Now - More than EVER -- Specific Topical Content Matters..

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Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
USMB desires to be a Discussion Board. All the forum structure and rules and policy are based on getting "topical discussion". We are offering a wide choice for moderation levels and topic organization.. There's a place for damn near ANYTHING folks want to discuss.. Including places for folks who "hate topics"..

Times are hard on discussion in America -- not gonna whine about that.. It is what it is right now and getting gloomier and weirder day by day.. It's also hard on our goals at USMB. The major role of moderation at USMB is to keep threads "on topic".. It's all that we ask and CAN ASK from folks that have different levels of interest and effort. All we really want is for EACH THREAD to be different and readable and stay on the SPECIFIC topic of the Title and OPost.. The vast majority of the moderation actions we take are for posts and posters that don't honor the topic, try to derail the topic or ignore the topic, or think personal flaming is some kind of replacement for "specific topical content"..

When you look at thread that's new to you -- make certain you understand what the LIMITED and SPECIFIC topic is..

Ask yourself whether you plan on discussing or contributing to that SPECIFIC topic. If ya can't or won't -- find something else you can or will discuss.

It's just not acceptable to drop into a thread about an election court case in Michigan and start talking about some news the Sec State of Georgia just made. Or WORSE -- just whining about the candidates or some particular USMB group of posters. We're not a discussion board if folks are blindly running from thread to thread -- dropping generalizations and partisan BS and IGNORING THE topics..

If you just drop into threads to flame or derail or make generalized statements that don't address the title and Opost -- and it's in Zone1 or Zone2 -- you WILL probably get moderated.. And don't let OTHER posters BAIT you off the primary topic of that particular thread..

Make sure the discussion threads you start are LIMITED in scope, So that there IS a specific topic to moderate.. And make sure the thread starts comply with "Clean Start" policy that's now in the rules and posted in the sticky section of this forum.

No reason to moderate at all if every thread is a free-for-all.. There's no purpose to us being different if the threads all sound alike and aren't readable. If you DON'T like topics and WANT confrontation and brawling -- please put your threads in the Taunting Forum and you don't have to concern yourself with these rotten pleas and mod whining..

Stepping up the thread bans and warnings.. May have to have more members in time-out or sitting in some other corner of USMB with the pointy cap..

AyeCantSeeYou Coyote Dont Taz Me Bro Kat Meister WinterBorn mdk MeBelle katsteve2012
USMB desires to be a Discussion Board. All the forum structure and rules and policy are based on getting "topical discussion". We are offering a wide choice for moderation levels and topic organization.. There's a place for damn near ANYTHING folks want to discuss.. Including places for folks who "hate topics"..

Times are hard on discussion in America -- not gonna whine about that.. It is what it is right now and getting gloomier and weirder day by day.. It's also hard on our goals at USMB. The major role of moderation at USMB is to keep threads "on topic".. It's all that we ask and CAN ASK from folks that have different levels of interest and effort. All we really want is for EACH THREAD to be different and readable and stay on the SPECIFIC topic of the Title and OPost.. The vast majority of the moderation actions we take are for posts and posters that don't honor the topic, try to derail the topic or ignore the topic, or think personal flaming is some kind of replacement for "specific topical content"..

When you look at thread that's new to you -- make certain you understand what the LIMITED and SPECIFIC topic is..

Ask yourself whether you plan on discussing or contributing to that SPECIFIC topic. If ya can't or won't -- find something else you can or will discuss.

It's just not acceptable to drop into a thread about an election court case in Michigan and start talking about some news the Sec State of Georgia just made. Or WORSE -- just whining about the candidates or some particular USMB group of posters. We're not a discussion board if folks are blindly running from thread to thread -- dropping generalizations and partisan BS and IGNORING THE topics..

If you just drop into threads to flame or derail or make generalized statements that don't address the title and Opost -- and it's in Zone1 or Zone2 -- you WILL probably get moderated.. And don't let OTHER posters BAIT you off the primary topic of that particular thread..

Make sure the discussion threads you start are LIMITED in scope, So that there IS a specific topic to moderate.. And make sure the thread starts comply with "Clean Start" policy that's now in the rules and posted in the sticky section of this forum.

No reason to moderate at all if every thread is a free-for-all.. There's no purpose to us being different if the threads all sound alike and aren't readable. If you DON'T like topics and WANT confrontation and brawling -- please put your threads in the Taunting Forum and you don't have to concern yourself with these rotten pleas and mod whining..

Stepping up the thread bans and warnings.. May have to have more members in time-out or sitting in some other corner of USMB with the pointy cap..

AyeCantSeeYou Coyote Dont Taz Me Bro Kat Meister WinterBorn mdk MeBelle katsteve2012

I feel left out...
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