Now under Jewish control, US military lists Catholics and Evangelicals with Hamas & KKK as "extremist" organizations

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
The Jewish supremacists at the ADL and their ideological sisters at the SPLC hate white Christians and their long-time efforts on behalf of God's chosen genocidalists are paying off:

A Department of Defense training manual that has been prepared in response to the discovery of “white supremacy” identifies Catholics and evangelical Christians inter alia as “religious extremists,” presumably because they hold traditional religious views that are unacceptable to the implementers of the currently fashionable woke culture. It warns that “Christian extremism is often conflated with white supremacy for a joint ideology focused on racial and religious purity which they believe to be God’s intention” and places them in a broader group together with members of the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qaeda, and Hamas. The manual claims that such organizations “…use or advocate violence to accomplish their objectives and are therefore rightly classified as extremists.”
That's language right out of the SPLC and ADL literature.

So here we are again and one has to wonder how many Jonathan Pollards are out there. Those who run America’s various levels of government seem to believe that Jews and the approved narrative that surrounds them must be protected at all costs, up to and including promoting a false historical story, giving security clearances to dual nationals, and protecting a rogue nation that is preeminent only for its ability to behave genocidally towards its neighbors. Now American soldiers could be removed from the service if it is determined that they believe something that is unacceptable to the same powerful minority. One has to wonder how it will all end or whether the American people will eventually wake up from this nightmare.
I support all White people abandoning the military. Let's be honest, the US military today is simply a proxy for the Jewish agenda, protecting Judah (Palestine) and protecting ZOG governments. Catholics, Evangelicals, every White sect based on the Bible, and indirectly the Talmud, etc., in which they think a fake Jewish messiah is going to come back to life to favor them are retards.
I support all White people abandoning the military. Let's be honest, the US military today is simply a proxy for the Jewish agenda, protecting Judah (Palestine) and protecting ZOG governments. Catholics, Evangelicals, every White sect based on the Bible, and indirectly the Talmud, etc., in which they think a fake Jewish messiah is going to come back to life to favor them are retards.
The problem is, we will have our military turned on us. ProbABLY it is from the weakness that Christianity induces, but Western people are incapable of psychologically comprehending how uniquely committed Jews are to genocide.
The Jewish supremacists at the ADL and their ideological sisters at the SPLC hate white Christians and their long-time efforts on behalf of God's chosen genocidalists are paying off:

A Department of Defense training manual that has been prepared in response to the discovery of “white supremacy” identifies Catholics and evangelical Christians inter alia as “religious extremists,” presumably because they hold traditional religious views that are unacceptable to the implementers of the currently fashionable woke culture. It warns that “Christian extremism is often conflated with white supremacy for a joint ideology focused on racial and religious purity which they believe to be God’s intention” and places them in a broader group together with members of the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qaeda, and Hamas. The manual claims that such organizations “…use or advocate violence to accomplish their objectives and are therefore rightly classified as extremists.”
That's language right out of the SPLC and ADL literature.

So here we are again and one has to wonder how many Jonathan Pollards are out there. Those who run America’s various levels of government seem to believe that Jews and the approved narrative that surrounds them must be protected at all costs, up to and including promoting a false historical story, giving security clearances to dual nationals, and protecting a rogue nation that is preeminent only for its ability to behave genocidally towards its neighbors. Now American soldiers could be removed from the service if it is determined that they believe something that is unacceptable to the same powerful minority. One has to wonder how it will all end or whether the American people will eventually wake up from this nightmare.
I’d have to see this “training manual”....
The Jewish supremacists at the ADL and their ideological sisters at the SPLC hate white Christians and their long-time efforts on behalf of God's chosen genocidalists are paying off:

A Department of Defense training manual that has been prepared in response to the discovery of “white supremacy” identifies Catholics and evangelical Christians inter alia as “religious extremists,” presumably because they hold traditional religious views that are unacceptable to the implementers of the currently fashionable woke culture. It warns that “Christian extremism is often conflated with white supremacy for a joint ideology focused on racial and religious purity which they believe to be God’s intention” and places them in a broader group together with members of the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qaeda, and Hamas. The manual claims that such organizations “…use or advocate violence to accomplish their objectives and are therefore rightly classified as extremists.”
That's language right out of the SPLC and ADL literature.

So here we are again and one has to wonder how many Jonathan Pollards are out there. Those who run America’s various levels of government seem to believe that Jews and the approved narrative that surrounds them must be protected at all costs, up to and including promoting a false historical story, giving security clearances to dual nationals, and protecting a rogue nation that is preeminent only for its ability to behave genocidally towards its neighbors. Now American soldiers could be removed from the service if it is determined that they believe something that is unacceptable to the same powerful minority. One has to wonder how it will all end or whether the American people will eventually wake up from this nightmare.
I’d have to see this “training manual”....

I'm sure he'll supply the FM number right away so we can all peruse it.
The Jewish supremacists at the ADL and their ideological sisters at the SPLC hate white Christians and their long-time efforts on behalf of God's chosen genocidalists are paying off:

A Department of Defense training manual that has been prepared in response to the discovery of “white supremacy” identifies Catholics and evangelical Christians inter alia as “religious extremists,” presumably because they hold traditional religious views that are unacceptable to the implementers of the currently fashionable woke culture. It warns that “Christian extremism is often conflated with white supremacy for a joint ideology focused on racial and religious purity which they believe to be God’s intention” and places them in a broader group together with members of the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qaeda, and Hamas. The manual claims that such organizations “…use or advocate violence to accomplish their objectives and are therefore rightly classified as extremists.”
That's language right out of the SPLC and ADL literature.

So here we are again and one has to wonder how many Jonathan Pollards are out there. Those who run America’s various levels of government seem to believe that Jews and the approved narrative that surrounds them must be protected at all costs, up to and including promoting a false historical story, giving security clearances to dual nationals, and protecting a rogue nation that is preeminent only for its ability to behave genocidally towards its neighbors. Now American soldiers could be removed from the service if it is determined that they believe something that is unacceptable to the same powerful minority. One has to wonder how it will all end or whether the American people will eventually wake up from this nightmare.
Some of these New Age Christianity religions are getting in the way of the real Christians. Making Christian into antichrist.

John 10:12
The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.

Matthew 6:5

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
The Jewish supremacists at the ADL and their ideological sisters at the SPLC hate white Christians and their long-time efforts on behalf of God's chosen genocidalists are paying off:

A Department of Defense training manual that has been prepared in response to the discovery of “white supremacy” identifies Catholics and evangelical Christians inter alia as “religious extremists,” presumably because they hold traditional religious views that are unacceptable to the implementers of the currently fashionable woke culture. It warns that “Christian extremism is often conflated with white supremacy for a joint ideology focused on racial and religious purity which they believe to be God’s intention” and places them in a broader group together with members of the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qaeda, and Hamas. The manual claims that such organizations “…use or advocate violence to accomplish their objectives and are therefore rightly classified as extremists.”
That's language right out of the SPLC and ADL literature.

So here we are again and one has to wonder how many Jonathan Pollards are out there. Those who run America’s various levels of government seem to believe that Jews and the approved narrative that surrounds them must be protected at all costs, up to and including promoting a false historical story, giving security clearances to dual nationals, and protecting a rogue nation that is preeminent only for its ability to behave genocidally towards its neighbors. Now American soldiers could be removed from the service if it is determined that they believe something that is unacceptable to the same powerful minority. One has to wonder how it will all end or whether the American people will eventually wake up from this nightmare.
The ACLU is far worse

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