Not Showing Up To Riot


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Democrats are as paranoid as a thief with a stolen armored car in their garage.

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless.

First we had the hysteria over the violence we were told was likely to occur at numerous state capitols on Inauguration Day. “Law enforcement and state officials are on high alert for potentially violent protests in the lead-up to Inauguration Day, with some state capitols boarded up and others temporarily closed ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony,” announced CNN. In an even scarier formulation, NPR intoned that “the FBI is warning of protests and potential violence in all 50 state capitals ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

The resulting clampdowns were as extreme as the dire warnings. Washington, D.C. was militarized more than at any point since the 9/11 attack. The military was highly visible on the streets. And, described The Washington Post, “state capitols nationwide locked down, with windows boarded up, National Guard troops deployed and states of emergency preemptively declared as authorities braced for potential violence Sunday mimicking the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of pro-Trump rioters.” All of this, said the paper, “reflected the anxious state of the country ahead of planned demonstrations.”

But none of that happened — not even close.

Democrats are as paranoid as a thief with a stolen armored car in their garage.

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless.

First we had the hysteria over the violence we were told was likely to occur at numerous state capitols on Inauguration Day. “Law enforcement and state officials are on high alert for potentially violent protests in the lead-up to Inauguration Day, with some state capitols boarded up and others temporarily closed ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony,” announced CNN. In an even scarier formulation, NPR intoned that “the FBI is warning of protests and potential violence in all 50 state capitals ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

The resulting clampdowns were as extreme as the dire warnings. Washington, D.C. was militarized more than at any point since the 9/11 attack. The military was highly visible on the streets. And, described The Washington Post, “state capitols nationwide locked down, with windows boarded up, National Guard troops deployed and states of emergency preemptively declared as authorities braced for potential violence Sunday mimicking the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of pro-Trump rioters.” All of this, said the paper, “reflected the anxious state of the country ahead of planned demonstrations.”

But none of that happened — not even close.

LOL. What a bunch of retarded mother fucking idiots.........................lolol.

Like people are going to take the time off their smart phones to riot....LOLOL
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Democrats are as paranoid as a thief with a stolen armored car in their garage.

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless.

First we had the hysteria over the violence we were told was likely to occur at numerous state capitols on Inauguration Day. “Law enforcement and state officials are on high alert for potentially violent protests in the lead-up to Inauguration Day, with some state capitols boarded up and others temporarily closed ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony,” announced CNN. In an even scarier formulation, NPR intoned that “the FBI is warning of protests and potential violence in all 50 state capitals ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

The resulting clampdowns were as extreme as the dire warnings. Washington, D.C. was militarized more than at any point since the 9/11 attack. The military was highly visible on the streets. And, described The Washington Post, “state capitols nationwide locked down, with windows boarded up, National Guard troops deployed and states of emergency preemptively declared as authorities braced for potential violence Sunday mimicking the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of pro-Trump rioters.” All of this, said the paper, “reflected the anxious state of the country ahead of planned demonstrations.”

But none of that happened — not even close.

LOL. What a bunch of retarded mother fucking idiots.........................lolol.

Like people are going to take the time of their smart phones to riot....LOLOL
That’s so funny. They posted pics of themselves and their seditionist freaks
Democrats are as paranoid as a thief with a stolen armored car in their garage.

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless.

First we had the hysteria over the violence we were told was likely to occur at numerous state capitols on Inauguration Day. “Law enforcement and state officials are on high alert for potentially violent protests in the lead-up to Inauguration Day, with some state capitols boarded up and others temporarily closed ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony,” announced CNN. In an even scarier formulation, NPR intoned that “the FBI is warning of protests and potential violence in all 50 state capitals ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

The resulting clampdowns were as extreme as the dire warnings. Washington, D.C. was militarized more than at any point since the 9/11 attack. The military was highly visible on the streets. And, described The Washington Post, “state capitols nationwide locked down, with windows boarded up, National Guard troops deployed and states of emergency preemptively declared as authorities braced for potential violence Sunday mimicking the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of pro-Trump rioters.” All of this, said the paper, “reflected the anxious state of the country ahead of planned demonstrations.”

