Obama Granted Environmental Exemption To Build Sea Wall Around His New Hawaiian Property


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:


This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.
Not a very good investment if in 11 years the earth will be under water? Where is AOC demanding this shit to stop?
Not a very good investment if in 11 years the earth will be under water? Where is AOC demanding this shit to stop?


For all the leftist bullshit about ocean levels and global warming, they sure do love them some coastline resorts on tropical islands.

Maybe in 20 years once it becomes popular to question the hysterical bullshit, the democrook political whores will insist it's because of their efforts the climate didn't actually change. They'll declare victory and the nobel committee will start handing out medals.
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.
Hmm..., The article says the property DOES NOT belong to Obama. Just can't help pumping out the fake news, eh? :rolleyes-41:
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.

He wants no parts of Chicago.
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.

Is that really the best you can do? "...even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China"??? And according to Wikipedia's list of presidents by net worth, Obama has had a peak net worth of $40 million. Trump is estimated to have a current net worth of $2.4 billion or SIXTY TIMES Obama's worth. If there's something wrong with being wealthy, Trump is Satan to Obama's shoplifting.

PS, this thread is off forum topic.
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.

Is that really the best you can do? "...even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China"??? And according to Wikipedia's list of presidents by net worth, Obama has had a peak net worth of $40 million. Trump is estimated to have a current net worth of $2.4 billion or SIXTY TIMES Obama's worth. If there's something wrong with being wealthy, Trump is Satan to Obama's shoplifting.

PS, this thread is off forum topic.
The problem isn't wealth,......it's how you got your wealth.
Obama only became wealthy because he did something as president he shouldn't be doing....and still is doing today.
How else could a man become a multi-millionaire, who before he became a US Senator could barely afford a bus ticket to the DNC? His declared wealth isn't a true indication of what he's worth. Especially when drug dealers in Hawaii he's helped make tons of cash are giving him multi-million dollar properties to use whenever he wants.
The fact that he was exempted from the rules the rest of us have to obey is a perfect illustration of this culture. This two-tiered justice system where the rich and the influential get special treatment that you and I never would receive.

Bernie Sanders gets a new beachfront property every time he loses an election....a bribe for allowing Hillary and then Biden to steal the presidency away from him. These people are total phonies. Telling us "There comes a time when you've made enough money", and "The rich must pay their fair share" yet they live in their multiple mansions with their $10,000 refrigerators filled with only the most expensive ice-cream.....and paying lower taxes than most businesses do.
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Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.

Is that really the best you can do? "...even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China"??? And according to Wikipedia's list of presidents by net worth, Obama has had a peak net worth of $40 million. Trump is estimated to have a current net worth of $2.4 billion or SIXTY TIMES Obama's worth. If there's something wrong with being wealthy, Trump is Satan to Obama's shoplifting.

PS, this thread is off forum topic.
The problem isn't wealth,......it's how you got your wealth.
Obama only became wealthy because he did something as president he shouldn't be doing....and still is doing today.
How else could a man become a multi-millionaire, who before he became a US Senator could barely afford a bus ticket to the DNC? His declared wealth isn't a true indication of what he's worth. Especially when drug dealers in Hawaii he's helped make tons of cash are giving him multi-million dollar properties to use whenever he wants.
The fact that he was exempted from the rules the rest of us have to obey is a perfect illustration of this culture. This two-tiered justice system where the rich and the influential get special treatment that you and I never would receive.

Bernie Sanders gets a new beachfront property every time he loses an election....a bribe for allowing Hillary and then Biden to steal the presidency away from him. These people are total phonies. Telling us "There comes a time when you've made enough money", and "The rich must pay their fair share" yet they live in their multiple mansions with their $10,000 refrigerators filled with only the most expensive ice-cream.....and paying lower taxes than most businesses do.

What do you believe Obama has done - that you say he shouldn't do - to earn the money he has? You didn't say. A rather odd omission.
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.

LOL@ Global Warming Cult!!
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.

Is that really the best you can do? "...even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China"??? And according to Wikipedia's list of presidents by net worth, Obama has had a peak net worth of $40 million. Trump is estimated to have a current net worth of $2.4 billion or SIXTY TIMES Obama's worth. If there's something wrong with being wealthy, Trump is Satan to Obama's shoplifting.

PS, this thread is off forum topic.

Trump made his first fortune as a NYC real estate developer
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.

