Obama Embroiling Us In Another War


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

This is how Vietnam started. JFK sent in advisers to help the South Vietnamese defend against the Communist supported North. Now Obama is sending Special Operations forces into South Sudan, Nigeria, Uganda, the Congo and others to advise them on how to fight against thuggish terrorists in that AO. We've seen this before and Obama is acting no different than any warmonger or Chicken-hawk the left has criticized in our history.

Obama did it without briefing Congress until now. As usual Obama waited till Friday to announce this in typical White House fashion. Usually weekend news slips by viewers, so the Administration usually does a weekend dump of bad news or news that may show Obama in a less than flattering light to give the illusion of transparency.


updated 10/14/2011 9:56:09 PM ET

WASHINGTON — Intervening in a volatile and brutal crisis, President Barack Obama said Friday he has dispatched 100 U.S. troops to central Africa to support a years-long fight against a guerrilla group accused of horrific atrocities. Obama said they were sent to advise, not engage in combat, unless forced to defend themselves.

In a letter to Congress, Obama said the troops will act as advisers in a long-running battle against the Lord's Resistance Army, considered one of Africa's most ruthless rebel groups, and help to hunt down its notorious leader, Joseph Kony.

The first of the troops arrived in Uganda on Wednesday, the White House said, and others will be sent to South Sudan, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

While the size of the U.S. footprint is small, Obama's announcement represents a highly unusual intervention for the United States. Although some American troops are based in Djibouti and small groups of soldiers have been deployed to Somalia, the U.S. traditionally has been reluctant to commit forces to help African nations put down insurgencies.

"The request for forces long predates today's announcement," Pentagon spokesman George Little said. "This effort is specifically an extension of the Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009, which President Obama signed into law on May 25, 2010. Until recently, the required forces were not available to fulfill this requirement." (BULL SHIT)

Richard Downie, an Africa expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington called the case "somewhat exceptional. There are few more clear-cut cases of evil in the world today than the Lord's Resistance Army."

Downie noted that the U.S. has once before, at the end of 2008, sent advisers and logistical backup to help the Ugandan army root out the LRA. Intelligence leaks, poor cooperation between the Ugandan and other African armies, and bad weather hampered the operation.
Obama sending troops to aid Africa anti-insurgency - politics - msnbc.com

So how many wars does Obama have us in now????

I'm counting 4 of them.


The most recent instance of this type was Somalia. It's pretty much the same situation.

Currently we are in the middle of military cut-backs and draw downs yet Obama is escalating military involvement all over Africa and the Middle East.

I think we need an explanation for this. Is this another Wag The Dog scenario??? It seems the public only has strong support for Obama when he kills terrorists....even though most of the targeting has been piece-meal at best. Is Obama doing this simply to get re-elected??? He knew about this situation way back in 08'. Why now???
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I woke up and saw that this morning. Did O just bust out another war while we were asleep last night? I think you're missing something though, mudwhistle. Dem bombs are good wholesome bombs, R bombs are evil dirty bombs.
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I woke up and saw that this morning. Did O just bust out another war while we were asleep last night? I think you're missing something though, mudwhistle. Dem bombs are good wholesome bombs, R bombs are evil dirty bombs.

Bombs that heal verses bombs that kill.

If a GOP prez bombs someone it's "innocent civilians".

Congress needs to de fund obama's troops. put a stop to this bullshit.
We are doing the right thing.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Shit we can't even fix the African "intercitys" of America
I find it funny that Obama will not bomb Iran but he starts another war in another country that is not a direct threat to us .. Hmmmm
We are doing the right thing.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Chris.....he should have thought about this scenario when he was voicing opposition and protest against Bush.

Opposition he still has not apologized for.

He wants to apologize to Japan (Japan turned the apology down) and every 3rd world despot in the the world....but the asshole can't bring himself to apologize to his predecessor.

Until he does I'm gonna nail his ass over every military action he gets us involved in.
obama is doing this because it is AFRICA and his homeland. Otherwise, he wouldn't care.
I find it funny that Obama will not bomb Iran but he starts another war in another country that is not a direct threat to us .. Hmmmm

That only applied to Republicans.

Democrats are the worst warmongers in this country.

They loved it when Clinton bombed aspirin factories and butchered tribal leaders in Somalia.....but they opposed going after Saddam. Even though Saddam invaded one of our strongest allies in the Middle East, next to Israel, and set fire to their oil wells causing the loss of billions of dollars in oil and created a massive ecological disaster.

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