Obama Goes on Attack, But Arguments Fall Flat Against Trump Successes


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Obama Goes on Attack, But Arguments Fall Flat Against Trump Successes

Cal Thomas -- He's back! President Obama has emerged from his supposed cloistered life to attack President Trump. Obama broke with a tradition apparently only modern Republican ex-presidents follow, which is not to speak ill of your successor.
Obama, who reportedly has been running his "Organizing for America" operation, along with his White House aide Valerie Jarrett from his expensive home in a Washington neighborhood, spoke to a group of University of Illinois students last Friday, claiming it was his policies, not those of President Trump, that have produced the current economic boom...."When you hear how great the economy's doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started," Obama said....
The president did something last week I have long urged him to do. Statistics are dry. Show people who have jobs they couldn't find during the Obama years... In a speech in North Dakota, the president brought a man onstage who thanked him for his economic policies that allowed the man to go back to work.Here's how The Daily Caller reported the story: "The man told a story about the coal industry under Obama and how 'the coal industry absolutely had the boot of government on its throat.'.

Obama is probably too dishonest to acknowledge the fact that Americans gave him a great opportunity when they elected him president. Obama, as the first black president, could have been the great healer, he could have defused racial tensions by his words and actions, he could have inspired generations of blacks, shown them that the American dream was still attainable. Instead he set America and the world on fire, now this shameless pretender presumes to lecture Americans.
Yes folks there is a crazy town, it's the place where the chaotic and nation destroying left-wing, socialist agenda resides and this Mocha Messiah is its mayor.
Obama pitted Community against Community, Race against Race, Brother against Brother in the great race to get the highest victim status in society. His rhetoric of "Fundamental Transformation of America" nearly made America into a caricature of the many "Banana Republics" This Mocha would be Messiah helped create #OWS, #BLM and Fascists like #Antifa as offspring's of his sick ideology.
Apparently despite all the Congressional testimony and his vile plot to subvert a Presidential election and prevent a duly elected President from taking office, Obama is convinced nothing will ultimately happen. After all despite all the evidence, there have been no indictments, arrests or trials of his loyal henchmen. He now feels confident that he can emerge and once again spew out his vile, hateful arrogance in his continued attacks to bring America to it's knees..
I’m addition to being America’s first black president I think he will also claim the title America’s last black president.
Obama is gearing up the Democratic base
The way to do it is.......If you hate Trump....VOTE

2018 is critical not just to retake Congress but to retake the State Houses before the 2020 census


It sure has been a nice 2 years not having to listen to this snake oil salesman.

It sure has been a nice 2 years not having to listen to this snake oil salesman.

Benghazi happened.....Terrorists attacked our Embassy

The Conspiracy is the belief that HIllary could have saved them and did nothing
Obama is gearing up the Democratic base
The way to do it is.......If you hate Trump....VOTE

2018 is critical not just to retake Congress but to retake the State Houses before the 2020 census

Reagan left no doubt about Carter's failure just as Trump is leaving none about Obama's. Carter in 1976 was the last time I voted for a Democrat.


It sure has been a nice 2 years not having to listen to this snake oil salesman.

Benghazi happened.....Terrorists attacked our Embassy

The Conspiracy is the belief that HIllary could have saved them and did nothing

Hillary could have saved them? You mean single handedly pick up a weapon and actually save them?
Obama is gearing up the Democratic base
The way to do it is.......If you hate Trump....VOTE

2018 is critical not just to retake Congress but to retake the State Houses before the 2020 census

probably be a lot better served if your entire parties message was not boiled down to HATE THEM.
Trumps success ..


his biggest success is fucking Americans ..
Obama Goes on Attack, But Arguments Fall Flat Against Trump Successes

Cal Thomas -- He's back! President Obama has emerged from his supposed cloistered life to attack President Trump. Obama broke with a tradition apparently only modern Republican ex-presidents follow, which is not to speak ill of your successor.
Obama, who reportedly has been running his "Organizing for America" operation, along with his White House aide Valerie Jarrett from his expensive home in a Washington neighborhood, spoke to a group of University of Illinois students last Friday, claiming it was his policies, not those of President Trump, that have produced the current economic boom...."When you hear how great the economy's doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started," Obama said....
The president did something last week I have long urged him to do. Statistics are dry. Show people who have jobs they couldn't find during the Obama years... In a speech in North Dakota, the president brought a man onstage who thanked him for his economic policies that allowed the man to go back to work.Here's how The Daily Caller reported the story: "The man told a story about the coal industry under Obama and how 'the coal industry absolutely had the boot of government on its throat.'.

Obama is probably too dishonest to acknowledge the fact that Americans gave him a great opportunity when they elected him president. Obama, as the first black president, could have been the great healer, he could have defused racial tensions by his words and actions, he could have inspired generations of blacks, shown them that the American dream was still attainable. Instead he set America and the world on fire, now this shameless pretender presumes to lecture Americans.
Yes folks there is a crazy town, it's the place where the chaotic and nation destroying left-wing, socialist agenda resides and this Mocha Messiah is its mayor.
Obama pitted Community against Community, Race against Race, Brother against Brother in the great race to get the highest victim status in society. His rhetoric of "Fundamental Transformation of America" nearly made America into a caricature of the many "Banana Republics" This Mocha would be Messiah helped create #OWS, #BLM and Fascists like #Antifa as offspring's of his sick ideology.
Apparently despite all the Congressional testimony and his vile plot to subvert a Presidential election and prevent a duly elected President from taking office, Obama is convinced nothing will ultimately happen. After all despite all the evidence, there have been no indictments, arrests or trials of his loyal henchmen. He now feels confident that he can emerge and once again spew out his vile, hateful arrogance in his continued attacks to bring America to it's knees..
Any idea why dons first year was the worst job creation in 6?
Nice unreadable bile cut and paste

It sure has been a nice 2 years not having to listen to this snake oil salesman.

