NYT Admits Police Were Ordered To Stand Down On January 6th


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

It Was All a Set Up: Even NYT
Admits Police Ordered to Stand
Down on January 6th – Yet the
DOJ and FBI Are Harassing and
Indicting Innocent Americans
Proving They are Corrupt

The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.

Pelosi refused Trump’s offer before that day for National Guard troops at the Capitol.

Director Wray continues to lie and say there was no evidence of Antifa at the Capitol that day.

Now THIS from the NY Times:

Breaking News: The Capitol Police were told not to use their most aggressive tactics ahead of the Jan. 6 riot despite warnings of violence in which “Congress itself is the target,” according to a new report by an internal investigator. Capitol Police Told to Hold Back on Riot Response on Jan. 6, Report Finds
— The New York Times (@nytimes)
April 14, 2021

Released evidence exposes the fact that Capitol Police actually opened Capitol doors for people to enter, and we have all seen the photos of Capitol Police leading rioters through the Capitol.

Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside. pic.twitter.com/OnSd3KGzz5
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) January 8, 2021

The whole thing was a SET-UP orchestrated / facilitated by our own criminal / Socialist corrupt govt that included Speaker of the House Pelosi and FBI Director Wray and the Police who were ordered to stand down and who facilitated the Capitol Breach.


It Was All a Set Up: Even NYT
Admits Police Ordered to Stand
Down on January 6th – Yet the
DOJ and FBI Are Harassing and
Indicting Innocent Americans
Proving They are Corrupt

The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.

Pelosi refused Trump’s offer before that day for National Guard troops at the Capitol.

Director Wray continues to lie and say there was no evidence of Antifa at the Capitol that day.

Now THIS from the NY Times:

Breaking News: The Capitol Police were told not to use their most aggressive tactics ahead of the Jan. 6 riot despite warnings of violence in which “Congress itself is the target,” according to a new report by an internal investigator. Capitol Police Told to Hold Back on Riot Response on Jan. 6, Report Finds
— The New York Times (@nytimes)
April 14, 2021

Released evidence exposes the fact that Capitol Police actually opened Capitol doors for people to enter, and we have all seen the photos of Capitol Police leading rioters through the Capitol.

Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside. pic.twitter.com/OnSd3KGzz5
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) January 8, 2021

The whole thing was a SET-UP orchestrated / facilitated by our own criminal / Socialist corrupt govt that included Speaker of the House Pelosi and FBI Director Wray and the Police who were ordered to stand down and who facilitated the Capitol Breach.

The times didn’t do it, Sergei. Donald’s government did.

go post in Pravda where your garbage belongs

It Was All a Set Up: Even NYT
Admits Police Ordered to Stand
Down on January 6th – Yet the
DOJ and FBI Are Harassing and
Indicting Innocent Americans
Proving They are Corrupt

The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.

Pelosi refused Trump’s offer before that day for National Guard troops at the Capitol.

Director Wray continues to lie and say there was no evidence of Antifa at the Capitol that day.

Now THIS from the NY Times:

Breaking News: The Capitol Police were told not to use their most aggressive tactics ahead of the Jan. 6 riot despite warnings of violence in which “Congress itself is the target,” according to a new report by an internal investigator. Capitol Police Told to Hold Back on Riot Response on Jan. 6, Report Finds
— The New York Times (@nytimes)
April 14, 2021

Released evidence exposes the fact that Capitol Police actually opened Capitol doors for people to enter, and we have all seen the photos of Capitol Police leading rioters through the Capitol.

Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside. pic.twitter.com/OnSd3KGzz5
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) January 8, 2021

The whole thing was a SET-UP orchestrated / facilitated by our own criminal / Socialist corrupt govt that included Speaker of the House Pelosi and FBI Director Wray and the Police who were ordered to stand down and who facilitated the Capitol Breach.

The times didn’t do it, Sergei. Donald’s government did.

go post in Pravda where your garbage belongs
Pelosi did it....she is in charge of the capitol police...they take direct orders from her...as if that's not scary enough...she has been known to create false flags when she has an opportunity...the rent a cops had plenty of time to organize and control these people...so why didn't they?....
The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.
Then they should have obeyed orders.

Cops are not soldiers.

Cops are not judges, jurors, or executioners.

Cops are not authorized to go into combat, wage war, or kill in the line of duty -- with the sole exception of self-defense -- the same as all other human beings who are entitled to keep and bear Arms -- without any infringement of that right -- by virtue of the Constitution.
The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.
Then they should have obeyed orders.

Cops are not soldiers.

Cops are not judges, jurors, or executioners.