But none of that happened — not even close.

LOL. What a bunch of retarded mother fucking idiots.........................lolol.

Like people are going to take the time of their smart phones to riot....LOLOL
That’s so funny. They posted pics of themselves and their seditionist freaks
No you dumb broad, I meant people don't give a rats ass anymore about the revolution..........lololol

Do you sit around all day and smoke weed and be stoopid?
Riiuiight. Trumpscum white supremacists didn’t try to overturn the government or anything

such lying losers

Of course not - It was very peaceful and a good time was had by all! :rolleyes-41:

Democrats are as paranoid as a thief with a stolen armored car in their garage.

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless.

First we had the hysteria over the violence we were told was likely to occur at numerous state capitols on Inauguration Day. “Law enforcement and state officials are on high alert for potentially violent protests in the lead-up to Inauguration Day, with some state capitols boarded up and others temporarily closed ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony,” announced CNN. In an even scarier formulation, NPR intoned that “the FBI is warning of protests and potential violence in all 50 state capitals ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

The resulting clampdowns were as extreme as the dire warnings. Washington, D.C. was militarized more than at any point since the 9/11 attack. The military was highly visible on the streets. And, described The Washington Post, “state capitols nationwide locked down, with windows boarded up, National Guard troops deployed and states of emergency preemptively declared as authorities braced for potential violence Sunday mimicking the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of pro-Trump rioters.” All of this, said the paper, “reflected the anxious state of the country ahead of planned demonstrations.”

But none of that happened — not even close.

Lead story on CBS on 3/3/21 was "D.C. will be under siege as insurrections says 3/4/21 Trump will return triumphantly"!
I watched the next day...again even though it was the end of 3/4/21... nothing happened BUT CBS 2nd story was the continued "threats".
Again the MSM doing anything to tear America apart. Way to go!
Democrats are as paranoid as a thief with a stolen armored car in their garage.

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless.

First we had the hysteria over the violence we were told was likely to occur at numerous state capitols on Inauguration Day. “Law enforcement and state officials are on high alert for potentially violent protests in the lead-up to Inauguration Day, with some state capitols boarded up and others temporarily closed ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony,” announced CNN. In an even scarier formulation, NPR intoned that “the FBI is warning of protests and potential violence in all 50 state capitals ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

The resulting clampdowns were as extreme as the dire warnings. Washington, D.C. was militarized more than at any point since the 9/11 attack. The military was highly visible on the streets. And, described The Washington Post, “state capitols nationwide locked down, with windows boarded up, National Guard troops deployed and states of emergency preemptively declared as authorities braced for potential violence Sunday mimicking the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of pro-Trump rioters.” All of this, said the paper, “reflected the anxious state of the country ahead of planned demonstrations.”

But none of that happened — not even close.

Lead story on CBS on 3/3/21 was "D.C. will be under siege as insurrections says 3/4/21 Trump will return triumphantly"!
I watched the next day...again even though it was the end of 3/4/21... nothing happened BUT CBS 2nd story was the continued "threats".
Again the MSM doing anything to tear America apart. Way to go!
80% of America is laughing at 20% of the dumbest stooges we could
Democrats are as paranoid as a thief with a stolen armored car in their garage.

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless.

First we had the hysteria over the violence we were told was likely to occur at numerous state capitols on Inauguration Day. “Law enforcement and state officials are on high alert for potentially violent protests in the lead-up to Inauguration Day, with some state capitols boarded up and others temporarily closed ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony,” announced CNN. In an even scarier formulation, NPR intoned that “the FBI is warning of protests and potential violence in all 50 state capitals ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

The resulting clampdowns were as extreme as the dire warnings. Washington, D.C. was militarized more than at any point since the 9/11 attack. The military was highly visible on the streets. And, described The Washington Post, “state capitols nationwide locked down, with windows boarded up, National Guard troops deployed and states of emergency preemptively declared as authorities braced for potential violence Sunday mimicking the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of pro-Trump rioters.” All of this, said the paper, “reflected the anxious state of the country ahead of planned demonstrations.”

