Nothing has chased more Christians away from this religion then the evangelicals

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Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.
The choice was Hillary Clinton who supported partial-birth abortion and would appoint judges who did too.
Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.

I think you're very conflicted. You're confusing political mud-wrestling with a mere attempt to prostelytize your religion.. I'm not a fan of rabid evangelists -- but they don't threaten me as much as most egotistical, inept, and mononically stupid candidates running for office...
Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.

And where's your numbers for this?? Did you contract this condition from contact with MadCow???
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Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.

I guarantee you have replaced Christianity with this Liberal Claptrap Social Justice going around. It's quite the fad. Or as Jesus said, "The wide road to destruction".

But hey, you feel very self-righteous about your choice. Anyone remember when liberals hated self-righteousness? They reek of it now.
I am currently rethinking the whole concept of Christianity and my identity as a Christian. The evangelicals have so prostituted the teachings and sacredness of this faith that I am considering walking away from it altogether. There are other options available.
Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.

You don't have to like Evangelicals if you don't want to. I understand that they are offensive to the Far Left for their opposition to Sodomy and the Abortion Trade.

However, evangelical churches are actually declining less than the institutions of the All Powerful Religious Left. The number of Radical Episcopalianists and unitarians has really shrunk over the years.

Like I said, you don't have to like it, but evangelicalism is the only thing keeping a lot of churches together.
One of the
Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.
One of the many similarities between the Democratic Party and the Nazi Party is their religious bigotry.
They Nazis were/are obsessed with hating the Jews.
The Democrats are obsessed with hating the Evangelicals.
The Dems are going down a very dark road.
The Democrats hate Christians but they have a special kind of fanatical hatred for the Evangelicals.
The Liberals want an amoral society, so their version of Christianity is amoral.
The Left's adoration of the Islamist proves that they are not principled, it's just straight-up hatred for the Evangelicals.
It is kind of what the Democratic Party's coalition of hate has been built around.
Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.

You don't have to like Evangelicals if you don't want to. I understand that they are offensive to the Far Left for their opposition to Sodomy and the Abortion Trade.

However, evangelical churches are actually declining less than the institutions of the All Powerful Religious Left. The number of Radical Episcopalianists and unitarians has really shrunk over the years.

Like I said, you don't have to like it, but evangelicalism is the only thing keeping a lot of churches together.

I am not "far left" and I find them offensive anyway because they seek to interfere in the lives of people who do not hold their views on LGBTs and reproductive decisions, among other issues, thus seeking to limit the freedoms of other individuals to think for themselves, and they try to abuse the law to do it. People can have whatever churches, temples, synagogues, mosques that they want, and hold their rituals and uphold their traditions. However, they have no business butting into other people's personal lives and decisions.

Your choice of religion is not everybody's choice of religion.
Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.

You don't have to like Evangelicals if you don't want to. I understand that they are offensive to the Far Left for their opposition to Sodomy and the Abortion Trade.

However, evangelical churches are actually declining less than the institutions of the All Powerful Religious Left. The number of Radical Episcopalianists and unitarians has really shrunk over the years.

Like I said, you don't have to like it, but evangelicalism is the only thing keeping a lot of churches together.

I am not "far left" and I find them offensive anyway because they seek to interfere in the lives of people who do not hold their views on LGBTs and reproductive decisions, among other issues, thus seeking to limit the freedoms of other individuals to think for themselves, and they try to abuse the law to do it. People can have whatever churches, temples, synagogues, mosques that they want, and hold their rituals and uphold their traditions. However, they have no business butting into other people's personal lives and decisions.

Your choice of religion is not everybody's choice of religion.

Do you find the Religious Left institutions like the Episcopalianist Faith and the Muslims to be offensive as well?

They want to control the people's lives by outlawing the burning of korans and forcing people to accept and affirm sodomy, even forcing we, the people, to bake cakes to celebrate anal intercourse like those folks in the Oregon bakery.

The ideas presented by religious leftists like Lou Farrakhan and Jim Wallis are their own, I can accept them. But they often become things that affect me personally.
Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.