Cops are not authorized to go into combat, wage war, or kill in the line of duty -- with the sole exception of self-defense -- the same as all other human beings who are entitled to keep and bear Arms -- without any infringement of that right -- by virtue of the Constitution.
The Capital police are tasked with protecting the Capital, you do understand that, right?
The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.
Then they should have obeyed orders.

Cops are not soldiers.

Cops are not judges, jurors, or executioners.

Cops are not authorized to go into combat, wage war, or kill in the line of duty -- with the sole exception of self-defense -- the same as all other human beings who are entitled to keep and bear Arms -- without any infringement of that right -- by virtue of the Constitution.
The Capital police are tasked with protecting the Capital, you do understand that, right?

And do you understand that the Capitol police could have surrounded the building so no one could breach their line? Why didn't Nancy do that??
The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.
Then they should have obeyed orders.

Cops are not soldiers.

Cops are not judges, jurors, or executioners.

Cops are not authorized to go into combat, wage war, or kill in the line of duty -- with the sole exception of self-defense -- the same as all other human beings who are entitled to keep and bear Arms -- without any infringement of that right -- by virtue of the Constitution.
The Capital police are tasked with protecting the Capital, you do understand that, right?

And do you understand that the Capitol police could have surrounded the building so no one could breach their line? Why didn't Nancy do that??
I am not defending Nancy. I am pointing out the stupidity of saying that the Capital police are not there to gird themselves for war.
I am not defending Nancy. I am pointing out the stupidity of saying that the Capital police are not there to gird themselves for war.
You have to be an idiot if you REALLY think that the FBI believed there was going to be an actual 'WAR' at the Capitol or if you think what happened at the Capitol on 6 Jan was a 'WAR'.


Looting, pillaging, assaulting, murdering, burning,
& destroying was 'a mostly peaceful protest'....


...but this was a 'WAR'?!

I am not defending Nancy. I am pointing out the stupidity of saying that the Capital police are not there to gird themselves for war.
You have to be an idiot if you REALLY think that the FBI believed there was going to be an actual 'WAR' at the Capitol or if you think what happened at the Capitol on 6 Jan was a 'WAR'.

View attachment 480581
Looting, pillaging, assaulting, murdering, burning,
& destroying was 'a mostly peaceful protest'....

View attachment 480583
...but this was a 'WAR'?!

You should learn some comprehension skills. I said nothing to or about the FBI. I was responding to another person.
The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.
Then they should have obeyed orders.

Cops are not soldiers.

Cops are not judges, jurors, or executioners.

Cops are not authorized to go into combat, wage war, or kill in the line of duty -- with the sole exception of self-defense -- the same as all other human beings who are entitled to keep and bear Arms -- without any infringement of that right -- by virtue of the Constitution.

There is video of Capitol Police lining the doors to the Capital and not many people around the entrance, and for some reason they all just walked away and did nothing to try and prevent people from getting in. They did the same thing in the hall way where the woman was shot, guards standing in front of door with small crowd and then they just walk away doing nothing to control the situation.
The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.
Then they should have obeyed orders.

Cops are not soldiers.

Cops are not judges, jurors, or executioners.

Cops are not authorized to go into combat, wage war, or kill in the line of duty -- with the sole exception of self-defense -- the same as all other human beings who are entitled to keep and bear Arms -- without any infringement of that right -- by virtue of the Constitution.
I agree. Now that we have this information. . . those who gave these orders are the ones that need to be held responsible. :113:
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The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.
Then they should have obeyed orders.

Cops are not soldiers.

Cops are not judges, jurors, or executioners.

Cops are not authorized to go into combat, wage war, or kill in the line of duty -- with the sole exception of self-defense -- the same as all other human beings who are entitled to keep and bear Arms -- without any infringement of that right -- by virtue of the Constitution.
The Capital police are tasked with protecting the Capital, you do understand that, right?
Not if those aren't their orders.

If the person giving them orders says. . . the folks coming to the capitol are just protesters, they won't be a real threat. . . don't harm them. . .

. . . then they have to take orders.

Little do we or they know, that the corporate and government media will spin the entire thing differently after the whole thing happens later. . . yeah?

I am curious about the person that shot Ms. Babbit. What was his order? And why don't we know his name?

