Now that we can Impeach US Citizens, Obama is at top of the list when GOP retake Congress...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.

Thanks, Democrats!

...good call--Obama hates America/whites/cops--why would you NOT want to impeach him????!!!!!! ---o, sure he's black--blacks never commit crime--they are inhuman

..Billy Clinton committed a SERIOUS crime --get him too
.'''''' This crime is taken very seriously because the foundation of the legal system depends on trust and credibility''''''
Bill Clinton needs to be Impeached for being a pedophile, having sex with kids (although not frowned upon by Democrats)

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
Way to attempt to discredit a link in order to distract from the criminally revengeful, admittedly politically partisan 2nd Impeachment by Comrade Pelosi...

What's good for the gpose, lil' snowflake.

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
Way to attempt to discredit a link in order to distract from the criminally revengeful, admittedly politically partisan 2nd Impeachment by Comrade Pelosi...

What's good for the gpose, lil' snowflake.

Perhaps the salient point sailed over your hood.
Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

AGAIN --- there is no such thing as impeaching private citizens. When Rump was impeached -- BOTH TIMES -- he was in office. Jim the Fuck Hoft, Stupidest Man on the Internets, doesn't know the difference between an impeachment and an impeachment TRIAL. Apparently you don't either.
Technically as a former office holder Obama COULD be Impeached.

I highly recommend that the GOP do this. Maybe you can prevent him from becoming President again


Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
This has been building for many years. And the Deplorables want to see this. We will all get a laugh out of it.

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
This has been building for many years. And the Deplorables want to see this. We will all get a laugh out of it.
The funny thing is that you are finally admitting your status as Deplorable.

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
Hey retarded monkey boy, have the Articles been delivered to the Senate? That would be NO! Thus the process is not complete and Trump was not impeached while President. Slogo has now claimed the “title” of Dumbest “man” on the Internet. Since “he” also drinks from the toilet that explains a few things..

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
Way to attempt to discredit a link in order to distract from the criminally revengeful, admittedly politically partisan 2nd Impeachment by Comrade Pelosi...

What's good for the gpose, lil' snowflake.

Perhaps the salient point sailed over your hood.
Perhaps you're mouthing the words as you read this.

AGAIN --- there is no such thing as impeaching private citizens. When Rump was impeached -- BOTH TIMES -- he was in office. Jim the Fuck Hoft, Stupidest Man on the Internets, doesn't know the difference between an impeachment and an impeachment TRIAL. Apparently you don't either.
Nope asshole. Articles not delivered. Process not complete. Trump a private citizen who can not be impeached. Try to learn something before spouting more stupidity and running away.

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
Hey retarded monkey boy, have the Articles been delivered to the Senate? That would be NO! Thus the process is not complete and Trump was not impeached while President. Slogo has now claimed the “title” of Dumbest “man” on the Internet. Since “he” also drinks from the toilet that explains a few things..

Yup, they have. And as I predicted Patrick Leahy will preside.

Will there be anything else today besides your own ass?

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
Hey retarded monkey boy, have the Articles been delivered to the Senate? That would be NO! Thus the process is not complete and Trump was not impeached while President. Slogo has now claimed the “title” of Dumbest “man” on the Internet. Since “he” also drinks from the toilet that explains a few things..

Yup, they have. And as I predicted Patrick Leahy will preside.

Will there be anything else today besides your own ass?
Sorry fuckwad, you didn’t complete the process while Trump was in office. You also were slapped stupid by Trump using the words peacefully protest in his speech (you then ran like a bitch from that thread). You miss that part of the Constitution that says the Chief Justice of SCOTUS SHALL preside over this moron? Leahy can not legally preside. Thus this is all unconstitutional and illegal. Point out where the Senate may try a private citizen? Would you like more of your own shit with that crow retard?

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
Hey retarded monkey boy, have the Articles been delivered to the Senate? That would be NO! Thus the process is not complete and Trump was not impeached while President. Slogo has now claimed the “title” of Dumbest “man” on the Internet. Since “he” also drinks from the toilet that explains a few things..

Yup, they have. And as I predicted Patrick Leahy will preside.

Will there be anything else today besides your own ass?
Sorry fuckwad, you didn’t complete the process while Trump was in office. You also were slapped stupid by Trump using the words peacefully protest in his speech (you then ran like a bitch from that thread). You miss that part of the Constitution that says the Chief Justice of SCOTUS SHALL preside over this moron? Leahy can not legally preside. Thus this is all unconstitutional and illegal. Point out where the Senate may try a private citizen? Would you like more of your own shit with that crow retard?