You don't have to like Evangelicals if you don't want to. I understand that they are offensive to the Far Left for their opposition to Sodomy and the Abortion Trade.

However, evangelical churches are actually declining less than the institutions of the All Powerful Religious Left. The number of Radical Episcopalianists and unitarians has really shrunk over the years.

Like I said, you don't have to like it, but evangelicalism is the only thing keeping a lot of churches together.

I am not "far left" and I find them offensive anyway because they seek to interfere in the lives of people who do not hold their views on LGBTs and reproductive decisions, among other issues, thus seeking to limit the freedoms of other individuals to think for themselves, and they try to abuse the law to do it. People can have whatever churches, temples, synagogues, mosques that they want, and hold their rituals and uphold their traditions. However, they have no business butting into other people's personal lives and decisions.

Your choice of religion is not everybody's choice of religion.

Do you find the Religious Left institutions like the Episcopalianist Faith and the Muslims to be offensive as well?

They want to control the people's lives by outlawing the burning of korans and forcing people to accept and affirm sodomy, even forcing we, the people, to bake cakes to celebrate anal intercourse like those folks in the Oregon bakery.

The ideas presented by religious leftists like Lou Farrakhan and Jim Wallis are their own, I can accept them. But they often become things that affect me personally.

How are you "we, the people"? How have Episcopalians or Muslims interfered with anyone else's personal lives? Called anyone names? Participated in the burning of the scriptures of any faith? I'm not familiar with how Episcopalians or Muslims are political, left, right, moderate, or center.

How is anyone being forced to accept anything except what they themselves set out to do as a business under our general business laws?

Tell me how I am supposed to handle members of a "conservative Christian" cult whom I find completely offensive, or members of groups that uphold the patriarchal system of dick-wagging. The law forces all of us to wait on them, no matter how offensive they are to us.
The choice was Hillary Clinton who supported partial-birth abortion and would appoint judges who did too.
No...the choices for the Right were all these people:
and you choose fat donnie.
Tell me how I am supposed to handle members of a "conservative Christian" cult whom I find completely offensive, or members of groups that uphold the patriarchal system of dick-wagging. The law forces all of us to wait on them, no matter how offensive they are to us.

Actually, it doesn't, at least not in some jurisdictions.

Christians like Ted Cruz and Sarah Huckabee Sanders have been chucked out of restaurants for their conservative Christian beliefs. Christian outfits like Chick Fil A have been barred from college campuses and airports and boycotted by leftards , again, because of their belief in Almighty God.
The choice was Hillary Clinton who supported partial-birth abortion and would appoint judges who did too.
No...the choices for the Right were all these people: View attachment 279997 and you choose fat donnie.

All of the other candidates were losers. Choosing Kasich or Jeb! was tantamount to choosing Hillary.

Could either of those fellows stood up to the verbal assaults that Donald J. Trump stood up to? I don't think so. McCain and Romney made pathetic runs in the previous 2 elections
Tell me how I am supposed to handle members of a "conservative Christian" cult whom I find completely offensive, or members of groups that uphold the patriarchal system of dick-wagging. The law forces all of us to wait on them, no matter how offensive they are to us.

Actually, it doesn't, at least not in some jurisdictions.

Christians like Ted Cruz and Sarah Huckabee Sanders have been chucked out of restaurants for their conservative Christian beliefs. Christian outfits like Chick Fil A have been barred from college campuses and airports and boycotted by leftards , again, because of their belief in Almighty God.

Being a "conservative" and being "Christian" are two very different ideas. One is a political designation, the other is a religious designation.

Huckabee (don't know about Cruz) was not thrown out based on her religion. She was thrown out as a disreputable person because of her conduct at the White House as part of the trump administration. Do you have any proof that all of the other diners at the restaurant, who were not thrown out, were not Christians and those of the Christian faith were singled out? Chick-Fil A's were not barred from college campuses and airports for their religion, but for their owners' support for discrimination. I'm sure that people of the Christian faith operate businesses on these college campuses and airports that you refer to without incident.

As is my right, I refuse to spend my money at Chick Fil A or Walmart, because of their support for discrimination.
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