The Washington Examiner reported:

Rep. Markwayne Mullin took aim at FBI Director Cristopher Wray during a House Select Committee on Intelligence hearing, questioning what he sees as the FBI’s double standard in prosecuting Capitol rioters and those in Portland.
“Under the Biden administration, there appears to be a wave of leniency being granted to individuals arrested for federal crimes in Portland,” Mullin, a Republican from Oklahoma, said during the hearing. “Federal prosecutors are apparently approving deferred resolution agreements in a number of cases and allowing perpetrators to do community service and avoid jail time and criminal records. Why are we seeing such a disparity between the individuals charged on Jan. 6 and those that are charged in Portland?”
Wray at first responded by pinning the blame on local prosecutors, noting that the FBI only investigates the crimes but does not make decisions about prosecution.

It Was All a Set Up: Even NYT
Admits Police Ordered to Stand
Down on January 6th – Yet the
DOJ and FBI Are Harassing and
Indicting Innocent Americans
Proving They are Corrupt

The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.

Pelosi refused Trump’s offer before that day for National Guard troops at the Capitol.

Director Wray continues to lie and say there was no evidence of Antifa at the Capitol that day.

Now THIS from the NY Times:

Breaking News: The Capitol Police were told not to use their most aggressive tactics ahead of the Jan. 6 riot despite warnings of violence in which “Congress itself is the target,” according to a new report by an internal investigator. Capitol Police Told to Hold Back on Riot Response on Jan. 6, Report Finds
— The New York Times (@nytimes)
April 14, 2021

Released evidence exposes the fact that Capitol Police actually opened Capitol doors for people to enter, and we have all seen the photos of Capitol Police leading rioters through the Capitol.

Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside. pic.twitter.com/OnSd3KGzz5
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) January 8, 2021

The whole thing was a SET-UP orchestrated / facilitated by our own criminal / Socialist corrupt govt that included Speaker of the House Pelosi and FBI Director Wray and the Police who were ordered to stand down and who facilitated the Capitol Breach.

The times didn’t do it, Sergei. Donald’s government did.

go post in Pravda where your garbage belongs

Capitol Police Told to Hold Back on Riot Response on Jan. 6, Report Finds
Despite being tipped that “Congress itself is the target” on Jan. 6, Capitol Police were ordered not to use their most powerful crowd-control weapons, according to a scathing new watchdog report.

It isn't "PRAVDA," it is the NYT.

The report is real, this is a fact. Deny it at your peril.

No one takes your denial of reality seriously anymore.

Capitol Police Detail Failures During Pro-Trump Assault
The acting chief of the Capitol Police told lawmakers that the department knew days ahead of time of the risk of violence targeting lawmakers but was unprepared when the mob attacked on Jan. 6.

Ex-Security Officials Spread Blame for Failures of Capitol Riot
Former Capitol security officials gave sometimes conflicting accounts in the first high-profile public hearing on the attack by a pro-Trump mob.
"Pelosi did it"

Ah, poster Rambunctious, far be it from me to be the one to show you how this world works.....but someone's gotta. Lest you continue to poop-in-your-boot ad infinitum.

Remember this, tattoo it on a body-part if need be, but remember it: One's word matters. Credibility matters. Veracity matters.
(OK, OK, make it a BIG body-part).

And so far, mon ami, you are a disappointment to the forum.

Here, lemme give you an example:
It's your posted meme on Ronald Reagan and Nancy Pelosi.

It's been long debunked. Yet, you failed to due the minimum due diligence to assure to the forum members here that what you offer as truth......ain't. But, unfortunately for your poor avatar, it is a fake. A lie.
Which, some might say, makes your avatar if not a liar, then a dupe.

And son, that goes right back up to that "Your word matters"-thingy.

Who can believe you?
When you publicly display you don't know what you are talking about.
Your failures are disappointing and they are --- possibly --- a sad indicator of your education. I say that not as snark, but as a concerned fellow poster.


Fact Check-Ronald Reagan quote about Nancy Pelosi appears to be fabricated

Social media users have been sharing posts online with a quote about Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her family attributed to former President Ronald Reagan. This quote appears to have been fabricated.
The quote reads: “
Nancy Pelosi is extremely evil, she comes from the Baltimore democrat corruption machine the D’Alesandro family............”

Reuters did not find any evidence that Reagan ever said this quote. It does not appear in searches on the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum archives (here) or the National Archives (here).

Melissa Giller, chief marketing officer at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, told Reuters via email:
Not only did President Reagan never say this, but I searched all of his presidential speeches from all 8 years, and he never mentions Nancy Pelosi even once.”

Fact checkers Snopes, PolitiFact, Check Your Fact and FactCheck.org debunked the claim in 2019 (here , here , here and here ). None were able to find any records of a quote like this being said by Reagan."

So, in short, poster Rambunctious.
You may need to take your own 'word' a tad more seriously. Like a responsible adult would.

Just sayin'.


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