I'm not a member of Congress, shitferbrains.

Rump was impeached January 13. O lucky day. That got done.
And yes, Leahy is set to preside. You can whine about it all you want. I don't give a fuck. Nor does Congress.

Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
Hey retarded monkey boy, have the Articles been delivered to the Senate? That would be NO! Thus the process is not complete and Trump was not impeached while President. Slogo has now claimed the “title” of Dumbest “man” on the Internet. Since “he” also drinks from the toilet that explains a few things..

Yup, they have. And as I predicted Patrick Leahy will preside.

Will there be anything else today besides your own ass?
Sorry fuckwad, you didn’t complete the process while Trump was in office. You also were slapped stupid by Trump using the words peacefully protest in his speech (you then ran like a bitch from that thread). You miss that part of the Constitution that says the Chief Justice of SCOTUS SHALL preside over this moron? Leahy can not legally preside. Thus this is all unconstitutional and illegal. Point out where the Senate may try a private citizen? Would you like more of your own shit with that crow retard?

I'm not a member of Congress, shitferbrains.

Rump was impeached January 13. O lucky day. That got done.
And yes, Leahy is set to preside. You can whine about it all you want. I don't give a fuck. Nor does Congress.
Backpedaling and deflecting already like the retard you are fuckstick. Sorry asshole, the articles weren’t delivered that day. Process incomplete. Job not done. As Roberts told you. Leahy can “preside “ all he wants. It means nothing. That word SHALL stumps you doesn’t it? You can eat shit, fuck off, and die. I don’t give a fuck. But making you look like a fool is such fun asshole.
I dislike Trump, but this impeachment is stupid, petty, and totally illegal.

The impeachment provisions of the Constitution839 were derived from English practice, but there are important differences. In England, impeachment had a far broader scope. While impeachment was a device to remove from office one who abused his office or misbehaved but who was protected by the Crown, it could be used against anyone—office holder or not—and was penal in nature, with possible penalties of fines, imprisonment, or even death.840 By contrast, the American impeachment process is remedial, not penal: it is limited to office holders, and judgments are limited to no more than removal from office and disqualification to hold future office.

Impeachment was a device that figured from the first in the plans proposed to the Convention; discussion addressed such questions as what body was to try impeachments and what grounds were to be stated as warranting impeachment.841 The attention of the Framers was for the most part fixed on the President and his removal, and the results of this narrow frame of reference are reflected in the questions unresolved by the language of the Constitution.

