now that they know they will lose badly in the House...The Democratic Party’s emerging priority: Save governors, & for Soros, the Secretaries of State


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
love all these democrat governors suddenly proclaiming we need to respect people’s choices about whether or not they mask, as if they haven’t fought against exactly that for two years.


Democrats contend that they can prioritize governor’s offices as well as the races for state elections chiefs without it coming at the expense of Senate and House contests. But quietly, some in the party view the increased focus on governor contests as at least a tacit acknowledgement that they’re unlikely to keep control of the House in 2023.

Amongst donors, “there’s a real pessimism” for “the federal outlook in 2022,” said one New York-based Democratic donor adviser. A Washington, D.C.-based bundler said that “‘save the House’ messaging is not working on high-level donors because no one believes it.”

Some donors are even casting an eye toward 2024, seeing the Democratic bench of governors as among the party’s strongest standard-bearers and, quite possibly, its future. Biden and his advisers insist he is running for re-election. But should he bow out, a few donors noted that the party could — indeed, should — look to governors for “the next generation of Democratic leadership,” said a New York Democratic donor, citing North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, Shapiro and Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as potential POTUS material.

“People are looking for something at the gubernatorial level that they’re not finding in Congress,” the donor added.

Democratic governors in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan — states President Joe Biden narrowly won in 2020 — have all touted their roles as bulwarks for free elections, and those running for governor in Republican-held state capitals of Arizona and Georgia are pitching themselves as the last opportunity for the party to ensure that those states aren’t lost to Donald Trump-supporting election conspiracists.

“My entire donating life has always been centered around Congress, but I really think that if you care about democracy, you need to worry about these governors’ races,” said Steve Elmendorf, a Democratic donor and lobbyist. “This is critical for us to win in 2024.”

“Republicans figured out that if you can rule locally, you can control a lot of the process federally, and we’re finally, finally, seeing national Democrats come around to realizing that, too,” said Morgan Jackson, a senior adviser to North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, chair of the Democratic Governors Association.

“A lot of the Democratic donor base didn’t see governor’s races as very sexy, compared to federal ones, but I think we’re going to see historic investments this year,” he added.

Interviews with a dozen Democratic donors, bundlers and donor advisers echoed that sentiment, with many citing the intersection of 2022 gubernatorial races with certification of the 2024 presidential results. One example is Democratic megadonor George Soros, who seeded his super PAC with $125 million to focus on pro-democracy efforts and cut big checks to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, a group that focuses on electing Democrats to these offices.

But the party’s major campaign institutions are also prioritizing gubernatorial races with an urgency that they say they haven’t felt before. American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic group, is launching a new super PAC, Bridge to Democracy, starting with $10 million to focus exclusively on races related to election administration.

“For those that also care about the presidential election and races,” said Guy Cecil, chair of Priorities USA, a major Democratic super PAC, “these governor’s races are absolutely must-wins.”
They lost the house when they got elected. It always swings back in Midterms. Trump lost in midterms too. Obama. They all do. Don’t read much into it other than America hates the ineffective bickering but doesn’t have an answer.
PA is the big prize.....Putting the PA Governor's office (more importantly state operations) back in gop hands will pay huge dividends in 2024.

I hope the right-leaning there are up to the task and will remove any vestige of dem influence in their state agencies if they win.

The mistake Trump made was not gutting the .gov agencies like a fish and expelling anything that smelled of dem. You can't get shed of them all right away but you can damn sure demand the ones appointed by dems resignation on day one.
It's too late, the entire cult has imploded. Half the cult had to give a rebuttal to the SOTU, for fuck's sake. After killing and destroying millions of lives with a chinese flu, all they have left is election theft... and that cat's already out of the bag.

Maybe the stuttering shit clown and his brown slut-monkey can campaign for these 32 replacement Dims looking to be elected this fall... hmm? That would be helpful. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
How can the democrats lose ! Just look at all the great things they have done for America and Americans lately.. . All they have to do is run on their policies, like.
1 stealing of elections
2 spying on incoming administration's ant their family
3 record high gas, diesel, and heating oil.
4 millions upon million flooding our southern border
5 pay for play with Ukraine, Chun and the bidens , the whole Clinton Foundation crime ring
6 I can go on and on . . But we all know how dirty the democrats are.
love all these democrat governors suddenly proclaiming we need to respect people’s choices about whether or not they mask, as if they haven’t fought against exactly that for two years.


