Obama admin will 'neither condemn nor condone' Egypt's attacks on ISIS


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The liberals here keep claiming that Obama is serious about going after ISIS, but the administration keeps indicating that they are not interested. Obama is only requesting approval for minimal effort from congress. He talks about the legitimate grievances of radicals and a spokeswoman says killing them is not the answer and we should focus on jobs. Obama also will not support the countries who are serious about going after the terrorists. He refuses to share intel with Jordan and others after they requested help and he won't support Egypt's effort in fighting ISIS. Maybe he needs to stop sympathizing with radicals and start sympathizing with the families of all the victims of ISIS's rampage against infidels.

Obama still insists that religion has nothing to do with the attacks despite Christians being targeted. I've lost count of how many gays have been beheaded and how many people were slaughtered for refusing to convert to Islam. Of course, when 3 Muslim students were murdered over a parking space dispute, then it was suddenly about religion at least until it was discovered that the murderer was a leftwing nut job. Obama seems interested in protecting Muslims and no one else. He sympathizes with them while ignoring the suffering of those unfortunate enough to meet up with this gang of savages.

Obama seemed supportive of Egypt only when the Muslim Brotherhood was ruling over the oppressed people. With them gone, he no longer cares about the plight of Egyptians. He is truly transparent, though not in the way he promised.

" Flaccid, cowardly, or sympathetic. Which is it?

Last week, we watched in horror as the Islamic terrorists who call themselves ISIS beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians on a beach in Libya.

Or, if you're a member of the Obama administration...

Last week, some random Egyptian civilians were killed by a mysterious organization that seems to adhere to no known ideology.

Now, Egypt (a country that is willing to acknowledge reality) has launched a series of intense retaliatory attacks upon various ISIS strongholds. Unfortunately, U.S. leadership doesn't appear to be quite sure that wiping ISIS out is such a smart move. Despite the fact that Egypt is an ally, and we're both allegedly fighting the same batch of militant Islamists, American leadership is either unable or unwilling to endorse Egypt's actions.

The Obama administration was given multiple chances Wednesday to endorse a longtime ally’s airstrikes on America’s biggest enemy at the moment, the so-called Islamic State. Over and over again, Obama’s aides declined to back Egypt’s military operation against ISIS.

..."We are neither condemning nor condoning" the Egyptian strikes, is all one U.S. official would tell The Daily Beast. "

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I'd comment, but not on a thread where caintv is the news source.

The Obama administration has been clear about being skeptical about going after ISIS. Either you agree or you don't.

Israel has legitimate grievances and Obama needs to stop his tantrums long enough to listen. The world doesn't revolve around Islam and it's goals.
from the source: In Washington, the White House condemned “the despicable and cowardly murder of 21 Egyptian citizens.” Obama officials added that the killings show “the urgent need for a political resolution to the conflict in Libya, the continuation of which only benefits terrorist groups.”
from the source: In Washington, the White House condemned “the despicable and cowardly murder of 21 Egyptian citizens.” Obama officials added that the killings show “the urgent need for a political resolution to the conflict in Libya, the continuation of which only benefits terrorist groups.”
...and who started the shit in Libya?
from the source: In Washington, the White House condemned “the despicable and cowardly murder of 21 Egyptian citizens.” Obama officials added that the killings show “the urgent need for a political resolution to the conflict in Libya, the continuation of which only benefits terrorist groups.”
...and who started the shit in Libya?
You have nothing of importance to say? If you do, say it.
from the source: In Washington, the White House condemned “the despicable and cowardly murder of 21 Egyptian citizens.” Obama officials added that the killings show “the urgent need for a political resolution to the conflict in Libya, the continuation of which only benefits terrorist groups.”
...and who started the shit in Libya?
You have nothing of importance to say? If you do, say it.
Your boy, Obama went into Libya...without the approval of Congress. That is important to know.


Libya s chaos is Obama s shame WashingtonExaminer.com

President Obama attacked Libya in 2011 without congressional authority, and then shirked any responsibility to help stabilize the country after deposing its dictator.

By 2013, Libya had become a chaotic hellhole mired in a permanent war. Today it is a new beachhead and recruiting ground for the Islamic State.

Obama’s illegal, ill-considered, and immoral drive-by war in Libya ought to be a permanent stain on his presidency. The recent video of masked ISIS killers beheading 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya deserves to be the emblem of this president’s rash foreign policy.

“There is no overstating the chaos of post-Qaddafi Libya,” writes veteran war journalist Jon Lee Anderson in the New Yorker. “Two competing governments claim legitimacy. Armed militias roam the streets. The electricity is frequently out of service, and most business is at a standstill….”

Thanks, Obozo!
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I'd comment, but not on a thread where caintv is the news source.
If the source is correct, why do you care who it is? I thought you had better sense.
The source is at best incomplete, and the OP is stinky bait.
The source merely states the same thing that one will see presented by all the reputable, honest news sources: Obama is a sympathetic, pathological appeaser of Muslims (because of his Muslim upbringing) and refuses to recognize that today's major threats and terrorism come from RADICAL MUSLIMS!

Obama is the epitome of a gutless, dishonest, professional politician with no interests whatsoever in TRUTH!
The first part mistakes that Obama needed congressional approval, and the second part is a lie. This is nothing more than ODS by Asaritis. Grow up.

"President Obama attacked Libya in 2011 without congressional authority, and then shirked any responsibility to help stabilize the country after deposing its dictator."

You would have blamed him as a neo-con if he had put troops in Libya. You blame him that he did not.
"Obutthurt has a failed policy on all things presidential." You would know deeply about butt hurt.
"Obutthurt has a failed policy on all things presidential." You would know deeply about butt hurt.

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