Obama Declares He Will NOT Call for Halt To Seditious, Racist, Treasonous Anti-Trump Protests


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama Says He Won’t Call on Anti-Trump Protesters to Stop

Despite calls from Trump / Trump supporters for Hillary and Obama to call for the end of the on-going violent, racist, seditious protests, Barak Obama has declared he will do NO such thing.

This comes as a slight shock as he was the one who bragged just days ago how his administration and the American people would carry on the 'time-honored tradition' of 'a peaceful transition of power'.

'Peaceful is anything but what is happening. liberals are rioting, calling for the overthrow of the government, burning the American flag, calling for the racist murder of whites, and calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.

Obama is demonstrating that this is EXACTLY what he and Hillary wants.

Prior to the election it was exposed that the Hillary campaign had been funneling money to groups who PAID people to instigate violence at GOP / Trump rallies and to violently attack and bloody Trump supporters. It was also proven that Obama had met with the Organizer hired to run all of it at the WH over 60 times. So, Hillary - the DNC's Candidate - and the President of the United States were implicated in coordinating on a plan to incite violence and intimidation against the American people in an attempt to effect the outcome of the Presidential election.

In the aftermath of the election, President Obama now refuses comply with a request to call for the seditious, subversive, racist, violent acts of Liberals / Hillary-supporters to end.

He helped instigate this shit, and now the man who helped turn this country into a 3rd world banana republic doesn't want it to end!

Obama Says He Won’t Call on Anti-Trump Protesters to Stop

Rather than act to stop it, he actually justified it:

“I wouldn’t advise them to be silent...All presidents face protests"

What a POS!
Just more proof that he and his administration including Hillary are traitors to the country. That would also include those that knowingly support and voted for the pieces of shit.
It's Treason to speak out against czar , I mean "president" Trump ??

Trump has a mouth . Why doesn't he speak to the protesters? Obama didn't get the people riled up . Trump did .
Why am I not surprised?

It won't matter soon. It's getting colder and these liberal pussies are too chicken shit to start anything.

But I'm ready...
They have every right to protest. No right to violently protest. Where is the proof that these are professional protesters? Isn't that just another lie from the Gropers Camp?

Liars got to lie. It's in their nature. Red.
It's Treason to speak out against czar , I mean "president" Trump ??

Trump has a mouth . Why doesn't he speak to the protesters? Obama didn't get the people riled up . Trump did .
He spoke to his supporters and told them to stop any violence. The haters making fools of themselves in the streets aren't going to listen to him, that's obvious, so what again is the problem here?

Obama and Hillary are NOT interested in continuing one of the most unique customs this country has enjoyed, the regular, peaceful transition of power.
Obama Says He Won’t Call on Anti-Trump Protesters to Stop

Despite calls from Trump / Trump supporters for Hillary and Obama to call for the end of the on-going violent, racist, seditious protests, Barak Obama has declared he will do NO such thing.!


You mean like when Donald Trump spent 5 years saying that President Obama was not born in the United States and tried to undermine his Presidency?
Obama Says He Won’t Call on Anti-Trump Protesters to Stop

Despite calls from Trump / Trump supporters for Hillary and Obama to call for the end of the on-going violent, racist, seditious protests, Barak Obama has declared he will do NO such thing.!


You mean like when Donald Trump spent 5 years saying that President Obama was not born in the United States and tried to undermine his Presidency?
did Trump riot? did people get killed or beat up?
can you link to the proof of these things?
Obama and Hillary are NOT interested in continuing one of the most unique customs this country has enjoyed, the regular, peaceful transition of power.

That is rather hilarious considering that for 5 years Donald Trump attempted to undermine the legitimacy of the President by questioning his eligibility.

Barack Obama has done absolutely nothing to encourage any protests- and unlike Donald Trump he has not attempted to question the legitimacy of President elect- Trump.
Obama Says He Won’t Call on Anti-Trump Protesters to Stop

Despite calls from Trump / Trump supporters for Hillary and Obama to call for the end of the on-going violent, racist, seditious protests, Barak Obama has declared he will do NO such thing.!


You mean like when Donald Trump spent 5 years saying that President Obama was not born in the United States and tried to undermine his Presidency?
did Trump riot? did people get killed or beat up?
can you link to the proof of these things?

If if it is 'seditious' to protest the election of Donald Trump, then it was seditious when Donald Trump questioned the legitimacy of President Obama.

If it is 'racist' to protest the election of Donald Trump, then it was certainly racist when Donald Trump questioned the legitimacy of President Obama.

I don't support any violence- and neither has President Obama. But unlike Donald Trump, I have not questioned the legitimacy of any elected President.
Obama and Hillary are NOT interested in continuing one of the most unique customs this country has enjoyed, the regular, peaceful transition of power.

That is rather hilarious considering that for 5 years Donald Trump attempted to undermine the legitimacy of the President by questioning his eligibility.

Barack Obama has done absolutely nothing to encourage any protests- and unlike Donald Trump he has not attempted to question the legitimacy of President elect- Trump.
Irrelevant on its face. Trump explicitly commanded his supporters to stop any violence while Obama has remained silent. Obama has used the bully pulpit in the past to demand that his opponents settle down and not hurt anyone, so we know he pays at least some attention. His (and Hillary's) silence is an encouragement.
C'mon, would anyone really expect Our Kenyan President to do a single thing that might diminish His legacy of race war?

Hey if Steve Bannon isnt responsible for the garbage printed by his company then good luck trying to place the blame of protesters at the feet of Obama. He's not even the CEO lol
Obie's hair is on fire (and a very short flash fire it is) as his legacy gotz shredded. Loser libs, tho', are free to contribute to his library in order to falsify real history.
Right wing hypocrisy at its finest, this is still America wingnuts, freedom still exists. Hope they protest till he gets impeached.
Right wing hypocrisy at its finest, this is still America wingnuts, freedom still exists. Hope they protest till he gets impeached.
Protest, sure. Hurt people and destroy property, not so much. The bottom line, though, since Trump was duly elected according to the law, is that they're not really protesting Trump. They're protesting their fellow Americans, who didn't agree with them. It might be instructive for them to remember that when they make nuisances out of themselves.

And, of course, this sets a precedent. How many of the poor dears rioting right now are going to be happy when (God forbid) another democrat is elected and some opposing radicals go on a tear like these are?

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