obama birth certificate forgery headed to U.S. Congress


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
like edison, it's taken our government a while to tee this up. the birth certificate is a fake, what else did they try to slide past us, we cuaght them at benghazi too.

The Evidence That Obama's Birth Certificate Is 'Fake' Is Heading To Congress

The atmosphere in Washington will be different under Trump, who will be inaugurated Jan. 20, since he publicly questioned Obama’s birth certificate in 2011. During this election season, he stated he now believes Obama was born in Hawaii.

But at a news conference Thursday, Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the only law enforcement officer to formally investigate the allegations of fraud, presented evidence that the image of the birth document posted by the White House was fraudulent.

One thing seems certain: The evidence will have to go elsewhere for action to be taken, since Arpaio, known as “America’s toughest sheriff” and innovator of such jail amenities as pink underwear and surplus Army tents in the desert heat for jail inmates, is leaving office Jan. 1 after more than two decades serving Phoenix-area residents, who had asked him for the birth certificate investigation.

His replacement already has stated, CBS News reported, that he “will cut off Arpaio’s investigation into Obama’s birth certificate.”

Mike Zullo, Arpaio’s lead investigator since 2011 on the birth certificate issue, told WND he wants to get the evidence to members of Congress for evaluation. It could support a Presidential Transparency Act, which would give secretaries of state across the nation the authority to investigate candidates with suspect qualifications.

Look. Lets say Congress determines that indeed the meat puppet faggot was born in Kenya during a satanic ritual.

What then?

Does he go to prison? Does the one law he actually signed go away? Do we get some money back?

This BC issue isn't even a dead horse.

You are kicking piles of dogshit from the dogs who ate the bones of the dead horse.

Give it a rest.

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you can, and you can fine tune your phobias and bigotry. that's not what we birthers are about.
you can, and you can fine tune your phobias and bigotry. that's not what we birthers are about.

Then what are you about?

At this point you people look almost as stupid as the bed wetters, and it reflects poorly on those who oppose the moonbat messiah for legitimate political reasons.

He's GONE in a month.

Even IF you're right nothing changes.
you can, and you can fine tune your phobias and bigotry. that's not what we birthers are about.

Then what are you about?

At this point you people look almost as stupid as the bed wetters, and it reflects poorly on those who oppose the moonbat messiah for legitimate political reasons.

He's GONE in a month.

Even IF you're right nothing changes.

He is a bedwetter.
and where str
If I had a 1960's typewriter still sitting around, hey I could make a birth certificate too!!

A coherent post however seems much to much to look forward to.[/QUOT
and where are the photos of Obama playing on the beaches of Hawaii from ages 2 to 4?

I guess that's your turd to polish pard. I don’t care at all. He was president for two terms, now it’s over, case closed, moved on. You boys could never make it stick.
you can, and you can fine tune your phobias and bigotry. that's not what we birthers are about.

Then what are you about?

At this point you people look almost as stupid as the bed wetters, and it reflects poorly on those who oppose the moonbat messiah for legitimate political reasons.

He's GONE in a month.

Even IF you're right nothing changes.
everyone thought this would end with obama's term. i want to know everything there is to know about it. btw, i'll bet you a nickel that someone in your family is gay.
you can, and you can fine tune your phobias and bigotry. that's not what we birthers are about.

Then what are you about?

At this point you people look almost as stupid as the bed wetters, and it reflects poorly on those who oppose the moonbat messiah for legitimate political reasons.

He's GONE in a month.

Even IF you're right nothing changes.
everyone thought this would end with obama's term. i want to know everything there is to know about it. btw, i'll bet you a nickel that someone in your family is gay.

This is no way to ask for an introduction.
everyone thought this would end with obama's term. i want to know everything there is to know about it. btw, i'll bet you a nickel that someone in your family is gay.

Actually there are 2 queers in the extended family.

I don't see how that makes a difference.

I just want the meat puppet faggot to go away. I don't care how he got here, I don't care where he goes from here. Nothing he did is going to be fixed because of the BC issue.

I'm sure his real father was a communist agitator named Frank Marshal Davis, and his whore mother was a red diaper baby.

Makes no difference. I'm celebrating his exit from the WH and I will celebrate the day he dies.

If the guy who sat in the whitehouse was a fraud, we are entitled to know it. Its that simple.

Arpaio seems to have some evidence of counterfeiting. Bring it out, get it reviewed by unbiased experts and put it to bed forever. What are you dems and libs afraid of?

Look. Lets say Congress determines that indeed the meat puppet faggot was born in Kenya during a satanic ritual.

What then?

Does he go to prison? Does the one law he actually signed go away? Do we get some money back?

This BC issue isn't even a dead horse.

You are kicking piles of dogshit from the dogs who ate the bones of the dead horse.

Give it a rest.
He'd lose all hope as he would lose the taxpayers paying for his security, retirement, etc...
you can, and you can fine tune your phobias and bigotry. that's not what we birthers are about.

Then what are you about?

At this point you people look almost as stupid as the bed wetters, and it reflects poorly on those who oppose the moonbat messiah for legitimate political reasons.

He's GONE in a month.

Even IF you're right nothing changes.
But it will delegitimize his entire presidency. Every bill he signed into law like the ACA, every Executive order, all of it gone.
But it will delegitimize his entire presidency. Every bill he signed into law like the ACA, every Executive order, all of it gone.

Under what precedent?

Why would anything be undone?

I'm not arguing in the meat puppet faggot's favor here, don't get me wrong. I'd love to see him in prison and all the money he received taken back.

It ain't going to happen. If the democrooks would protect Ted Kennedy after he killed a woman, they'll fight to the death for their moonbat messiah.

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