Note to House: Don't Bail Out Dems


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The Dems are desperate for an excuse not to implement their economically destructive campaign promises and will be glad to jettison them in the name of bipartisan compromise. The GOP House members should not fall into this trap, which would allow the Dems to claim that they were forced to extended "tax cuts for the rich" by the GOP.

Instead, the House should insist that the Dems introduce their proposal first, then allow it to pass by every GOP member abstaining. The Dems would then own their budget and could not blame the GOP for its negative economic effects, and the GOP could run against it in the next election.
Aw, no fair.

The Dems have been saving the Rs butts for quite some time now. Heck, the president has taken ther rap for Bush's huge revolving charge account. When is it gonna be the Rs turn to take responsibility for the wholesale spending of money we didn't have?
Wow, are you related to Donald Trump?

I taught him everything he knows. Pay attention and you might learn something, too.

You mean like tweeting stupid lies and a call for a revolution only to erase it the next day? Or do you mean his constant lies about having the goods on the prez's birth certificate?

He's just another career liar. You might want to think again about copying him.
I should have known this subject was too high-functioning for this board...
The Dems are desperate for an excuse not to implement their economically destructive campaign promises and will be glad to jettison them in the name of bipartisan compromise. The GOP House members should not fall into this trap, which would allow the Dems to claim that they were forced to extended "tax cuts for the rich" by the GOP.

Instead, the House should insist that the Dems introduce their proposal first, then allow it to pass by every GOP member abstaining. The Dems would then own their budget and could not blame the GOP for its negative economic effects, and the GOP could run against it in the next election.

How bout everybody take their red and blue bandanas off for a few years, and just do whats gonna be best for the people???
How bout everybody take their red and blue bandanas off for a few years, and just do whats gonna be best for the people???

Hey... "the people" voted for more of the same... gridlock and partisan division led by the greatest divider of all time, Barack Obama. And he doesn't have any more "mandate" for his insane agenda than he had last week.
The Dems are desperate for an excuse not to implement their economically destructive campaign promises and will be glad to jettison them in the name of bipartisan compromise. The GOP House members should not fall into this trap, which would allow the Dems to claim that they were forced to extended "tax cuts for the rich" by the GOP.

Instead, the House should insist that the Dems introduce their proposal first, then allow it to pass by every GOP member abstaining. The Dems would then own their budget and could not blame the GOP for its negative economic effects, and the GOP could run against it in the next election.

*rubs hands together gleefully*

*thinks: Yes, yes, do this thing, the democratic party will be credited with having saved the world while the republicans stood around offering nothing!*
The Dems are desperate for an excuse not to implement their economically destructive campaign promises and will be glad to jettison them in the name of bipartisan compromise. The GOP House members should not fall into this trap, which would allow the Dems to claim that they were forced to extended "tax cuts for the rich" by the GOP.

Instead, the House should insist that the Dems introduce their proposal first, then allow it to pass by every GOP member abstaining. The Dems would then own their budget and could not blame the GOP for its negative economic effects, and the GOP could run against it in the next election.

*rubs hands together gleefully*

*thinks: Yes, yes, do this thing, the democratic party will be credited with having saved the world while the republicans stood around offering nothing!*

Why am I not surprised at this type of response? If the Dems were so sure of their fiscal/tax policies, why didn't they pass a budget TWO YEARS AGO when they controlled both houses of Congress? Because their campaign rhetoric is 100% BS pablum served to their supporters who don't know anything about economics. But when it comes time to deliver on their nonsensical promises, they know what damage will be done to the economy and look to the Reps to give them cover for backing off their positions. And Grandma still doesn't get it... is a company that specializes in helping people restore their reputation and remove any unwanted information from being displayed publically. We work with an experienced set of lawyers to remove your mugshots from

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The Dems are desperate for an excuse not to implement their economically destructive campaign promises and will be glad to jettison them in the name of bipartisan compromise. The GOP House members should not fall into this trap, which would allow the Dems to claim that they were forced to extended "tax cuts for the rich" by the GOP.

Instead, the House should insist that the Dems introduce their proposal first, then allow it to pass by every GOP member abstaining. The Dems would then own their budget and could not blame the GOP for its negative economic effects, and the GOP could run against it in the next election.

Boehner and Obama made a deal a year ago.

Let's not let the treasonous Tea Party assholes block it like they did last year.
The Dems are desperate for an excuse not to implement their economically destructive campaign promises and will be glad to jettison them in the name of bipartisan compromise. The GOP House members should not fall into this trap, which would allow the Dems to claim that they were forced to extended "tax cuts for the rich" by the GOP.

Instead, the House should insist that the Dems introduce their proposal first, then allow it to pass by every GOP member abstaining. The Dems would then own their budget and could not blame the GOP for its negative economic effects, and the GOP could run against it in the next election.

Boehner and Obama made a deal a year ago.

Let's not let the treasonous Tea Party assholes block it like they did last year.

I assume you voted for Obama but now don't want to see his plan implemented?
The Dems are desperate for an excuse not to implement their economically destructive campaign promises and will be glad to jettison them in the name of bipartisan compromise. The GOP House members should not fall into this trap, which would allow the Dems to claim that they were forced to extended "tax cuts for the rich" by the GOP.

Instead, the House should insist that the Dems introduce their proposal first, then allow it to pass by every GOP member abstaining. The Dems would then own their budget and could not blame the GOP for its negative economic effects, and the GOP could run against it in the next election.

Boehner and Obama made a deal a year ago.

Let's not let the treasonous Tea Party assholes block it like they did last year.

I assume you voted for Obama but now don't want to see his plan implemented?

Boehner and Obama had a deal, but the treasonous Tea Party nixed it.

Let's go back to that deal, and screw the Tea Party assholes in the House.
Boehner and Obama made a deal a year ago.

Let's not let the treasonous Tea Party assholes block it like they did last year.

I assume you voted for Obama but now don't want to see his plan implemented?

Boehner and Obama had a deal, but the treasonous Tea Party nixed it.

Let's go back to that deal, and screw the Tea Party assholes in the House.

More bullshit. Obama tried to raise more taxes after they'd already come to an agreement and Boehner pretty much told him to get stuffed. It's Obama who starts the shit. He might not have been ready for the 3am phone call from Day One, but he's always been ready to be a partisan asshole.

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