Persons Subject to Impeachment
During the debate in the First Congress on the “removal” controversy, it was contended by some members that impeachment was the exclusive way to remove any officer of the government from his post,842 but Madison and others contended that this position was destructive of sound governmental practice,843 and the view did not prevail. Impeachment, said Madison, was to be used to reach a bad officer sheltered by the President and to remove him “even against the will of the President; so that the declaration in the Constitution was intended as a supplementary security for the good behavior of the public officers.”844 While the language of section 4 covers any “civil officer” in the executive branch,845 and covers judges as well,846 it excludes military officers,847 and the precedent was early established that it does not apply to members of Congress.848
Article III, section 1 specifically provides judges with “good behavior” tenure, but the Constitution nowhere expressly vests the power to remove upon bad behavior, and it has been assumed that judges are made subject to the impeachment power through being labeled “civil officers.”849 The records in the Convention make this a plausible though not necessary interpretation.850 And, in fact, eleven of the fifteen impeachments reaching trial in the Senate have been directed at federal judges, and all seven of those convicted in impeachment trials have been judges.851 So settled apparently is this interpretation that the major arguments, scholarly and political, have concerned the question of whether judges, as well as others, are subject to impeachment for conduct that does not constitute an indictable offense, and the question of whether impeachment is the exclusive removal device for judges.852
Judgment—Removal and Disqualification
Article II, section 4 provides that officers impeached and convicted “shall be removed from office”; Article I, section 3, clause 7 provides further that “judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.” These restrictions on judgment, both of which relate to capacity to hold public office, emphasize the non-penal nature of impeachment, and help to distinguish American impeachment from the open-ended English practice under which criminal penalties could be imposed.853
The plain language of section 4 seems to require removal from office upon conviction, and in fact the Senate has removed those persons whom it has convicted. In the 1936 trial of Judge Ritter, the Senate determined that removal is automatic upon conviction, and does not require a separate vote.854 This practice has continued. Because conviction requires a two-thirds vote, this means that removal can occur only as a result of a two-thirds vote. Unlike removal, disqualification from office is a discretionary judgment, and there is no explicit constitutional linkage to the two-thirds vote on conviction. Although an argument can be made that disqualification should nonetheless require a two-thirds vote,855 the Senate has determined that disqualification may be accomplished by a simple majority vote.856
Impeachable Offenses
The Convention came to its choice of words describing the grounds for impeachment after much deliberation, but the phrasing derived directly from the English practice. On June 2, 1787, the framers adopted a provision that the executive should “be removable on impeachment & conviction of mal-practice or neglect of duty.”857 The Committee of Detail reported as grounds “Treason (or) Bribery or Corruption.”858 And the Committee of Eleven reduced the phrase to “Treason, or bribery.”859 On September 8, Mason objected to this limitation, observing that the term did not encompass all the conduct that should be grounds for removal; he therefore proposed to add “or maladministration” following “bribery.” Upon Madison’s objection that “o vague a term will be equivalent to a tenure during pleasure of the Senate,” Mason suggested “other high crimes & misdemeanors,” which was adopted without further recorded debate.860
The phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors” in the context of impeachments has an ancient English history, first turning up in the impeachment of the Earl of Suffolk in 1388.861 Treason is defined in the Constitution.862 Bribery is not, but it had a clear common law meaning and is now well covered by statute.863 “High crimes and misdemeanors,” however, is an undefined and indefinite phrase, which, in England, had comprehended conduct not constituting indictable offenses.864 Use of the word “other” to link “high crimes and misdemeanors” with “treason” and “bribery” is arguably indicative of the types and seriousness of conduct encompassed by “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Similarly, the word “high” apparently carried with it a restrictive meaning.865
Debate prior to adoption of the phrase866 and comments thereafter in the ratifying conventions867 were to the effect that the President (all the debate was in terms of the President) should be removable by impeachment for commissions or omissions in office which were not criminally cognizable. And in the First Congress’s “removal” debate, Madison maintained that the wanton dismissal of meritorious officers would be an act of maladministration which would render the President subject to impeachment.868 Other comments, especially in the ratifying conventions, tend toward a limitation of the term to criminal, perhaps gross criminal, behavior.869 The scope of the power has been the subject of continuing debate.870


Democrats have now set the precedence for Impeaching US citizens / former Presidents...

...setting up for Barak Obama's Impeachment when Republicans retake Congress.

During his 8 years in office, Barry:

- Violated Constitution and Law

- Admitted he was violating the Constitution

- Was found guilty of being in Contempt of Court several times for violating Judges' orders

-Was found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC several times

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President

- Weaponized the IRS & used it illegally against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election

- Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, & defended FOREIGN terrorists, and used the US military to help Al Qaeda kill a sovereign nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Both Africa and help them take over their own nation...

- Interfered in several foreign nation's and our own elections ... helped a terrorist group take over allied Egypt

- Committed U.N.-defined International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without that nation or govt asking him to or giving him permission to (Syria)

- Attempted a failed political coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a US President from power with the help of the Russian Intel Service and a foreign ex-spy

Good thing there is no Statute of Limitations for Revenge Impeachment of US Citizens.he

Thanks, Democrats!


What the fuck toilet sewer did you trawl to find this dumbass link?

Oh I see. It's Jim the Fuck Hoft. Predictable. Apparently the Stupidest Man on the Internets still hasn't figured out that Rump was impeached while he was still President. Which is, after all, why he's the Stupidest Man on the Internets.

And yet ---- YOU thought it was worthy of a thread.

Hm, perhaps Jim the Fuck Hoft has some competition.
Hey retarded monkey boy, have the Articles been delivered to the Senate? That would be NO! Thus the process is not complete and Trump was not impeached while President. Slogo has now claimed the “title” of Dumbest “man” on the Internet. Since “he” also drinks from the toilet that explains a few things..

Yup, they have. And as I predicted Patrick Leahy will preside.

Will there be anything else today besides your own ass?
Sorry fuckwad, you didn’t complete the process while Trump was in office. You also were slapped stupid by Trump using the words peacefully protest in his speech (you then ran like a bitch from that thread). You miss that part of the Constitution that says the Chief Justice of SCOTUS SHALL preside over this moron? Leahy can not legally preside. Thus this is all unconstitutional and illegal. Point out where the Senate may try a private citizen? Would you like more of your own shit with that crow retard?

I'm not a member of Congress, shitferbrains.

Rump was impeached January 13. O lucky day. That got done.
And yes, Leahy is set to preside. You can whine about it all you want. I don't give a fuck. Nor does Congress.
Leahy can not legally preside, and no one will go along with that.

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