Is that really the best you can do? "...even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China"??? And according to Wikipedia's list of presidents by net worth, Obama has had a peak net worth of $40 million. Trump is estimated to have a current net worth of $2.4 billion or SIXTY TIMES Obama's worth. If there's something wrong with being wealthy, Trump is Satan to Obama's shoplifting.

PS, this thread is off forum topic.
The problem isn't wealth,......it's how you got your wealth.
Obama only became wealthy because he did something as president he shouldn't be doing....and still is doing today.
How else could a man become a multi-millionaire, who before he became a US Senator could barely afford a bus ticket to the DNC? His declared wealth isn't a true indication of what he's worth. Especially when drug dealers in Hawaii he's helped make tons of cash are giving him multi-million dollar properties to use whenever he wants.
The fact that he was exempted from the rules the rest of us have to obey is a perfect illustration of this culture. This two-tiered justice system where the rich and the influential get special treatment that you and I never would receive.

Bernie Sanders gets a new beachfront property every time he loses an election....a bribe for allowing Hillary and then Biden to steal the presidency away from him. These people are total phonies. Telling us "There comes a time when you've made enough money", and "The rich must pay their fair share" yet they live in their multiple mansions with their $10,000 refrigerators filled with only the most expensive ice-cream.....and paying lower taxes than most businesses do.

What do you believe Obama has done - that you say he shouldn't do - to earn the money he has? You didn't say. A rather odd omission.
When it comes to drug dealers...he's made sure we have open borders so they could traffic drugs.
When it comes to hedgefunders he's made sure that our economy suffers from volatility which is when hedgefunders make their billions. (George Soros)
When it comes to weapons manufacturers....he started two wars and got us back into Afghanistan.
When it comes to China...he shipped all of our manufacturing overseas.
When it comes to Russia...he ended manned spaceflights and handed it off to Russia.
When it comes to energy...he helps stifle energy production in the US to help Russian and Ukrainian energy producers.

This is only the stuff I can prove.
No telling what else he has gotten kickbacks from.

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Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.
Hmm..., The article says the property DOES NOT belong to Obama. Just can't help pumping out the fake news, eh? :rolleyes-41:

"But the property owners, including Marty Nesbitt, chair of the Obama Foundation, argued they needed an exemption to protect the sprawling compound they are building in eastern Oahu."

Maybe read the article
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Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.

Is that really the best you can do? "...even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China"??? And according to Wikipedia's list of presidents by net worth, Obama has had a peak net worth of $40 million. Trump is estimated to have a current net worth of $2.4 billion or SIXTY TIMES Obama's worth. If there's something wrong with being wealthy, Trump is Satan to Obama's shoplifting.

PS, this thread is off forum topic.
The problem isn't wealth,......it's how you got your wealth.
Obama only became wealthy because he did something as president he shouldn't be doing....and still is doing today.
How else could a man become a multi-millionaire, who before he became a US Senator could barely afford a bus ticket to the DNC? His declared wealth isn't a true indication of what he's worth. Especially when drug dealers in Hawaii he's helped make tons of cash are giving him multi-million dollar properties to use whenever he wants.
The fact that he was exempted from the rules the rest of us have to obey is a perfect illustration of this culture. This two-tiered justice system where the rich and the influential get special treatment that you and I never would receive.

Bernie Sanders gets a new beachfront property every time he loses an election....a bribe for allowing Hillary and then Biden to steal the presidency away from him. These people are total phonies. Telling us "There comes a time when you've made enough money", and "The rich must pay their fair share" yet they live in their multiple mansions with their $10,000 refrigerators filled with only the most expensive ice-cream.....and paying lower taxes than most businesses do.

What do you believe Obama has done - that you say he shouldn't do - to earn the money he has? You didn't say. A rather odd omission.
When it comes to drug dealers...he's made sure we have open borders so they could traffic drugs.
When it comes to hedgefunders he's made sure that our economy suffers from volatility which is when hedgefunders make their billions. (George Soros)
When it comes to weapons manufacturers....he started two wars and got us back into Afghanistan.
When it comes to China...he shipped all of our manufacturing overseas.
When it comes to Russia...he ended manned spaceflights and handed it off to Russia.
When it comes to energy...he helps stifle energy production in the US to help Russian and Ukrainian energy producers.

This is only the stuff I can prove.
No telling what else he has gotten kickbacks from.

Are you spitting out that nonsense to please your fans or are you actually that stupid?
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.

