OBAMA- Doing for America what he did for Detroit!


VIP Member
Jul 26, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMqjfDl4wGA]Capital of Scrap: Dying Detroit looting itself - YouTube[/ame]

Hard to believe this is taking place in America.....
OBAMA- Doing for America what he did for Detroit!

September 1, 2011

"Auto sales rose slightly in August from a month earlier, defying forecasts for a slowdown in a month that began with a plunge on Wall Street and ended with an East Coast hurricane."


September 1, 2011

"Detroit's "Big Three" automakers sold more cars in Canada in August than a year ago, driven by ongoing demand for smaller, fuel-efficient cars and a slight improvement in truck sales."

I said from day one that if the inexperienced "Community Organizer" was Elected President,our entire Nation would likely end up resembling Third World Democratic Hell-Holes like Detroit & Chicago. Sadly i'm being proven correct. :(
He he has lots of experience...he has voter fraud experience, rabble rousing experience, experience at fear mongering...
Now we're blaming Detroit on President Obama?

The fundamental issues that Detroit is dealing with go back way before President Obama's Administration.

Though it is worth noting that I'm willing to bet that all of those criticizing President Obama for Detroit's current state are all who were likely against the auto bailout. Anyone want to have a discussion about the condition of Detroit if the rest of the auto industry there died?
Hopey Changey Land...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjOfuPo_vzU]Obama Isn't Working: Chicago - YouTube[/ame]

Need i say more? See ya in 2012.
Now we're blaming Detroit on President Obama?

The fundamental issues that Detroit is dealing with go back way before President Obama's Administration.

Though it is worth noting that I'm willing to bet that all of those criticizing President Obama for Detroit's current state are all who were likely against the auto bailout. Anyone want to have a discussion about the condition of Detroit if the rest of the auto industry there died?

Guess not.
I remember when the right wing said let the automobile industry die. Their health care plan is "die quickly". Don't they have any positive ideas? Just one that doesn't include moving wealth to the top 3%?
America is burning and the President and Socialists keep on fiddling. Declaring War on 'Evil Business' and then expecting Job-Growth is just insanity. Time to look to 2012 for change.
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