Now Faced With Doing Actual Work, No House Republican Wants To Chair Border Funding Committee


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Republican Kevin McCarthy and others in his caucus have carried out campaign stunt after campaign stunt at the southern border, at times happening when the wannabe speaker is desperately attempting to distract from certain scandals that also pertain to him. What a coincidence.

But now Republicans have won slim control of the U.S. House, and they’re apparently realizing that, shit, the usual theatrics they used when in the minority might have to be replaced with some actual work. I mean, what else explains why none of them want to chair the committee tasked with border-related issues?

“The House GOP is still searching for a senior lawmaker willing to head the politically combustible panel that oversees funding for the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies for the next Congress, according to multiple people familiar with the discussions,” Politico reports this week. Typically, you’d think that the top minority member of a committee would be absolutely chomping at the bit following a change in power, but the outlet said that the committee’s senior Republican, Tennessee’s Chuck Fleischmann, has his eyes set elsewhere.

“And Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), who previously led the committee, said: ‘I don’t know who wants it,’” the report continued.

Politico framed the panel as one that has faced “gridlock,” but that’s because it has required working with committee members from the opposing party. It requires figuring out numbers for operations and personnel and studying departments and agencies and actual work that isn’t filming a video amid the shrubbery of the Rio Grande like some nature special. The committee’s current chair, California’s Lucille Roybal-Allard, is a respected lawmaker who has led on meaningful immigration-related legislation.

Shitting on the opposing party’s administration policies, particularly on issues as complex and nuanced as immigration, is easy enough when you’re in the minority. You get to complain and point fingers and do it all on some right-wing program or to racist propaganda outlets. But when you control the committees, it’s a lot harder to try to blame the other party for issues that you railed on as a campaign strategy, because that’s all immigration is to Republicans. A fucking campaign strategy.

Work? Did somebody say work? Do we do that?
Republican Kevin McCarthy and others in his caucus have carried out campaign stunt after campaign stunt at the southern border, at times happening when the wannabe speaker is desperately attempting to distract from certain scandals that also pertain to him. What a coincidence.

But now Republicans have won slim control of the U.S. House, and they’re apparently realizing that, shit, the usual theatrics they used when in the minority might have to be replaced with some actual work. I mean, what else explains why none of them want to chair the committee tasked with border-related issues?

“The House GOP is still searching for a senior lawmaker willing to head the politically combustible panel that oversees funding for the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies for the next Congress, according to multiple people familiar with the discussions,” Politico reports this week. Typically, you’d think that the top minority member of a committee would be absolutely chomping at the bit following a change in power, but the outlet said that the committee’s senior Republican, Tennessee’s Chuck Fleischmann, has his eyes set elsewhere.

“And Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), who previously led the committee, said: ‘I don’t know who wants it,’” the report continued.

Politico framed the panel as one that has faced “gridlock,” but that’s because it has required working with committee members from the opposing party. It requires figuring out numbers for operations and personnel and studying departments and agencies and actual work that isn’t filming a video amid the shrubbery of the Rio Grande like some nature special. The committee’s current chair, California’s Lucille Roybal-Allard, is a respected lawmaker who has led on meaningful immigration-related legislation.

Shitting on the opposing party’s administration policies, particularly on issues as complex and nuanced as immigration, is easy enough when you’re in the minority. You get to complain and point fingers and do it all on some right-wing program or to racist propaganda outlets. But when you control the committees, it’s a lot harder to try to blame the other party for issues that you railed on as a campaign strategy, because that’s all immigration is to Republicans. A fucking campaign strategy.

Work? Did somebody say work? Do we do that?
Democrats have made such a mess of it, no one wants to be blamed for not being able to fix it.
Republican Kevin McCarthy and others in his caucus have carried out campaign stunt after campaign stunt at the southern border, at times happening when the wannabe speaker is desperately attempting to distract from certain scandals that also pertain to him. What a coincidence.

But now Republicans have won slim control of the U.S. House, and they’re apparently realizing that, shit, the usual theatrics they used when in the minority might have to be replaced with some actual work. I mean, what else explains why none of them want to chair the committee tasked with border-related issues?

“The House GOP is still searching for a senior lawmaker willing to head the politically combustible panel that oversees funding for the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies for the next Congress, according to multiple people familiar with the discussions,” Politico reports this week. Typically, you’d think that the top minority member of a committee would be absolutely chomping at the bit following a change in power, but the outlet said that the committee’s senior Republican, Tennessee’s Chuck Fleischmann, has his eyes set elsewhere.