Democrats contend that they can prioritize governor’s offices as well as the races for state elections chiefs without it coming at the expense of Senate and House contests. But quietly, some in the party view the increased focus on governor contests as at least a tacit acknowledgement that they’re unlikely to keep control of the House in 2023.

Amongst donors, “there’s a real pessimism” for “the federal outlook in 2022,” said one New York-based Democratic donor adviser. A Washington, D.C.-based bundler said that “‘save the House’ messaging is not working on high-level donors because no one believes it.”

Some donors are even casting an eye toward 2024, seeing the Democratic bench of governors as among the party’s strongest standard-bearers and, quite possibly, its future. Biden and his advisers insist he is running for re-election. But should he bow out, a few donors noted that the party could — indeed, should — look to governors for “the next generation of Democratic leadership,” said a New York Democratic donor, citing North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, Shapiro and Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as potential POTUS material.

“People are looking for something at the gubernatorial level that they’re not finding in Congress,” the donor added.

Democratic governors in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan — states President Joe Biden narrowly won in 2020 — have all touted their roles as bulwarks for free elections, and those running for governor in Republican-held state capitals of Arizona and Georgia are pitching themselves as the last opportunity for the party to ensure that those states aren’t lost to Donald Trump-supporting election conspiracists.

“My entire donating life has always been centered around Congress, but I really think that if you care about democracy, you need to worry about these governors’ races,” said Steve Elmendorf, a Democratic donor and lobbyist. “This is critical for us to win in 2024.”

“Republicans figured out that if you can rule locally, you can control a lot of the process federally, and we’re finally, finally, seeing national Democrats come around to realizing that, too,” said Morgan Jackson, a senior adviser to North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, chair of the Democratic Governors Association.

“A lot of the Democratic donor base didn’t see governor’s races as very sexy, compared to federal ones, but I think we’re going to see historic investments this year,” he added.

Interviews with a dozen Democratic donors, bundlers and donor advisers echoed that sentiment, with many citing the intersection of 2022 gubernatorial races with certification of the 2024 presidential results. One example is Democratic megadonor George Soros, who seeded his super PAC with $125 million to focus on pro-democracy efforts and cut big checks to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, a group that focuses on electing Democrats to these offices.

But the party’s major campaign institutions are also prioritizing gubernatorial races with an urgency that they say they haven’t felt before. American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic group, is launching a new super PAC, Bridge to Democracy, starting with $10 million to focus exclusively on races related to election administration.

“For those that also care about the presidential election and races,” said Guy Cecil, chair of Priorities USA, a major Democratic super PAC, “these governor’s races are absolutely must-wins.”
How can the democrats lose ! Just look at all the great things they have done for America and Americans lately.. . All they have to do is run on their policies, like.
1 stealing of elections
2 spying on incoming administration's ant their family
3 record high gas, diesel, and heating oil.
4 millions upon million flooding our southern border
5 pay for play with Ukraine, Chun and the bidens , the whole Clinton Foundation crime ring
6 I can go on and on . . But we all know how dirty the democrats are.
Don't forget planning, implementing and supporting leftist racial riots in 40 of the country's largest population centers.
How can the democrats lose ! Just look at all the great things they have done for America and Americans lately.. . All they have to do is run on their policies, like.
1 stealing of elections
2 spying on incoming administration's ant their family
3 record high gas, diesel, and heating oil.
4 millions upon million flooding our southern border
5 pay for play with Ukraine, Chun and the bidens , the whole Clinton Foundation crime ring
6 I can go on and on . . But we all know how dirty the democrats are.
You. Are. A. Moron.

1. No
2. No
3. Supply and demand not government
4. Other than family separation and allowing asylum seekers to wait for their cases in the US almost nothing has changed. We need immigration law. The Trump wall has been breached all over the border.
5. No
6. Sure you can, morons know how to babble
You. Are. A. Moron.

1. No
2. No
3. Supply and demand not government
4. Other than family separation and allowing asylum seekers to wait for their cases in the US almost nothing has changed. We need immigration law. The Trump wall has been breached all over the border.
5. No
6. Sure you can, morons know how to babble
Trump would have everything under control . But no , democrats stole the election ..
You are the moron.
We need a SEAL team to hunt down Soros and all the wealthy investors of the Democrats, like Bin laden, They have done far more damage than 9/11. End this.

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