Obama Admits US Role in 2014 Ukraine Coup


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
In an interview with CNN journalist Fareed Zakaria, Barack Obama has openly admitted that the US had “brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine”
Obama on Russian relations - CNN Video

Who`s surprised? So this is for what he was awarded the Peace Prize...
When the President, his Administration, and Congress no longer hide their illegal activities and openly boast about them, then they no longer fear the legal ramifications, nor political ramifications from the Laws of the United States, or from the Citizens of the US
Nothing was done that was illegal. It is not illegal for governments to have discussions and offer opinions to each other. For a government to tell another government that if they take certain actions or make certain decisions they will receive certain trade agreements and various kinds of support is not illegal according to international law and is accepted as diplomatic bargaining. It is how international relations are handled instead of violence and war. Russia has chosen war. Ukrainian people rejected the deal their government attempted to make with Russia for trade and diplomacy and Russia answered by creating a war and invading Ukraine. What Russia did was illegal and what Russia continues to do is illegal. No amount of excuses can change the fact that Russia is supporting and encouraging people who are not Ukraine citizens to enter Ukraine across Russian borders for the purpose of killing Ukraine citizens.
So you think this is the first instance of this ever happening?? So naive..I bet every president has done it...
In an interview with CNN journalist Fareed Zakaria, Barack Obama has openly admitted that the US had “brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine”
Obama on Russian relations - CNN Video

Who`s surprised? So this is for what he was awarded the Peace Prize...
When the President, his Administration, and Congress no longer hide their illegal activities and openly boast about them, then they no longer fear the legal ramifications, nor political ramifications from the Laws of the United States, or from the Citizens of the US

What was illegal? Be specific.
Everywhere he has interfered has ended in chaos.

Egypt. Obama and the west gave them Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptians now hate America more than any other country on the planet. Thank heavens the Egyptians came to their senses and removed Obama's puppet from office and stopped the slaughter of Christian Coptics by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Next up Libya. Descended into a dogs breakfast with jihadist pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Then we have Syria. Not content to fuck up Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood Obama and the West decided Assad needed to go and were funnelling weapons and monies to terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Special. Opened the door for ISIS.

Completely fucked up Iraq by not jumping in when ISIS invaded and they retain the city of Mosul and other territories.

Yemen. Another one bites the dust.

The Ukraine. Backing an illegal coup and a removal of a duly elected President and government that was unconstitutional and the Ukraine is now a civil war zone.

What a fucking douche bag Obama and the rest of the western leaders are for not minding their own freaking business and tending to their own multiple and numerous issues in their own countries.
Everywhere he has interfered has ended in chaos.

Egypt. Obama and the west gave them Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptians now hate America more than any other country on the planet. Thank heavens the Egyptians came to their senses and removed Obama's puppet from office and stopped the slaughter of Christian Coptics by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Next up Libya. Descended into a dogs breakfast with jihadist pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Then we have Syria. Not content to fuck up Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood Obama and the West decided Assad needed to go and were funnelling weapons and monies to terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Special. Opened the door for ISIS.

Completely fucked up Iraq by not jumping in when ISIS invaded and they retain the city of Mosul and other territories.

Yemen. Another one bites the dust.

The Ukraine. Backing an illegal coup and a removal of a duly elected President and government that was unconstitutional and the Ukraine is now a civil war zone.

What a fucking douche bag Obama and the rest of the western leaders are for not minding their own freaking business and tending to their own multiple and numerous issues in their own countries.

Yes, Obama and Putin are both douche bags.

Putin should still pull the Russian troops out of Ukraine.
Everywhere he has interfered has ended in chaos.

Egypt. Obama and the west gave them Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptians now hate America more than any other country on the planet. Thank heavens the Egyptians came to their senses and removed Obama's puppet from office and stopped the slaughter of Christian Coptics by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Next up Libya. Descended into a dogs breakfast with jihadist pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Then we have Syria. Not content to fuck up Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood Obama and the West decided Assad needed to go and were funnelling weapons and monies to terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Special. Opened the door for ISIS.

Completely fucked up Iraq by not jumping in when ISIS invaded and they retain the city of Mosul and other territories.

Yemen. Another one bites the dust.

The Ukraine. Backing an illegal coup and a removal of a duly elected President and government that was unconstitutional and the Ukraine is now a civil war zone.

What a fucking douche bag Obama and the rest of the western leaders are for not minding their own freaking business and tending to their own multiple and numerous issues in their own countries.

Yes, Obama and Putin are both douche bags.

