Now that the Democrats have lost all three branches of government, will they get a clue?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Now that the Democrats have lost all three branches of government, most governorships and state legislatures, will they finally get a clue that they are doing something wrong?

Will they get a clue that maybe the American people don't want endless illegal immigration turning our cities into slums?

Will they get a clue that we don't want our jobs to keep going to China and Mexico, but want to keep them here?

Will they get a clue that maybe people aren't too happy about Christians being forced to bake cakes for gay weddings and women being forced to share a restroom with a man who says he is a woman but isn't?

Will they get a clue that maybe the American people don't want unborn babies killed all the way to the ninth month?

Will they get a clue that the American people would rather have jobs than food stamps?

Will they get a clue that people are pretty pissed off about Obamacare?

Will they get a clue that Americans are tired of watching their husbands, wives, sons and daughters die in stupid useless wars that our military is not allowed to win?

Or will the Democrats continue on their merry way, learning no lessons from this election?

I think that it is more likely that they will learn nothing, because if Democrats were capable of learning they wouldn't have made all these mistakes to begin with.
Congress has been GOP for a couple of years, but has done nothing to stop the illegals, in fact, they never have stopped the illegals..The worst being during Boosh jr..
Congress has been GOP for a couple of years, but has done nothing to stop the illegals, in fact, they never have stopped the illegals..The worst being during Boosh jr..

That is true. Let's hope Trump can change that.
Congress has been GOP for a couple of years, but has done nothing to stop the illegals, in fact, they never have stopped the illegals..The worst being during Boosh jr..

Obama's Executive Orders are what increased the number of illegals and the Congress could not stop him.
Now that the Democrats have lost all three branches of government, most governorships and state legislatures, will they finally get a clue that they are doing something wrong?

Will they get a clue that maybe the American people don't want endless illegal immigration turning our cities into slums?

Will they get a clue that we don't want our jobs to keep going to China and Mexico, but want to keep them here?

Will they get a clue that maybe people aren't too happy about Christians being forced to bake cakes for gay weddings and women being forced to share a restroom with a man who says he is a woman but isn't?

Will they get a clue that maybe the American people don't want unborn babies killed all the way to the ninth month?

Will they get a clue that the American people would rather have jobs than food stamps?

Will they get a clue that people are pretty pissed off about Obamacare?

Will they get a clue that Americans are tired of watching their husbands, wives, sons and daughters die in stupid useless wars that our military is not allowed to win?

Or will the Democrats continue on their merry way, learning no lessons from this election?

I think that it is more likely that they will learn nothing, because if Democrats were capable of learning they wouldn't have made all these mistakes to begin with.
We lost all three branches under Bush. Republicans used reconciliation three times. Do you remember for what? Do you remember how that worked out? And how did those 8 years under Bush turn out? And why isn't Bush invited to any GOP conventions since then?

It's happened before. And then America learns it's lesson for a couple of years. But I think this time is different. Trump is dangerous. He is against so many parts of our constitution. You know that, right?
Congress has been GOP for a couple of years, but has done nothing to stop the illegals, in fact, they never have stopped the illegals..The worst being during Boosh jr..

Obama's Executive Orders are what increased the number of illegals and the Congress could not stop him.
Sure they couldn't, why that wall they built during Boosh didn't stop them either....Yet there they were, competing at a contractors level for jobs in the USA thanks to greedy businessmen and women...
2 back-to-back historic, record-setting losses, 2014 & 2016...

Not only running an elitist, self-serving, corrupt, criminal millionaire, non-representative career politician who SOLD America out for personal millions in exchange for access and favors but RIGGED their Primary to force her onto Democratic Party constituents as their candidate...

Not because she was 'worthy' of becoming the ultimate 'servant of the people' and guardian and protector of this country but rather because she so arrogantly believed it was 'her turn', as if this country OWED that to her.

Does that SOUND like the Democratic Party leadership despots who seek to RULE rather than SERVE have 'learned' even now?

Perhaps this latest defeat has taught them a lesson, but I believe they only see this as a 'setback'.
Before the Republicans start doing endless backflips over having the White House and both chambers of Congress remember the Democrats had the same thing after the 2008 election and lost the House in the 2010 midterms and had major loses in the Senate as well. It could trun on the Republicans just quick something it would be wise to remember.
Congress has been GOP for a couple of years, but has done nothing to stop the illegals, in fact, they never have stopped the illegals..The worst being during Boosh jr..

Obama's Executive Orders are what increased the number of illegals and the Congress could not stop him.
Sure they couldn't, why that wall they built during Boosh didn't stop them either....Yet there they were, competing at a contractors level for jobs in the USA thanks to greedy businessmen and women...

