Now Israel is bombing yet another country.

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
If it hurts Iran, I'm for it.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
'Bout damn time. Iran needs a good ass whuppin'.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
If it hurts Iran, I'm for it.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq

When are they bombing Tehran?
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
If it hurts Iran, I'm for it.
First of all, why? Iran hasn't invaded another country in 2000 years. I haven't seen them start any wars at all, whereas war is Israel's chief export.

Second, does claiming something is linked to Iran really suffice to justify bombing a sovereign country like Syria or Iraq?

Israel is a rogue nation.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
'Bout damn time. Iran needs a good ass whuppin'.
You are contemptible.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
If it hurts Iran, I'm for it.
First of all, why? Iran hasn't invaded another country in 2000 years. I haven't seen them start any wars at all, whereas war is Israel's chief export.

Second, does claiming something is linked to Iran really suffice to justify bombing a sovereign country like Syria or Iraq?

Israel is a rogue nation.
LOL Iran sponsors several Terrorist groups that attack Israel and they have stated numerous times they will wipe Israel out. Go pedal you whine somewhere where gullible people post.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
'Bout damn time. Iran needs a good ass whuppin'.
You are contemptible.

Thank you. I meant to be contemptible.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
If it hurts Iran, I'm for it.
First of all, why? Iran hasn't invaded another country in 2000 years. I haven't seen them start any wars at all, whereas war is Israel's chief export.

Second, does claiming something is linked to Iran really suffice to justify bombing a sovereign country like Syria or Iraq?

Israel is a rogue nation.
LOL Iran sponsors several Terrorist groups that attack Israel and they have stated numerous times they will wipe Israel out. Go pedal you whine somewhere where gullible people post.

Iran "sponsors" terrorists, huh. How does that work? They get to place the Iranian flag on the jacket of some 17-yr-old who stabs somebody on a bus? I know that, congenitally, Jews are incapable of ever admitting fault, so I suppose it's not surprising Israel is as incapable, but perhaps when Palestinian youths are throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers, it is in protest of Israel's treatment of them, and not because some country a thousand miles away "sponsored" them.

As for stating they would destroy Israel, assuming that that is even true, what did Netanyahu say in the story above? What are all the keyboard warriors on this thread saying? The same thing. And if you really want to dig down to the nitty gritty, in the Jewish founding documents, Jews are commanded to annihilate everyone else by God himself.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Yeah, not happy my taxes are paying the most blood-thirsty people in history to start wars and kill people who are no threat to me or my country.

Try to take more pleasure out of life ...

Try to take more pleasure out of life ...
I will when there aren't so many, out of pleasure, taking life.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
If it hurts Iran, I'm for it.
First of all, why? Iran hasn't invaded another country in 2000 years. I haven't seen them start any wars at all, whereas war is Israel's chief export.

Second, does claiming something is linked to Iran really suffice to justify bombing a sovereign country like Syria or Iraq?

Israel is a rogue nation.

First of all, why?

Because they sponsor terrorism worldwide.

Second, does claiming something is linked to Iran really suffice to justify bombing a sovereign country like Syria or Iraq?

US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
If it hurts Iran, I'm for it.
First of all, why? Iran hasn't invaded another country in 2000 years. I haven't seen them start any wars at all, whereas war is Israel's chief export.

Second, does claiming something is linked to Iran really suffice to justify bombing a sovereign country like Syria or Iraq?

Israel is a rogue nation.
LOL Iran sponsors several Terrorist groups that attack Israel and they have stated numerous times they will wipe Israel out. Go pedal you whine somewhere where gullible people post.

Iran "sponsors" terrorists, huh. How does that work? They get to place the Iranian flag on the jacket of some 17-yr-old who stabs somebody on a bus? I know that, congenitally, Jews are incapable of ever admitting fault, so I suppose it's not surprising Israel is as incapable, but perhaps when Palestinian youths are throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers, it is in protest of Israel's treatment of them, and not because some country a thousand miles away "sponsored" them.

As for stating they would destroy Israel, assuming that that is even true, what did Netanyahu say in the story above? What are all the keyboard warriors on this thread saying? The same thing. And if you really want to dig down to the nitty gritty, in the Jewish founding documents, Jews are commanded to annihilate everyone else by God himself.

Iran "sponsors" terrorists, huh. How does that work?

By giving them money, weapons and support.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
If it hurts Iran, I'm for it.
First of all, why? Iran hasn't invaded another country in 2000 years. I haven't seen them start any wars at all, whereas war is Israel's chief export.

Second, does claiming something is linked to Iran really suffice to justify bombing a sovereign country like Syria or Iraq?

Israel is a rogue nation.
Fact the ammo dumps were Iranian was not disputed in any news stories I saw.
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
If it hurts Iran, I'm for it.
View attachment 275836
Are the sheep for you and your lack of words?
US officials confirmed that Israel is behind three recent explosions in Iraq. The targets were "linked to Iran", they said.

Amid the spate of 'mystery explosions' recently rocking the Iraqi capital, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday of this week actually seemed to positively boast that the Israeli Air Force was behind airstrikes on pro-Iran militia bases in Iraq, saying that Israel will "continue to act militarily" to curtail Iranian expansion in the region, according to The Times of Israel.

“Iran has no immunity, anywhere,” he told reporters while on a state visit to Kiev early this week. He was responding to a specific question about the mystery attacks on Iraq. “We will act — and currently are acting — against them, wherever it is necessary,” he declared.

"We act in many arenas against a country that desires to annihilate us. Of course I gave the security forces a free hand and the instruction to do what is needed to thwart these plans of Iran," Netanyahu said.
Well, if "having plans to annihilate" you is all it takes to justify a first-strike military action, then Deuteronomy justifies the Holocaust--a real one.

US Officials Confirm Israel Behind Unprecedented Airstrikes On Iraq
If it hurts Iran, I'm for it.
First of all, why? Iran hasn't invaded another country in 2000 years. I haven't seen them start any wars at all, whereas war is Israel's chief export.

Second, does claiming something is linked to Iran really suffice to justify bombing a sovereign country like Syria or Iraq?

Israel is a rogue nation.
Perhaps, but funding terrorists in other countries? Not nice.

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