Putin should still pull the Russian troops out of Ukraine.
Meanwhile the US bombed how many countries in 2014? Libya, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Oman, and Ukraine.

These are the ones we know about too....just off the top of my head.

Oh don't forget that in 2010 the US caused millions of dollars of damages to Iran's nuclear program which has never once crossed the international redline of 19.5% grade uranium.

So despite having broken no laws Iran was unjustifiably attacked by an out of control imperialist psychopath.
Everywhere he has interfered has ended in chaos.

Egypt. Obama and the west gave them Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptians now hate America more than any other country on the planet. Thank heavens the Egyptians came to their senses and removed Obama's puppet from office and stopped the slaughter of Christian Coptics by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Next up Libya. Descended into a dogs breakfast with jihadist pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Then we have Syria. Not content to fuck up Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood Obama and the West decided Assad needed to go and were funnelling weapons and monies to terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Special. Opened the door for ISIS.

Completely fucked up Iraq by not jumping in when ISIS invaded and they retain the city of Mosul and other territories.

Yemen. Another one bites the dust.

The Ukraine. Backing an illegal coup and a removal of a duly elected President and government that was unconstitutional and the Ukraine is now a civil war zone.

What a fucking douche bag Obama and the rest of the western leaders are for not minding their own freaking business and tending to their own multiple and numerous issues in their own countries.

Yes, Obama and Putin are both douche bags.

Putin should still pull the Russian troops out of Ukraine.
Meanwhile the US bombed how many countries in 2014? Libya, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Oman, and Ukraine.

These are the ones we know about too....just off the top of my head.

Oh don't forget that in 2010 the US caused millions of dollars of damages to Iran's nuclear program which has never once crossed the international redline of 19.5% grade uranium.

So despite having broken no laws Iran was unjustifiably attacked by an out of control imperialist psychopath.

Damn, that Obama sure does break the law a LOT. I thought he was going to bring new understanding and love for America when he was elected. What happened?
Everywhere he has interfered has ended in chaos.

Egypt. Obama and the west gave them Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptians now hate America more than any other country on the planet. Thank heavens the Egyptians came to their senses and removed Obama's puppet from office and stopped the slaughter of Christian Coptics by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Next up Libya. Descended into a dogs breakfast with jihadist pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Then we have Syria. Not content to fuck up Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood Obama and the West decided Assad needed to go and were funnelling weapons and monies to terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Special. Opened the door for ISIS.

Completely fucked up Iraq by not jumping in when ISIS invaded and they retain the city of Mosul and other territories.

Yemen. Another one bites the dust.

The Ukraine. Backing an illegal coup and a removal of a duly elected President and government that was unconstitutional and the Ukraine is now a civil war zone.

What a fucking douche bag Obama and the rest of the western leaders are for not minding their own freaking business and tending to their own multiple and numerous issues in their own countries.

Yes, Obama and Putin are both douche bags.

Putin should still pull the Russian troops out of Ukraine.
Meanwhile the US bombed how many countries in 2014? Libya, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Oman, and Ukraine.

These are the ones we know about too....just off the top of my head.

Oh don't forget that in 2010 the US caused millions of dollars of damages to Iran's nuclear program which has never once crossed the international redline of 19.5% grade uranium.

So despite having broken no laws Iran was unjustifiably attacked by an out of control imperialist psychopath.

Damn, that Obama sure does break the law a LOT. I thought he was going to bring new understanding and love for America when he was elected. What happened?
Well a little thing called slavery happened. And slavery turned ordinary white men into psychotic jealous assholes who thought any attempt to control their slaves was infringement upon their property rights.

Fast forward to today and those same assholes run everything and put people like Obama and Bush in power to make our democracy look "real" but the US has had the same asshole policy since the 1890s.

You know...since the US killed half a million Filipinos and Cubans to add them to our empire.

Did you know the US ran gunboats as far as 700 miles up the Yangtze river in the "Yangtze RIVER patrol" from 1840 to 1942?

Yup ..for 100 years the US bombed China...and by 1920 there were 21 cruisers and battle ships in the Yangtze river patrol.

The Chinese hate us more than they hate Japan...they are just more polite about it because they know to kill a Tiger takes patience.

Someday the US will fall ill and China...And Germany...and Japan and Russia and etc will for the first time in history unite and probably gladly kill every last American in an orgy or vengeance for what we have done.

They will make us remember and probably even set up education camps just for that purpose.
Everywhere he has interfered has ended in chaos.