“And Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), who previously led the committee, said: ‘I don’t know who wants it,’” the report continued.

Politico framed the panel as one that has faced “gridlock,” but that’s because it has required working with committee members from the opposing party. It requires figuring out numbers for operations and personnel and studying departments and agencies and actual work that isn’t filming a video amid the shrubbery of the Rio Grande like some nature special. The committee’s current chair, California’s Lucille Roybal-Allard, is a respected lawmaker who has led on meaningful immigration-related legislation.

Shitting on the opposing party’s administration policies, particularly on issues as complex and nuanced as immigration, is easy enough when you’re in the minority. You get to complain and point fingers and do it all on some right-wing program or to racist propaganda outlets. But when you control the committees, it’s a lot harder to try to blame the other party for issues that you railed on as a campaign strategy, because that’s all immigration is to Republicans. A fucking campaign strategy.

Work? Did somebody say work? Do we do that?
Well had Democrats done their job then we wouldn’t need someone to run this committee would we!?!
To enemy democrats funding at the border means processing the invaders and streamlining the invasion process. No republican should assist in the American suicide.

So you've said, but you haven't said what you are prepared to do to reform your broken immigration system. Anybody can criticize, complain, and in your case lie about what Democrats are doing, but none of the Republicans clowns have any suggestions and how to make a workable immigration system.
So you've said, but you haven't said what you are prepared to do to reform your broken immigration system. Anybody can criticize, complain, and in your case lie about what Democrats are doing, but none of the Republicans clowns have any suggestions and how to make a workable immigration system.
The immigration system caved in the mid 1960's.
So you've said, but you haven't said what you are prepared to do to reform your broken immigration system. Anybody can criticize, complain, and in your case lie about what Democrats are doing, but none of the Republicans clowns have any suggestions and how to make a workable immigration system.

Shut the Border and enforce our Law's, that hasn't been done in decades.
This is what invariably happens when Republicans are finally forced to come through with their hoaxes.

"We'll repeal and replace Obamacare!"
Republican Kevin McCarthy and others in his caucus have carried out campaign stunt after campaign stunt at the southern border, at times happening when the wannabe speaker is desperately attempting to distract from certain scandals that also pertain to him. What a coincidence.

But now Republicans have won slim control of the U.S. House, and they’re apparently realizing that, shit, the usual theatrics they used when in the minority might have to be replaced with some actual work. I mean, what else explains why none of them want to chair the committee tasked with border-related issues?

“The House GOP is still searching for a senior lawmaker willing to head the politically combustible panel that oversees funding for the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies for the next Congress, according to multiple people familiar with the discussions,” Politico reports this week. Typically, you’d think that the top minority member of a committee would be absolutely chomping at the bit following a change in power, but the outlet said that the committee’s senior Republican, Tennessee’s Chuck Fleischmann, has his eyes set elsewhere.

“And Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), who previously led the committee, said: ‘I don’t know who wants it,’” the report continued.

Politico framed the panel as one that has faced “gridlock,” but that’s because it has required working with committee members from the opposing party. It requires figuring out numbers for operations and personnel and studying departments and agencies and actual work that isn’t filming a video amid the shrubbery of the Rio Grande like some nature special. The committee’s current chair, California’s Lucille Roybal-Allard, is a respected lawmaker who has led on meaningful immigration-related legislation.

Shitting on the opposing party’s administration policies, particularly on issues as complex and nuanced as immigration, is easy enough when you’re in the minority. You get to complain and point fingers and do it all on some right-wing program or to racist propaganda outlets. But when you control the committees, it’s a lot harder to try to blame the other party for issues that you railed on as a campaign strategy, because that’s all immigration is to Republicans. A fucking campaign strategy.

Work? Did somebody say work? Do we do that?
Marjorie Taylor Greene should be eager to head such a committee. Her combination of right-wing ignorance and her willingness to shoot off her mouth and prove it would be the perfect extension of trump's era of incompetence.

However, the trump Nazis elected to the House will be much too busy in the upcoming congressional session wasting time with bogus investigations into the Bidens, Harris, the Jan 6 Committee, Hillary Clinton, and any other pointless diversion that panders to the millions of right-wing idiots that vote Republican.

The voters kept their promises.
The voters are rubes. They fell for the "repeal and replace" hoax and STILL haven't caught on they were lied to.

There never was an Obamacare replacement.

The organization formerly known as the Republican Party is morally, spiritually, and intellectually bankrupt. All they know how to do is go on the attack to hide their own lack of solutions.

They are lazy. Terribly lazy.