But none of that happened — not even close.

None of it happened because the response would have been overwhelming since our Capitol was prepared this time. The paranoia was certainly justified after the horror show brought on by an out-of-control bunch of loonies and criminals.
They continue to fabricate the fear. This is what a tyrannical government does.
Yep. Fabricate enemies to justify crushing liberty.
Those criminals are not enemies? What was it--a picnic? They are indeed enemies
because they were violent and caused death, injury, and destruction. That is what our enemies do.

The violent left caused way more death, violence, destruction, pillaging than that bunch of ragtags could have ever dreamed of creating.
Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6

They continue to fabricate the fear. This is what a tyrannical government does
Again the MSM doing anything to tear America apart.


Ummm, guys, guys.......settle down. Take a breath. There's little need for you to sit there fluttering your pearls and Tsk, tsk, tsk'g.

Here's the way it really works: The law enforcement agencies (could be one or more of several).....monitor the the nutjob jackass patriot 'chatter' on social media, and probably by infiltrators in the ranks of the jackassery.

And then law enforcement analyzes the chatter and determines, or attempts to determine: are these nutjobs serious? or just a bunch of Mealtime-6 wannabee's doing keyboard-macho poses?

And, if law enforcement determines there is an honest to god potential for jackassery to breakout....well, they announce it.
And then, guess what?
Well, the media then reports it.

It works that way. Trust me.

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6
They continue to fabricate the fear. This is what a tyrannical government does
Again the MSM doing anything to tear America apart.

Ummm, guys, guys.......settle down. Take a breath. There's little need for you to sit there fluttering your pearls and Tsk, tsk, tsk'g.

Here's the way it really works: The law enforcement agencies (could be one or more of several).....monitor the the nutjob jackass patriot 'chatter' on social media, and probably by infiltrators in the ranks of the jackassery.

And then law enforcement analyzes the chatter and determines, or attempts to determine: are these nutjobs serious? or just a bunch of Mealtime-6 wannabee's doing keyboard-macho poses?

And, if law enforcement determines there is an honest to god potential for jackassery to breakout....well, they announce it.
And then, guess what?
Well, the media then reports it.

It works that way. Trust me.


Yeah, just like w told us there were muslim boogeyman chattering and waiting to pounce at every corner or russians were coming to get us or covid was lurking in the trees, waiting until 10pm-5am to strike and on and on and on..................
Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6
They continue to fabricate the fear. This is what a tyrannical government does
Again the MSM doing anything to tear America apart.

Ummm, guys, guys.......settle down. Take a breath. There's little need for you to sit there fluttering your pearls and Tsk, tsk, tsk'g.

Here's the way it really works: The law enforcement agencies (could be one or more of several).....monitor the the nutjob jackass patriot 'chatter' on social media, and probably by infiltrators in the ranks of the jackassery.

And then law enforcement analyzes the chatter and determines, or attempts to determine: are these nutjobs serious? or just a bunch of Mealtime-6 wannabee's doing keyboard-macho poses?

And, if law enforcement determines there is an honest to god potential for jackassery to breakout....well, they announce it.
And then, guess what?
Well, the media then reports it.

It works that way. Trust me.

They continue to fabricate the fear. This is what a tyrannical government does.
Yep. Fabricate enemies to justify crushing liberty.
Those criminals are not enemies? What was it--a picnic? They are indeed enemies
because they were violent and caused death, injury, and destruction. That is what our enemies do.

So, by your logic here, BLM, and AntiFa are enemies....Is that how you feel?

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