Obama Confesses - Birthers Right All Along!!!


Gold Member
Dec 26, 2010
Bombshell - Obama can't live the lie any longer!!!!
US President Barack Obama has revealed why Donald Trump hates him - it goes back to their childhood days in Kenya.

"We had constant run-ins on the soccer fields," Mr Obama told Tonight Show host Jay Leno. "He wasn't very good and resented it. When we finally moved to America, I thought it would be over."

Read more: 'We grew up together in Kenya': Obama jokes about Trump on TV
'We grew up together in Kenya': Obama jokes about Trump on TV
oh brother..I am sick of hearing from this stupid man..

The country and people are suffering and he is running around making jokes..what a guy

Bombshell - Obama can't live the lie any longer!!!!
US President Barack Obama has revealed why Donald Trump hates him - it goes back to their childhood days in Kenya.

"We had constant run-ins on the soccer fields," Mr Obama told Tonight Show host Jay Leno. "He wasn't very good and resented it. When we finally moved to America, I thought it would be over."

Read more: 'We grew up together in Kenya': Obama jokes about Trump on TV
'We grew up together in Kenya': Obama jokes about Trump on TV

just about any day now, until the inauguration, obama will probably admit that his past is made up, at least part of it.
Bombshell - Obama can't live the lie any longer!!!!
US President Barack Obama has revealed why Donald Trump hates him - it goes back to their childhood days in Kenya.

"We had constant run-ins on the soccer fields," Mr Obama told Tonight Show host Jay Leno. "He wasn't very good and resented it. When we finally moved to America, I thought it would be over."

Read more: 'We grew up together in Kenya': Obama jokes about Trump on TV
'We grew up together in Kenya': Obama jokes about Trump on TV

just about any day now, until the inauguration, obama will probably admit that his past is made up, at least part of it.
Not a chance. He'd wind up in Fort Leavenworth Federal Prison, which is where he very well may end up at some point in the future. But it won't be until he's out of office, then the flood gates open and people that have been covering for him all these years start to spill their guts, and court orders will over ride his executive orders that have kept the vast majority of his personal records hidden. Just be patient, his day IS coming.
Bombshell - Obama can't live the lie any longer!!!!

'We grew up together in Kenya': Obama jokes about Trump on TV

just about any day now, until the inauguration, obama will probably admit that his past is made up, at least part of it.
Not a chance. He'd wind up in Fort Leavenworth Federal Prison, which is where he very well may end up at some point in the future. But it won't be until he's out of office, then the flood gates open and people that have been covering for him all these years start to spill their guts, and court orders will over ride his executive orders that have kept the vast majority of his personal records hidden. Just be patient, his day IS coming.

why wouldn't he admit whatever he's hiding ? now presidents can lie and cheat, and it's fine. he could say what it was, (e.g. "i really have been friends will bill and bernardine for years", or "yes i do remember reverend wright saying those kinds of things in those tenty years at church".)

soon everyone will forget benghazi, and the supreme court doesn't care where the hell anyone is born.... i'd say it's the right time, then he can work on his communist manafesto legacy.:eusa_eh: this press will (already has) build him up to be the greatest president since lincoln, washington, and john jay. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_the_Continental_Congress)

if obamavich pulls a morsi (egypt) or chavez (venezuela) I may even vote for him in a fifth or sixth term... (there is only obama). he could be dear leader for life... bet the reverend wright and (saul alinsky) would have liked that.
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oh brother..I am sick of hearing from this stupid man..

The country and people are suffering and he is running around making jokes..what a guy


I have never actually seen Donald Trump working. You're right; he is stupid.

so he's just like you, only successful ??

nice try C H

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OWuEd81YMa4]BREAKING! Sheriff Arpaio - FULL STEAM AHEAD with BHO Investigation - Surprises COMING! - YouTube[/ame]
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Now that the phony Benghazi non-scandal has collapsed, as predicted, the cranks don't know what to do. FOX/Drudge hasn't spoonfed them a new phony scandal to rave about, so they're recycling old nonsense.
Bombshell - Obama can't live the lie any longer!!!!

'We grew up together in Kenya': Obama jokes about Trump on TV

just about any day now, until the inauguration, obama will probably admit that his past is made up, at least part of it.
Not a chance. He'd wind up in Fort Leavenworth Federal Prison, which is where he very well may end up at some point in the future. But it won't be until he's out of office, then the flood gates open and people that have been covering for him all these years start to spill their guts, and court orders will over ride his executive orders that have kept the vast majority of his personal records hidden. Just be patient, his day IS coming.


Bombshell - Obama can't live the lie any longer!!!!

'We grew up together in Kenya': Obama jokes about Trump on TV

just about any day now, until the inauguration, obama will probably admit that his past is made up, at least part of it.
Not a chance. He'd wind up in Fort Leavenworth Federal Prison, which is where he very well may end up at some point in the future. But it won't be until he's out of office, then the flood gates open and people that have been covering for him all these years start to spill their guts, and court orders will over ride his executive orders that have kept the vast majority of his personal records hidden. Just be patient, his day IS coming.

The only way he will ever wind up in prison is when the american people get off their asses to fight and take their country back.Thats something thats long overdue.should have happened DECADES ago.

The fact that it STILL hasnt despite how the politicians have ruined the country and driven it into the ground and the sheople just sit around while they constantly take more and more of our freedoms away from us every year year after year,I just dont ever see that happening in the near future. every president we have had the last 50 years has committed atrocities against the american people and gotten away with it.

there is one different law for politicians especially presidents,than there is for us.they commit crimes everyday we could never get away with and until we get a third party president in office who will follow the constitution and serve the people instead of wall street and the zionists,thats never going to happen under this current corrupt two party system.

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