Obama - firearms salesperson of the year


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
I am making this thread political.

I was chatting with the salespeople in the gun store. I am in Michigan.

They said that people getting Concealed Pistol Licenses (CPL) and buying guns has skyrockteed since Obama was elected.

In fact, one of the salespeople said Obama has been the gun store's salesperson of the year.

Honestly, I am not sure how much I will carry my Glock. I wanted to get the CPL in case Obama takes away that 2nd Amendment right.

There were other reasons too, such as:

  • Not needing to get a permit to purchase when I want to buy a gun
  • Not having to store the gun in the turn to transport it, I can just put it in my holster
  • I wanted to take the training classes

I am making this thread political.

I was chatting with the salespeople in the gun store. I am in Michigan.

They said that people getting Concealed Pistol Licenses (CPL) and buying guns has skyrockteed since Obama was elected.

In fact, one of the salespeople said Obama has been the gun store's salesperson of the year.

Honestly, I am not sure how much I will carry my Glock. I wanted to get the CPL in case Obama takes away that 2nd Amendment right.

There were other reasons too, such as:

  • Not needing to get a permit to purchase when I want to buy a gun
  • Not having to store the gun in the turn to transport it, I can just put it in my holster
  • I wanted to take the training classes


It was fear of his well known anti-gun stance that drove sales through the roof. What most voters failed to realize is Clintons failed assault weapons ban is what lost both houses and the presidency to the Republicans and the vast majority of politicians realized this. This is why the anti-gun laws that are continuously reintroduced every year by the same couple of nut cases never get out of committee. Anti-2nd amendment legislation is a career killer for politicians and most know it. Firearm owners are all across the main stream political spectrum and the vast majority of citizens don't want their 2nd amendment rights fucked with any more. All valid and honest statistical research shows legal, least restrictive individual ownership = less violent crime. Americans are finally waking up to this reality after being led into the darkness for so long by the anti-gun liars.

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