Obama apprenticeship program misspent $155M of $175M: Labor Dept. watchdog


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The feds waste so much money. A full forensic accounting and holding people responsible should occur. It won't thigh, they'll just print more money.

Look! A squirrel.

This week's Golden Horseshoe is awarded to the Department of Labor for $175 million in grants through the Obama administration's American Apprenticeship Initiative — $155 million of which could have been put to better use, according to a recent audit by the department's Office of Inspector General.

The AAI was touted by President Obama as a way to, among other things, reduce the need for foreign workers under H-1B visas by training more than 34,000 Americans with expanded apprenticeships in growing industries such as health care, IT and advanced manufacturing.

The OIG found that DOL's Employment and Training Administration failed to align apprenticeships with the program's occupational targets and the initiative failed as a result to achieve its intended goals.

"Most apprenticeships (88.5%) did not meet the specialty occupation criteria for H-1B visas, and, often, they were not in occupations using H-1B visas," the audit found. "As a result, ETA will have difficulty demonstrating the program has helped reduce the U.S. need for foreign workers under the H-1B visa program.

"Instead, ETA could have put more than $155 million in funds to better use by having grantees create apprenticeships that either start in H-1B occupations or have career pathways leading to H-1B occupations at the end of the apprenticeship."
The "ETA did not sufficiently plan the program goals, metrics, and the reporting system," the watchdog found.
In addition, the audit determined that ETA violated federal law and neglected to maintain accurate data.


"Could have been put to better use"? What's that supposes to mean? I believe the billions we wasted in Afghanistan could have been put to a better use also.
Could have been put to better use"? What's that supposes to mean? I

The AAI was touted by President Obama as a way to, among other things, reduce the need for foreign workers under H-1B visas by training more than 34,000 Americans with expanded apprenticeships in growing industries such as health care, IT and advanced manufacturing

So it seems the gripe is that while people received apprenticeships and valuable job skills, they were not necessarily reducing the need for H-1B visas. Seems the training was in “other things”
H1-B is a parlor game for lawyers, who creatively "prove" that only some fukkin' foreigner can do the work that in fact could be easily done by a American, but at higher cost than the foreigner.

Of course, any Democrat "jobs" program is destined for failure, as so few Democrats have ever actually had a real job, and they know nothing of how it works. This is why you hear these idiots complaining that "You can't support a family on $11.50 an hour from WalMart."
"Could have been put to better use"? What's that supposes to mean? I believe the billions we wasted in Afghanistan could have been put to a better use also.

Yeah, Especially the $85 Billion in weapons we left for them and the next $65 Billion in aide that will NOT be spent helping the afghan people.
With all the cash non-Whites receive in government waste like this, ghetto lotteries (when a chimp ass monkey attacks a cop, gets shot and "relatives" receive millions), and straight up corruption and theft of taxpayer dollars, why is it there is still evidence none-Whites can build anything?
H1-B is a parlor game for lawyers, who creatively "prove" that only some fukkin' foreigner can do the work.....
Why is it "fukkin' foreigner"? Your family was the "fukking foreigners" once, ya know.
H1-B is a parlor game for lawyers, who creatively "prove" that only some ...... foreigner can do the work that in fact could be easily done by a American, but at higher cost than the foreigner.
That is not how an H1-B visa works.

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