NRA post debate ad released...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
[ame=]NRA -- ONE VOTE - YouTube[/ame]​

In his own words. It doesn't get much more clear cut.
NRA Gun humpers.

what more needs to be said?

Our constitution clearly states that our right to bare arms shall not be infringed. What do you want?

I think that interpretation of the constitution is just a little bit convoluted.

But a society where pretty much anyone, including low education, jumpy rednecks... and panicky sociophobes... a society where there are nutbags (on both the left, and the right) who can get their hands on weapons, is a bad combination.
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NRA Gun humpers.

what more needs to be said?

Our constitution clearly states that our right to bare arms shall not be infringed. What do you want?

I think that interpretation of the constitution is just a little bit convoluted.

But a society where pretty much anyone, including low education, jumpy rednecks... and panicky sociophobes... a society where there are nutbags (on both the left, and the right) who can get their hands on weapons, is a bad combination.

It's much much safer to live with the "jumpy rednecks" with all the guns than to live with the gun grabbing liberals in the mega cities.

Just sayin'.
NRA Gun humpers.

what more needs to be said?

Our constitution clearly states that our right to bare arms shall not be infringed. What do you want?

I think that interpretation of the constitution is just a little bit convoluted.

But a society where pretty much anyone, including low education, jumpy rednecks... and panicky sociophobes... a society where there are nutbags (on both the left, and the right) who can get their hands on weapons, is a bad combination.

That's funny, aren't those the folks the country asks to fight our wars? I have been around and owned guns my whole life and haven't shot anyone yet. I say yet because you never know what tomorrow bings. And there was nothing convoluted about the supremes upholding "the right of the people to keep and bear arms".
Our constitution clearly states that our right to bare arms shall not be infringed. What do you want?

I think that interpretation of the constitution is just a little bit convoluted.

But a society where pretty much anyone, including low education, jumpy rednecks... and panicky sociophobes... a society where there are nutbags (on both the left, and the right) who can get their hands on weapons, is a bad combination.

It's much much safer to live with the "jumpy rednecks" with all the guns than to live with the gun grabbing liberals in the mega cities.

Just sayin'.

that's the panicky sociophobes to whom I refer. Caught in a society to big for them to handle, and they snap.

It's not a Right or Left, north or south thing. There are nutters who get their hands on guns. And the national "fuck it, here's my gun motherfucker" attitude is over the top.
Our constitution clearly states that our right to bare arms shall not be infringed. What do you want?

I think that interpretation of the constitution is just a little bit convoluted.

But a society where pretty much anyone, including low education, jumpy rednecks... and panicky sociophobes... a society where there are nutbags (on both the left, and the right) who can get their hands on weapons, is a bad combination.

That's funny, aren't those the folks the country asks to fight our wars? I have been around and owned guns my whole life and haven't shot anyone yet. I say yet because you never know what tomorrow bings. And there was nothing convoluted about the supremes upholding "the right of the people to keep and bear arms".

Other than there is no straightforward statement in the amendment for private, unregulated gun ownership.

So great, you haven't shot anyone. That's great, but people are getting shot constantly in the States. A great deal is criminal activity. But there is a very large segment of the population dying by accident, suicide, or murder (non criminal, in that they were not criminals prior to the shooting) that is just disgusting.
responsible gun legislation is long overdue - all guns should be lever-action including pistols.
This was my first post to USMB...sorry, most of the links don't work anymore, but it was accurate when I first posted it.

Guns don't kill people, Cities kill people.

I posted this in another thread a few days ago and no one bit so I'll ask those in favor of gun control here.

Why do the rural communities with twice as many legal gun owners and four times the owned firearms have 25 times less gun crime than urban communities?

Look here for firearm ownership study

Of the 22 Missouri counties with populations between 25K and 50K, having a combined population of 806,764 persons, there were 163 total firearm assaults and 2604 total assaults utilizing weapons of any kind.

MSHP stats for 22 rural Missouri counties (PDF)

During the same period, in only the city of St. Louis and the city of Kansas City contained within the state of Missouri (half is in Kansas of course), with a combined population of 793,587 persons, there were a total of 4,143 firearm assaults and 8986 total assaults utilizing weapons of any kind.

MSHP stats for St. Louis (PDF)

MSHP stats for KC, MO (PDF)

The 2006 stats on Missouri crime came from this website : Missouri State Highway Patrol Statisical Analysis Center, they are the most recent available.
The 2004 rural/urban chart came from this website : Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2004 study.

I think that interpretation of the constitution is just a little bit convoluted.

But a society where pretty much anyone, including low education, jumpy rednecks... and panicky sociophobes... a society where there are nutbags (on both the left, and the right) who can get their hands on weapons, is a bad combination.

It's much much safer to live with the "jumpy rednecks" with all the guns than to live with the gun grabbing liberals in the mega cities.

Just sayin'.

that's the panicky sociophobes to whom I refer. Caught in a society to big for them to handle, and they snap.

It's not a Right or Left, north or south thing. There are nutters who get their hands on guns. And the national "fuck it, here's my gun motherfucker" attitude is over the top.

Bah, criminals are responsible for the overwhelming majority of gun violence.

The instances of the "crazed lone gunman going postal" are so rare that they, in toto, represent less than .0001 % of firearm relate homicides in the United States.

In fact, they are so rare, nearly every incident makes the national news.
It's much much safer to live with the "jumpy rednecks" with all the guns than to live with the gun grabbing liberals in the mega cities.

Just sayin'.

that's the panicky sociophobes to whom I refer. Caught in a society to big for them to handle, and they snap.

It's not a Right or Left, north or south thing. There are nutters who get their hands on guns. And the national "fuck it, here's my gun motherfucker" attitude is over the top.