Benghazi happened.....Terrorists attacked our Embassy

The Conspiracy is the belief that HIllary could have saved them and did nothing

Well Hitlery's State Department could have taken then all out of the area. Just like the Brits and Red Cross did. Lord knows they had plenty of warning.

That would have saved them and there would have been no attack.
Obama Goes on Attack, But Arguments Fall Flat Against Trump Successes

Cal Thomas -- He's back! President Obama has emerged from his supposed cloistered life to attack President Trump. Obama broke with a tradition apparently only modern Republican ex-presidents follow, which is not to speak ill of your successor.
Obama, who reportedly has been running his "Organizing for America" operation, along with his White House aide Valerie Jarrett from his expensive home in a Washington neighborhood, spoke to a group of University of Illinois students last Friday, claiming it was his policies, not those of President Trump, that have produced the current economic boom...."When you hear how great the economy's doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started," Obama said....
The president did something last week I have long urged him to do. Statistics are dry. Show people who have jobs they couldn't find during the Obama years... In a speech in North Dakota, the president brought a man onstage who thanked him for his economic policies that allowed the man to go back to work.Here's how The Daily Caller reported the story: "The man told a story about the coal industry under Obama and how 'the coal industry absolutely had the boot of government on its throat.'.

Obama is probably too dishonest to acknowledge the fact that Americans gave him a great opportunity when they elected him president. Obama, as the first black president, could have been the great healer, he could have defused racial tensions by his words and actions, he could have inspired generations of blacks, shown them that the American dream was still attainable. Instead he set America and the world on fire, now this shameless pretender presumes to lecture Americans.
Yes folks there is a crazy town, it's the place where the chaotic and nation destroying left-wing, socialist agenda resides and this Mocha Messiah is its mayor.
Obama pitted Community against Community, Race against Race, Brother against Brother in the great race to get the highest victim status in society. His rhetoric of "Fundamental Transformation of America" nearly made America into a caricature of the many "Banana Republics" This Mocha would be Messiah helped create #OWS, #BLM and Fascists like #Antifa as offspring's of his sick ideology.
Apparently despite all the Congressional testimony and his vile plot to subvert a Presidential election and prevent a duly elected President from taking office, Obama is convinced nothing will ultimately happen. After all despite all the evidence, there have been no indictments, arrests or trials of his loyal henchmen. He now feels confident that he can emerge and once again spew out his vile, hateful arrogance in his continued attacks to bring America to it's knees..

And Obama said I and me 102 times during his speech.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obama Goes on Attack, But Arguments Fall Flat Against Trump Successes

Cal Thomas -- He's back! President Obama has emerged from his supposed cloistered life to attack President Trump. Obama broke with a tradition apparently only modern Republican ex-presidents follow, which is not to speak ill of your successor.
Obama, who reportedly has been running his "Organizing for America" operation, along with his White House aide Valerie Jarrett from his expensive home in a Washington neighborhood, spoke to a group of University of Illinois students last Friday, claiming it was his policies, not those of President Trump, that have produced the current economic boom...."When you hear how great the economy's doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started," Obama said....
The president did something last week I have long urged him to do. Statistics are dry. Show people who have jobs they couldn't find during the Obama years... In a speech in North Dakota, the president brought a man onstage who thanked him for his economic policies that allowed the man to go back to work.Here's how The Daily Caller reported the story: "The man told a story about the coal industry under Obama and how 'the coal industry absolutely had the boot of government on its throat.'.

Obama is probably too dishonest to acknowledge the fact that Americans gave him a great opportunity when they elected him president. Obama, as the first black president, could have been the great healer, he could have defused racial tensions by his words and actions, he could have inspired generations of blacks, shown them that the American dream was still attainable. Instead he set America and the world on fire, now this shameless pretender presumes to lecture Americans.
Yes folks there is a crazy town, it's the place where the chaotic and nation destroying left-wing, socialist agenda resides and this Mocha Messiah is its mayor.
Obama pitted Community against Community, Race against Race, Brother against Brother in the great race to get the highest victim status in society. His rhetoric of "Fundamental Transformation of America" nearly made America into a caricature of the many "Banana Republics" This Mocha would be Messiah helped create #OWS, #BLM and Fascists like #Antifa as offspring's of his sick ideology.
Apparently despite all the Congressional testimony and his vile plot to subvert a Presidential election and prevent a duly elected President from taking office, Obama is convinced nothing will ultimately happen. After all despite all the evidence, there have been no indictments, arrests or trials of his loyal henchmen. He now feels confident that he can emerge and once again spew out his vile, hateful arrogance in his continued attacks to bring America to it's knees..

And Obama said I and me 102 times during his speech.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What else would you expect from a man who said he would cause the seas to fall ?
I’m addition to being America’s first black president I think he will also claim the title America’s last black president.

Don't bet on that DOTARD

Yeah that would be like moving out of the stock market because of a “trump crash” wouldn’t it?

The market would have continued on the Obama run were it not for Donald's stupid behavior, international FUBARs and trade war.

Trump's trade fights have cost the stock market trillions and raised volatility
Worst case Trump-China trade war could sink stock market 20%: Professor Jeremy Siegel
Has the stock market already peaked?

Now go look at DJIA numbers
It was 26,616 on January 26th when the stupid trade war began ... It's 25,857 now
Most would call that FLAT AS A PANCAKE

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