NYC Mayor Bloomberg - Wow.

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Today Mayor Bloomberg is interviewed on Meet the Press. D's, R's and I's who are mainstream, moderate and capable of putting ideology aside ought to listen/watch the interview.
Bloomberg was a Democrat that went Republican right? Just like Rick Perry?

I wonder if "Teh Rove" was the one that turned Bloomberg.
Today Mayor Bloomberg is interviewed on Meet the Press. D's, R's and I's who are mainstream, moderate and capable of putting ideology aside ought to listen/watch the interview.

Do you need someone to explain it to you? Why so cryptic?
Bloomberg was a Democrat that went Republican right? Just like Rick Perry?

I wonder if "Teh Rove" was the one that turned Bloomberg.

he was elected as a republican and then went independent.

just saying...

That's dishonest even by your low standards; Bloomy was a lifelong Democrat, he registered as a Republican to ride Rudy's coattails
You're both right. He was a Democrat who went Republican then Independent in 2007.
NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Switches Party Affiliation From Republican to Independent - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

So he's like Arlen Spector and Rick Perry: Not to be Trusted.
Today Mayor Bloomberg is interviewed on Meet the Press. D's, R's and I's who are mainstream, moderate and capable of putting ideology aside ought to listen/watch the interview.

Will bloomberg call for more frontier justice on us redskins?
So far we learned from Wry that Bloomberg is Mayor of NYC and he was on "Meet the Press"


You don't get that kind of deep insight on any other message board
Well, here's a link to the interview's transcript. (Make sure to go down and press 'see more text' to reveal the interview).

MR. GREGORY: What about Rick Perry? Now, he, he loses the straw poll in Florida. It turns, we know this morning now, that in Michigan, Romney won that straw poll, so Perry comes in second there again. Do you think his candidacy is fading?

MAYOR BLOOMBERG: I don't know. That's--the pundits will tell you better than I, and it'll go up and down a million times. And keep in mind, the press wants a battle, so they'll always try to knock down whoever's ahead and promote the guy that's behind or the woman that's behind. I will say that some of, some of these candidate's positions really trouble me. To, to not believe in science is just ridiculous. But then also to accuse Perry of doing something wrong with a vaccine and--when he probably did what's right, to accuse Romney of doing something wrong with health care in Massachusetts which, in all fairness, turns out to be the only healthcare change that really has worked. I mean, both of these two candidates, and they seem to be ahead at the moment, have things that I agree with and have things that I don't agree with.

Well, here's a link to the interview's transcript. (Make sure to go down and press 'see more text' to reveal the interview).

MR. GREGORY: What about Rick Perry? Now, he, he loses the straw poll in Florida. It turns, we know this morning now, that in Michigan, Romney won that straw poll, so Perry comes in second there again. Do you think his candidacy is fading?

MAYOR BLOOMBERG: I don't know. That's--the pundits will tell you better than I, and it'll go up and down a million times. And keep in mind, the press wants a battle, so they'll always try to knock down whoever's ahead and promote the guy that's behind or the woman that's behind. I will say that some of, some of these candidate's positions really trouble me. To, to not believe in science is just ridiculous. But then also to accuse Perry of doing something wrong with a vaccine and--when he probably did what's right, to accuse Romney of doing something wrong with health care in Massachusetts which, in all fairness, turns out to be the only healthcare change that really has worked. I mean, both of these two candidates, and they seem to be ahead at the moment, have things that I agree with and have things that I don't agree with.


Well clearly Wry has a very low standard for things that impress him.

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