Brookings Institution
Also stop with the damn excuses because if President Obama did not have the amount of votes in the Senate then explain how the ACA was passed but Immigration Reform could not get done?

The super-majority vote......The Senate moved rather quickly to pass the ACA – or ObamaCare – on Christmas Eve 2009 in a 60 – 39 vote (Kentucky Republican Senator Jim Bunning chose not to vote since he was not running for reelection..

Well then, and that was Christmas Eve of 2009...

Look you can try to spin it all you want but the reality is President Obama and Democrats had chances from 2009 to 2011 and failed to deliver on key wedge issues that he promised would be dealt with.

You can argue " well the economy was a disaster " or " Americans needed the ACA " but in the end President Obama along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid felt immigration reform was not the most important issue during that two year period...

Then the 2010 election happen and then President Obama wanted Immigration Reform after the House turn red. Now let me explain something and maybe you believe I am some idiot that was born yesterday but you and I damn well know the House would have never passed Immigration Reform or hand President Obama any of his wishes and wants because they were elected to obstruct the President.

Also it was a move by President Obama in the hope to garner support within the Hispanic\Latino Community by showing the GOP House was unwilling to work with him on immigration reform but it did not work at all.

When your side promises to do something in a certain period of time then get it done because you have only a two year window before the next election and when you have the Senate and House in your favor ( after adding the two indies ) then you need to get things done and work harder than ever and if not then it is your side failure and not the opposition side seeing they were elected to obstruct the President!
He still had a majority and in fact he had more of a majority in the Senate than Trump has now so I don't know why you think Trump has some sort of blank check in Congress when he is in a similar position as Obama was in 2009

NO....what I am getting at is that neither Obama or Trump had/has a "super majority"......and what Obama accomplished within the start of his administration, should be compared to what Trump will do after Januaty of this upcoming year.....Simple as that.
As many of us are itching to see which....if any....of Trump's promises he will address and fulfill, right wingers are readily offering the "example" that Obama also had FULL control of Congress during his first 2 years and wasn't able to address HIS promises.

THIS IS A MYTH !!!! Obama had full control of Congress for less than FOUR MONTHS during that period.

Although it was only 8 years ago, many of us forget the flimsy majority that Obama had in 2008-2009.
We forget that Ted Kennedy was ill and prior to his death, he could not be part of Congress. We forget that Al Franken from MN was challenged for many months and could not attend Congress......We forget that Byrd was also severely sick during that period and also could not be part of Congress....

Bottom line: Obama could not fulfill many of his promises because his dominance of Congress was extremely short lived (even those 4 months when he had a majority, those 4 months were mostly during recess and holidays' season.)

Conversely, Trump has virtual control of both the executive AND legislative branches.....So, we will see if his promises were bullshit or not......We WILL be watching.

So Collins, Snow and Specter weren't really democrats?
He still had a majority and in fact he had more of a majority in the Senate than Trump has now so I don't know why you think Trump has some sort of blank check in Congress when he is in a similar position as Obama was in 2009

NO....what I am getting at is that neither Obama or Trump had/has a "super majority"......and what Obama accomplished within the start of his administration, should be compared to what Trump will do after Januaty of this upcoming year.....Simple as that.

Obozo had a greater majority
He still had a majority and in fact he had more of a majority in the Senate than Trump has now so I don't know why you think Trump has some sort of blank check in Congress when he is in a similar position as Obama was in 2009

NO....what I am getting at is that neither Obama or Trump had/has a "super majority"......and what Obama accomplished within the start of his administration, should be compared to what Trump will do after Januaty of this upcoming year.....Simple as that.

yeah right

you were making excuses for Obama not keeping all his campaign promises while expecting Trump to keep all of his
You can argue " well the economy was a disaster " or " Americans needed the ACA " but in the end President Obama along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid felt immigration reform was not the most important issue during that two year period...

YES, that is exactly what I would argue.........The priorities did NOT include immigration reform, and THAT issue is perhaps the biggest criticism of Obama by the right.....conveniently forgetting what Obama was facing during the start of his administrations.
you were making excuses for Obama not keeping all his campaign promises while expecting Trump to keep all of his

Should we or should we not strive to be better? Should we excuse Trump's promises because Obama could not fulfill all of his?
you were making excuses for Obama not keeping all his campaign promises while expecting Trump to keep all of his

Should we or should we not strive to be better? Should we excuse Trump's promises because Obama could not fulfill all of his?

Only if you will hold Obama to the same standard to which you are holding Trump but we all know that will never happen
Only if you will hold Obama to the same standard to which you are holding Trump but we all know that will never happen

You're wrong......I am a strong critic of Obama for trying to reach way too much with the other side of the aisle who SWORE.....from the very beginning.... to undermine any of his efforts......

Obama was way too soft on his opponents and political enemies.

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