Trump's far left protectionist tariffs are another example. You don't bring back manufacturing jobs with tariffs. 80 percent of manufacturing jobs were automated out of existence and are never coming back. Anyone who tells you tariffs will bring them back is lying out of his fat ass.

Rather than doing the heavy lifting of overhauling our education system to prepare our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, we have fat, lazy, stupid demagogues hoaxing the rubes with tariffs.

Rather than doing the heavy lifting of immigration reform, we have fat, lazy, stupid demagogues promising a completely useless wall.

We get the politicians we deserve.
Republican Kevin McCarthy and others in his caucus have carried out campaign stunt after campaign stunt at the southern border, at times happening when the wannabe speaker is desperately attempting to distract from certain scandals that also pertain to him. What a coincidence.

But now Republicans have won slim control of the U.S. House, and they’re apparently realizing that, shit, the usual theatrics they used when in the minority might have to be replaced with some actual work. I mean, what else explains why none of them want to chair the committee tasked with border-related issues?

“The House GOP is still searching for a senior lawmaker willing to head the politically combustible panel that oversees funding for the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies for the next Congress, according to multiple people familiar with the discussions,” Politico reports this week. Typically, you’d think that the top minority member of a committee would be absolutely chomping at the bit following a change in power, but the outlet said that the committee’s senior Republican, Tennessee’s Chuck Fleischmann, has his eyes set elsewhere.

“And Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), who previously led the committee, said: ‘I don’t know who wants it,’” the report continued.

Politico framed the panel as one that has faced “gridlock,” but that’s because it has required working with committee members from the opposing party. It requires figuring out numbers for operations and personnel and studying departments and agencies and actual work that isn’t filming a video amid the shrubbery of the Rio Grande like some nature special. The committee’s current chair, California’s Lucille Roybal-Allard, is a respected lawmaker who has led on meaningful immigration-related legislation.

Shitting on the opposing party’s administration policies, particularly on issues as complex and nuanced as immigration, is easy enough when you’re in the minority. You get to complain and point fingers and do it all on some right-wing program or to racist propaganda outlets. But when you control the committees, it’s a lot harder to try to blame the other party for issues that you railed on as a campaign strategy, because that’s all immigration is to Republicans. A fucking campaign strategy.

Work? Did somebody say work? Do we do that?
What did Republicans do about the Southern Border when they had the House for 6 years??? They created the Border Crisis which caused Trump to declare a national emergency.

The Communists fought Trump every step of the way. What they couldn't stop him from doing, their commie judges least temporarily. However once he fought his way through all that, border crossings dropped like never seen before, much of it because of his Stay in Mexico policy.
So you've said, but you haven't said what you are prepared to do to reform your broken immigration system. Anybody can criticize, complain, and in your case lie about what Democrats are doing, but none of the Republicans clowns have any suggestions and how to make a workable immigration system.

The only thing wrong with our immigration system is we have a leader that refuses to enforce our laws. The United States allows a million outsiders to become American citizens every year, nearly that amount of green cards and Visa's. What the Communist party means by immigration reform is letting many more in. Why? All you have to do is take a look at what they want to do now: grant blanket amnesty so that we become a single-party country forever.
The voters are rubes. They fell for the "repeal and replace" hoax and STILL haven't caught on they were lied to.

There never was an Obamacare replacement.

The organization formerly known as the Republican Party is morally, spiritually, and intellectually bankrupt. All they know how to do is go on the attack to hide their own lack of solutions.

They are lazy. Terribly lazy.

Trump's far left protectionist tariffs are another example. You don't bring back manufacturing jobs with tariffs. 80 percent of manufacturing jobs were automated out of existence and are never coming back. Anyone who tells you tariffs will bring them back is lying out of his fat ass.

Rather than doing the heavy lifting of overhauling our education system to prepare our kids for the jobs of tomorrow, we have fat, lazy, stupid demagogues hoaxing the rubes with tariffs.

Rather than doing the heavy lifting of immigration reform, we have fat, lazy, stupid demagogues promising a completely useless wall.

We get the politicians we deserve.
There are holes in your statement. Obamacare is a tax on people. We were built as a nation with tariffs. Pax Americana as a rising nation. Now we live off of others overseas who toil in early 20th century style sweatshops.
If you lead here and you do anything at all that stops the interests of business in cheap labor coming across the border your campaign cash dries up.
Maybe Trump IS the only politician with the balls to fix our lawless border. That's why we need him so bad at this time.

Trump did bring up the right thing once. He broached the idea of mandatory e-verify but the Republicans told him to drop it and he dutifully dropped it as he had no balls to pursue it.

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