Egypt. Obama and the west gave them Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptians now hate America more than any other country on the planet. Thank heavens the Egyptians came to their senses and removed Obama's puppet from office and stopped the slaughter of Christian Coptics by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Next up Libya. Descended into a dogs breakfast with jihadist pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Then we have Syria. Not content to fuck up Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood Obama and the West decided Assad needed to go and were funnelling weapons and monies to terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Special. Opened the door for ISIS.

Completely fucked up Iraq by not jumping in when ISIS invaded and they retain the city of Mosul and other territories.

Yemen. Another one bites the dust.

The Ukraine. Backing an illegal coup and a removal of a duly elected President and government that was unconstitutional and the Ukraine is now a civil war zone.

What a fucking douche bag Obama and the rest of the western leaders are for not minding their own freaking business and tending to their own multiple and numerous issues in their own countries.

Yes, Obama and Putin are both douche bags.

Putin should still pull the Russian troops out of Ukraine.
Meanwhile the US bombed how many countries in 2014? Libya, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Oman, and Ukraine.

These are the ones we know about too....just off the top of my head.

Oh don't forget that in 2010 the US caused millions of dollars of damages to Iran's nuclear program which has never once crossed the international redline of 19.5% grade uranium.

So despite having broken no laws Iran was unjustifiably attacked by an out of control imperialist psychopath.

So despite having broken no laws Iran was unjustifiably attacked by an out of control imperialist psychopath.

We should have bombed Iran too.
I will not just bash America alone. I'm a dual citizen and damn proud of it. AND I have consistently ripped the Canadian, British, French, German leaders over the illegal coup and unconstitutional ousting of the Ukrainian President and government and other foreign policy mega blunders of late.

I'm so pissed off at my Conservative government backing this coup in the Ukraine and helping set in motion this civil war that I am ready to walk out on them and my husband and I move to the loyal opposition.

We've been party members since Brian Mulroney. 30 freaking years as loyal and active conservative party members.

For the US or Canada or any EU member to bitch about the possibility of Russia arming the rebels is the height of hypocrisy.
In an interview with CNN journalist Fareed Zakaria, Barack Obama has openly admitted that the US had “brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine”
Obama on Russian relations - CNN Video

Who`s surprised? So this is for what he was awarded the Peace Prize...
When the President, his Administration, and Congress no longer hide their illegal activities and openly boast about them, then they no longer fear the legal ramifications, nor political ramifications from the Laws of the United States, or from the Citizens of the US
Well we did broker a deal to put off any real decisions by the Ukraine govt until elections were held ... but the Maiden protestors didn't abide by the deal we tried to broker.
I will not just bash America alone. I'm a dual citizen and damn proud of it. AND I have consistently ripped the Canadian, British, French, German leaders over the illegal coup and unconstitutional ousting of the Ukrainian President and government and other foreign policy mega blunders of late.

I'm so pissed off at my Conservative government backing this coup in the Ukraine and helping set in motion this civil war that I am ready to walk out on them and my husband and I move to the loyal opposition.

We've been party members since Brian Mulroney. 30 freaking years as loyal and active conservative party members.

For the US or Canada or any EU member to bitch about the possibility of Russia arming the rebels is the height of hypocrisy.

Ukrainians ousted Putin's puppet, Obama did not.
Russia isn't just arming the rebels, Russian troops are in Ukraine, just as they were in Crimea.
Putin lied about troops in Crimea too.
More Globalist Elite meddling. The coup in Kiev was illegal and was supported for the most part by the U.S. and Great Britain. But of course they've pinned the whole mess on Putin and the Russians. Go figure? The deadly debacle began with the illegal coup in Kiev. But most Americans only know the corrupt Government/Corporate Media story.

And now, VP Biden and his little brat son get richer over there. Just another Globalist Elite scam. How much American Taxpayer cash is gonna get flushed over there while Biden and his brat get richer? Bet it's gonna be a whole lot. Stay tuned.
A couple dirty little secrets the corrupt American Government/Corporate Media isn't telling Americans... The current Ukrainian Government that our Government put in there, is infested with Neo-Nazi loons and has murdered untold numbers of innocent civilians in this war. But hey, VP Biden and his brat son gotta get richer, right? Follow the money. Always follow the money.
I will not just bash America alone. I'm a dual citizen and damn proud of it. AND I have consistently ripped the Canadian, British, French, German leaders over the illegal coup and unconstitutional ousting of the Ukrainian President and government and other foreign policy mega blunders of late.

I'm so pissed off at my Conservative government backing this coup in the Ukraine and helping set in motion this civil war that I am ready to walk out on them and my husband and I move to the loyal opposition.