Is that really the best you can do? "...even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China"??? And according to Wikipedia's list of presidents by net worth, Obama has had a peak net worth of $40 million. Trump is estimated to have a current net worth of $2.4 billion or SIXTY TIMES Obama's worth. If there's something wrong with being wealthy, Trump is Satan to Obama's shoplifting.

PS, this thread is off forum topic.
The problem isn't wealth,......it's how you got your wealth.
Obama only became wealthy because he did something as president he shouldn't be doing....and still is doing today.
How else could a man become a multi-millionaire, who before he became a US Senator could barely afford a bus ticket to the DNC? His declared wealth isn't a true indication of what he's worth. Especially when drug dealers in Hawaii he's helped make tons of cash are giving him multi-million dollar properties to use whenever he wants.
The fact that he was exempted from the rules the rest of us have to obey is a perfect illustration of this culture. This two-tiered justice system where the rich and the influential get special treatment that you and I never would receive.

Bernie Sanders gets a new beachfront property every time he loses an election....a bribe for allowing Hillary and then Biden to steal the presidency away from him. These people are total phonies. Telling us "There comes a time when you've made enough money", and "The rich must pay their fair share" yet they live in their multiple mansions with their $10,000 refrigerators filled with only the most expensive ice-cream.....and paying lower taxes than most businesses do.

What do you believe Obama has done - that you say he shouldn't do - to earn the money he has? You didn't say. A rather odd omission.
When it comes to drug dealers...he's made sure we have open borders so they could traffic drugs.
When it comes to hedgefunders he's made sure that our economy suffers from volatility which is when hedgefunders make their billions. (George Soros)
When it comes to weapons manufacturers....he started two wars and got us back into Afghanistan.
When it comes to China...he shipped all of our manufacturing overseas.
When it comes to Russia...he ended manned spaceflights and handed it off to Russia.
When it comes to energy...he helps stifle energy production in the US to help Russian and Ukrainian energy producers.

This is only the stuff I can prove.
No telling what else he has gotten kickbacks from.

Are you spitting out that nonsense to please your fans or are you actually that stupid?
I know....to a liar the truth is difficult to face.
This is all a matter of public record.
Not my fault you refuse to admit it.
What I refuse to accept is your assumption that Obama's policy decision resulted in him receiving kickbacks. EVERY policy ever set by EVERY president we've ever had benefitted someone. If we're going to assume that policies will always result in kickbacks, the government will be made powerless and anarchy will reign. If you want to impress us, let us see some ACTUAL EVIDENCE of Obama receiving kickbacks from ANYONE. All you've got now is speculative whining.

And, again, this thread is off-topic for this forum.
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.

The Honorable Barack Obama deserves every special consideration possible.

He is a historic figure in the history of this unusual nation.

He was a harbinger of how this nation will be governed and by whom in the coming decades.
Obama is being given special considerations almost nobody else would ever receive:

View attachment 480990

This property used to be the filming location for Magnum P.I.
The buildings that were the set locations for episodes during the series have been bull-dozed, and they are currently in the process of building a sprawling luxury beachfront property that the Obama family will soon be living in...at least for vacations.

Wealth has it's privilages....even for leaders who admire countries like Cuba and China.

This story is co-published with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is a member of the ProPublica Local Reporting Network.

Strange how every Democrat seems to have entered office owing money but leaving office rich as shit.
Sweeeeeet! Obama be ballin!
What I refuse to accept is your assumption that Obama's policy decision resulted in him receiving kickbacks. EVERY policy ever set by EVERY president we've ever had benefitted someone. If we're going to assume that policies will always result in kickbacks, the government will be made powerless and anarchy will reign. If you want to impress us, let us see some ACTUAL EVIDENCE of Obama receiving kickbacks from ANYONE. All you've got now is speculative whining.

And, again, this thread is off-topic for this forum.
Oh please. Obama isn't a Republican. He's never under any circumstances going to be outed unless he stops being an asset to the billionaires running Washington. That was the big deal about Trump. He knew where all of the bodies were buried and refused to get with the program. So from day-one he became a target. Do you actually think that Obama could weather the torrent of negative coverage Trump got? No way.

Nope....Obama fed us this BS story about being a man of the people (not a socialist) and a poor black man growing up in poverty. He had to read every speech off of the teleprompter to keep from revealing what he was really thinking.

The truth is he was raised by rich white people and he had less in common with black folks than Conan O'Brien. His mother was a communist....her parents were communists....his parents met in the U. of Hawaii taking classes about communism.

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