NY Times says "Great Reset" is a Hoax. Justin Trudeau Didn't Get the Message.

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
The newest greatest plan to remake Western society is the "Great Reset"...an all encompassing plan to remake society in a progressive, leftist socialist way.
But Google "great reset" and you'll see many media site claiming the great reset is a hoax, or the invention of evil right wingers.

Don't believe the hoax, says the NY Times. You know you can only believe what we tell you.

Even though Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden both endorse the great take over of society by the socialist hive
mind they insist it ain't so. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/joe-biden-socialist-great-reset-movement

Is this how you thought our country would wind up...in the hands of simpering leftist tools?
The newest greatest plan to remake Western society is the "Great Reset"...an all encompassing plan to remake society in a progressive, leftist socialist way.
But Google "great reset" and you'll see many media site claiming the great reset is a hoax, or the invention of evil right wingers.

Don't believe the hoax, says the NY Times. You know you can only believe what we tell you.

Even though Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden both endorse the great take over of society by the socialist hive
mind they insist it ain't so. Joe Biden's disturbing connection to the socialist 'Great Reset' movement

Is this how you thought our country would wind up...in the hands of simpering leftist tools?
At this point, I don't believe a GotDamn WORD out of anyone in the MSM (including FOX). They are all fucking liars.
NY Times is a liberal rag. Its all out there for everyone to see.

The newest greatest plan to remake Western society is the "Great Reset"...an all encompassing plan to remake society in a progressive, leftist socialist way.
But Google "great reset" and you'll see many media site claiming the great reset is a hoax, or the invention of evil right wingers.

Don't believe the hoax, says the NY Times. You know you can only believe what we tell you.

Even though Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden both endorse the great take over of society by the socialist hive
mind they insist it ain't so. Joe Biden's disturbing connection to the socialist 'Great Reset' movement

Is this how you thought our country would wind up...in the hands of simpering leftist tools?
They are running interference especially since the election is not decided yet. The Great Reset is delayed until June. They were so sure of a Biden fix, that they were originally going to hold it in January.

They didn't count on such a big turn out from America for Trump where as many as 80 Million may have voted for Trump. As many as 10 million illegal votes were cast for weak minded, corrupt, global puppet, Joe China Biden.
The newest greatest plan to remake Western society is the "Great Reset"...an all encompassing plan to remake society in a progressive, leftist socialist way.
But Google "great reset" and you'll see many media site claiming the great reset is a hoax, or the invention of evil right wingers.

Don't believe the hoax, says the NY Times. You know you can only believe what we tell you.

Even though Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden both endorse the great take over of society by the socialist hive
mind they insist it ain't so. Joe Biden's disturbing connection to the socialist 'Great Reset' movement

Is this how you thought our country would wind up...in the hands of simpering leftist tools?
At this point, I don't believe a GotDamn WORD out of anyone in the MSM (including FOX). They are all fucking liars.
Watch Sky News Australia. It's accurate and fair. NewsMax is good but openly right. OAN and America's voice are good too. And 'Right News" though I have yet to see that.
So Biden's fraudulent election is essential to the globalist pigs in many ways.
Clearly America is all that stands between a globalist "reset" and freedom for millions.

First we must kick Joe Biden out of the way to the side of the road.
I know the media, in many cases, is really shook and dropping all pretenses of impartiality and journalistic

The AP, for instance, is 100% all in for the leftist/globalist master plan. False claims of voting fraud, pushed by Trump, thrive online
Since the population has discovered what is going on. That the Globalist wants to reset the world by having Russia to destroy the majority of the world. Then they will come up to Putin after the damages. And say. "Let stop fighting like cats and dogs and let's repair our nations with the Green New Deal products." And then the Globalist will lend money to Russia and remove the sanctions so that they can buy their products to rebuild.
But everything will be forgotten about how wicked the Elites are. And so everything will go back to normal except for a minor new adjustments like there will be no longer landowners, and people will have to work in order to live on private property that is owned by the Globalist.


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