We've been party members since Brian Mulroney. 30 freaking years as loyal and active conservative party members.

For the US or Canada or any EU member to bitch about the possibility of Russia arming the rebels is the height of hypocrisy.

Ukrainians ousted Putin's puppet, Obama did not.
Russia isn't just arming the rebels, Russian troops are in Ukraine, just as they were in Crimea.
Putin lied about troops in Crimea too.

The Ukrainian people didn't oust the President. The opposition ousted the President.

And it doesn't matter if he was pro Russia versus pro NATO. Fuck this noise that oooooooooohhh he had to be Putin's puppet.


Hell's bells the US has puppets world wide too. Cut that crap because now the US and the west has a puppet in the President of the Ukraine.

Now back to the 2012 democratic election. Viktor Yanukovich was elected fair and square by a majority of Ukrainians.

They are more polarized in the Ukraine than we are. This map shows how the people of the east elected him en masse.

See the pink opposition? That is who overthrew the President of the Ukraine.

Not all Ukrainians.

The losers in that election. The assholes NATO backs.

Surely anyone checking out this map could understand why the citizens of eastern Ukraine are freaking pissed right off that the West threw out THEIR PRESIDENT.

Get it? Now they really really hate Kiev and the sons of bitches.

It should be a no mother trucking brainer that the east wants nothing to do with the bastards who flushed the people they voted for down the freaking drain.

Russia doesn't have to coerce the rebels. These men and women want nothing to do with American bought pigs in Kiev.

Not all Ukrainians. Just the losers in the last election. This was a coup by the opposition. Not one protest in the east.

More Globalist Elite meddling. The coup in Kiev was illegal and was supported for the most part by the U.S. and Great Britain. But of course they've pinned the whole mess on Putin and the Russians. Go figure? The deadly debacle began with the illegal coup in Kiev. But most Americans only know the corrupt Government/Corporate Media story.

And now, VP Biden and his little brat son get richer over there. Just another Globalist Elite scam. How much American Taxpayer cash is gonna get flushed over there while Biden and his brat get richer? Bet it's gonna be a whole lot. Stay tuned.

The coup in Kiev was illegal

Yes, it was very sad when Putin's puppet got the boot.

But of course they've pinned the whole mess on Putin and the Russians.

Well, Putin and the Russians did invade.
I will not just bash America alone. I'm a dual citizen and damn proud of it. AND I have consistently ripped the Canadian, British, French, German leaders over the illegal coup and unconstitutional ousting of the Ukrainian President and government and other foreign policy mega blunders of late.

I'm so pissed off at my Conservative government backing this coup in the Ukraine and helping set in motion this civil war that I am ready to walk out on them and my husband and I move to the loyal opposition.

We've been party members since Brian Mulroney. 30 freaking years as loyal and active conservative party members.

For the US or Canada or any EU member to bitch about the possibility of Russia arming the rebels is the height of hypocrisy.

Ukrainians ousted Putin's puppet, Obama did not.
Russia isn't just arming the rebels, Russian troops are in Ukraine, just as they were in Crimea.
Putin lied about troops in Crimea too.

The Ukrainian people didn't oust the President. The opposition ousted the President.

And it doesn't matter if he was pro Russia versus pro NATO. Fuck this noise that oooooooooohhh he had to be Putin's puppet.


Hell's bells the US has puppets world wide too. Cut that crap because now the US and the west has a puppet in the President of the Ukraine.

Now back to the 2012 democratic election. Viktor Yanukovich was elected fair and square by a majority of Ukrainians.

They are more polarized in the Ukraine than we are. This map shows how the people of the east elected him en masse.

See the pink opposition? That is who overthrew the President of the Ukraine.

Not all Ukrainians.

The losers in that election. The assholes NATO backs.

Surely anyone checking out this map could understand why the citizens of eastern Ukraine are freaking pissed right off that the West threw out THEIR PRESIDENT.

Get it? Now they really really hate Kiev and the sons of bitches.

It should be a no mother trucking brainer that the east wants nothing to do with the bastards who flushed the people they voted for down the freaking drain.

Russia doesn't have to coerce the rebels. These men and women want nothing to do with American bought pigs in Kiev.


The Ukrainian people didn't oust the President. The opposition ousted the President.

There were no Ukrainian people in the opposition?

And it doesn't matter if he was pro Russia

It must have mattered to some of the protestors.

Now back to the 2012 democratic election. Viktor Yanukovich was elected fair and square by a majority of Ukrainians.

Yup. And then they booted him early. Why does that make you so sad? Is he family?

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