Bush did support open borders. He's no different than Hussein and Clinton on that. But the Bush's are gone now. Trump kicked their asses too. I believe he will make a sincere effort to secure our border and reform the Immigration System nightmare.

Hussein and Bush have left him an awful mess. It'll be an incredible challenge cleaning it up. It will require a herculean effort. I hope he's up to the challenge. I wish him the best of luck. He's gonna need it bigtime.
Congress has been GOP for a couple of years, but has done nothing to stop the illegals, in fact, they never have stopped the illegals..The worst being during Boosh jr..

Obama's Executive Orders are what increased the number of illegals and the Congress could not stop him.
Sure they couldn't, why that wall they built during Boosh didn't stop them either....Yet there they were, competing at a contractors level for jobs in the USA thanks to greedy businessmen and women...

It does no good for the border patrol to catch illegals, give then a court date for a hearing, and release them, never to be seen again. That is the official Obama immigration policy.
Now that the Democrats have lost all three branches of government, most governorships and state legislatures, will they finally get a clue that they are doing something wrong?

Will they get a clue that maybe the American people don't want endless illegal immigration turning our cities into slums?

Will they get a clue that we don't want our jobs to keep going to China and Mexico, but want to keep them here?

Will they get a clue that maybe people aren't too happy about Christians being forced to bake cakes for gay weddings and women being forced to share a restroom with a man who says he is a woman but isn't?

Will they get a clue that maybe the American people don't want unborn babies killed all the way to the ninth month?

Will they get a clue that the American people would rather have jobs than food stamps?

Will they get a clue that people are pretty pissed off about Obamacare?

Will they get a clue that Americans are tired of watching their husbands, wives, sons and daughters die in stupid useless wars that our military is not allowed to win?

Or will the Democrats continue on their merry way, learning no lessons from this election?

I think that it is more likely that they will learn nothing, because if Democrats were capable of learning they wouldn't have made all these mistakes to begin with.
We lost all three branches under Bush. Republicans used reconciliation three times. Do you remember for what? Do you remember how that worked out? And how did those 8 years under Bush turn out? And why isn't Bush invited to any GOP conventions since then?

It's happened before. And then America learns it's lesson for a couple of years. But I think this time is different. Trump is dangerous. He is against so many parts of our constitution. You know that, right?
After the GOP lost Congress, Nancy Pelosi admitted in a Time Magazine interview that what Democrats had done was engage in Obstructionist Politics so completely that they had brought Congress to a halt. They then blamed the GOP, who were 'in control of Congres'. She bragged how they frustrated the American people so much they were willing to cling to the Liberal promise of 'Change', despite the fact that in their lust for power Democrats were willing to block all progress in Congress that would have helped Americans.

Liberals declared they were the solution to the obstruction in Congress that they had created. In much the same way, liberals are willing to 'shut down' the government and blame the GOP to get what they want.

Liberals are liars, deceivers, users, manipulators, and their power comes from those they have conditioned / brainwashed into believing them.
2 back-to-back historic, record-setting losses, 2014 & 2016...

Not only running an elitist, self-serving, corrupt, criminal millionaire, non-representative career politician who SOLD America out for personal millions in exchange for access and favors but RIGGED their Primary to force her onto Democratic Party constituents as their candidate...

Not because she was 'worthy' of becoming the ultimate 'servant of the people' and guardian and protector of this country but rather because she so arrogantly believed it was 'her turn', as if this country OWED that to her.

Does that SOUND like the Democratic Party leadership despots who seek to RULE rather than SERVE have 'learned' even now?

Perhaps this latest defeat has taught them a lesson, but I believe they only see this as a 'setback'.

No, they are just pissed. They have their agenda and won't accept that Americans don't agree. The attacks and hate speech was kicked up a notch last night on MSNBC as they lashed out in anger. They used the most vitriolic rhetoric to speak against.....rhetoric. The riots are caused by their own rhetoric as they convince people there is a reason to act out this way.

Heads will roll as Hillary blames others for her loss. She doesn't care what the American people want. She only cared about her own goals. I was surprised she was able to pull herself together for her concession speech this morning. Best acting job I've seen in a while. I don't believe for one second that she wanted to serve this country. She wanted the title for herself and acted like it was owed to her. Might take her a while to recover.

I think no one will care about the Clintons any more. Hillary has been rejected and has lost for the final time. She has no power. She has no access to grant now. She hasn't got the ability, position, or power to grant any more favors. She and Bill are DONE.
Your man did not win a mandate to rule by congressional rubber stamp. He has walked over a lot of important people to get where he is. Going to be a price for that.
Your man did not win a mandate to rule by congressional rubber stamp. He has walked over a lot of important people to get where he is. Going to be a price for that.
Yes, in the name of the American people, he has defeated everyone in the establishment who opposed him.

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