Bah, criminals are responsible for the overwhelming majority of gun violence.

The instances of the "crazed lone gunman going postal" are so rare that they, in toto, represent less than .0001 % of firearm relate homicides in the United States.

In fact, they are so rare, nearly every incident makes the national news.

there were just shy of 9000 murders by gun in 2010.
Non fatal injuries, just under 14,000.
Suicides, just under 19000.
accidental shootings causing death, 550.
and the lowest, police shootings (remarkably low, all things considered) 335.

I rounded for simplicity.

So what you have is approximately 80 deaths, and approximately 40 non fatal shootings, PER DAY.

that's a shameful record.
that's the panicky sociophobes to whom I refer. Caught in a society to big for them to handle, and they snap.

It's not a Right or Left, north or south thing. There are nutters who get their hands on guns. And the national "fuck it, here's my gun motherfucker" attitude is over the top.

Bah, criminals are responsible for the overwhelming majority of gun violence.

The instances of the "crazed lone gunman going postal" are so rare that they, in toto, represent less than .0001 % of firearm relate homicides in the United States.

In fact, they are so rare, nearly every incident makes the national news.

there were just shy of 9000 murders by gun in 2010.
Non fatal injuries, just under 14,000.
Suicides, just under 19000.
accidental shootings causing death, 550.
and the lowest, police shootings (remarkably low, all things considered) 335.

I rounded for simplicity.

So what you have is approximately 80 deaths, and approximately 40 non fatal shootings, PER DAY.

that's a shameful record.

9,000 murders, 200 million legally owned firearms.

That number is unbelievably low, and serves to highlight the how responsible law abiding gun owners actually are.
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Keep em in battery, we may need em readied before election day.
Lets hope we don't.
Bah, criminals are responsible for the overwhelming majority of gun violence.

The instances of the "crazed lone gunman going postal" are so rare that they, in toto, represent less than .0001 % of firearm relate homicides in the United States.

In fact, they are so rare, nearly every incident makes the national news.

there were just shy of 9000 murders by gun in 2010.
Non fatal injuries, just under 14,000.
Suicides, just under 19000.
accidental shootings causing death, 550.
and the lowest, police shootings (remarkably low, all things considered) 335.

I rounded for simplicity.

So what you have is approximately 80 deaths, and approximately 40 non fatal shootings, PER DAY.

that's a shameful record.

9,000 murders, 200 million legally owned firearms.

That number is unbelievably low, and serves to highlight the how responsible law abiding gun owners actually are.

Don't wash it out. That's 29000 deaths per year, 14000 injuries. combined that's just under 43000 incidents for those firearms. This of course, doesn't involve incidents where shots were fired and nobody was hit, threat of shootings, armed robberies, etcetera.
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there were just shy of 9000 murders by gun in 2010.
Non fatal injuries, just under 14,000.
Suicides, just under 19000.
accidental shootings causing death, 550.
and the lowest, police shootings (remarkably low, all things considered) 335.

I rounded for simplicity.

So what you have is approximately 80 deaths, and approximately 40 non fatal shootings, PER DAY.

that's a shameful record.

9,000 murders, 200 million legally owned firearms.

That number is unbelievably low, and serves to highlight the how responsible law abiding gun owners actually are.

Don't wash it out. That's 29000 deaths per year, 14000 injuries. combined that's just under 43000 incidents for those firearms. This of course, doesn't involve incidents where shots were fired and nobody was hit, threat of shootings, armed robberies, etcetera.

I'm not washing anything out.

Gun grabbers always want to fold in suicides to bolster their argument.

If a person is intent on killing themselves, taking their gun away isn't going to stop them.

Murders is the statistic that is relevant.
9,000 murders, 200 million legally owned firearms.

That number is unbelievably low, and serves to highlight the how responsible law abiding gun owners actually are.

Don't wash it out. That's 29000 deaths per year, 14000 injuries. combined that's just under 43000 incidents for those firearms. This of course, doesn't involve incidents where shots were fired and nobody was hit, threat of shootings, armed robberies, etcetera.

I'm not washing anything out.

Gun grabbers always want to fold in suicides to bolster their argument.

If a person is intent on killing themselves, taking their gun away isn't going to stop them.

Murders is the statistic that is relevant.

as are the accidental shootings, and all the times there are shots fired but nobody happens to get hit, or threatening behaviour with firearms.... pistol whippings, death threats and the like.

Problem is, there are a lot of really dumb people with easy access to guns. Yes, there are smart people with guns. That is certainly not the argument.

But you have the whackos who have 15 different weapons, and believe that there is a government conspiricy to implant radioactive brain chips to control the populace through distribution of pacification drugs using chemtrails so that the lizard people can rape your children and breed a master race of commie pinkos that will destroy the fabric of our great nation.

yes, I was deliberately ridiculous there, but as a responsible gun owner, do you REALLY want weapons in the hands of people like that? Because of "rights?"

It's just stupid.
there were just shy of 9000 murders by gun in 2010.
Non fatal injuries, just under 14,000.
Suicides, just under 19000.
accidental shootings causing death, 550.
and the lowest, police shootings (remarkably low, all things considered) 335.

I rounded for simplicity.

So what you have is approximately 80 deaths, and approximately 40 non fatal shootings, PER DAY.

that's a shameful record.

9,000 murders, 200 million legally owned firearms.

That number is unbelievably low, and serves to highlight the how responsible law abiding gun owners actually are.

Don't wash it out. That's 29000 deaths per year, 14000 injuries. combined that's just under 43000 incidents for those firearms. This of course, doesn't involve incidents where shots were fired and nobody was hit, threat of shootings, armed robberies, etcetera.

look up the stats. gun crime is not a white phenomenon.

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