Not just NZ, Australia, SA, Brazil, USA. colonialism: How did the indigenous peoples of the Middle East outside of the Arabian Peninsula become “Arabs


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Not just NZ, Australia, SA, Brazil, USA. colonialism: How did the indigenous peoples of the Middle East outside of the Arabian Peninsula become “Arabs?” great reading for all west haters


European countries have taken in more than they can handle, yet none of the rich Arabian Gulf countries have taken in a single refugee, even though they are situated close to the areas under attack. Interestingly, Saudi Arabia has offered to finance the building of 200 mosques in Germany for the refugees. Why mosques? Why not housing to ease the burden on Germany and other European countries? Why not take in three million refugee families which can be accommodated immediately in the already existing camp in Saudi Arabia? Three million fire-proof tents with air-conditioning are sitting there empty. ...
To tackle these questions we would have to look into a brief history of the region.... Islam, as well as submitting to a whole new identity, the identity of the invader. Languages were banned, new generations opened their eyes to one language, Arabic,...
... The persecution of these men was triggered by the famous Imam Al-Ghazali, who announced that Mathematics is the work of the devil. That was the beginning of the end of the ironically named Golden Age of “Islam.”


many of the indigenous nations of the Middle East were put under the rule of Arabs, even though they live on their ancestral land, speak their own language, and enjoy their distinct culture and ancient heritage. The Treaty of Sèvres (1920) saw the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire after WWI, it was in this treaty that the region was divided into states without consideration for the ethnic groups. As a result many nations suffered, namely Kurds, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Amazighs, and others. Kurdistan which has a population of around 50 million was partitioned into 4 parts, each given away, land, stock, and barrel, to a neighbouring nation, making the new states of ‘Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Turkey’. ...

The Amazighs in North Africa are another such indigenous nation; both Islamisation and Arabisation of their region greatly altered their society and culture, inserting new ways and a new language into their lives. The Coptic Christians in Egypt also suffered greatly and continue to do so, there has been ongoing intolerance towards them, which the state has failed to investigate, including the continuous disappearance of Coptic Christian women and girls.


When asked why they won’t open their doors to Syrian refugees fleeing from the Islamic State, officials from the oil-rich states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and UAE have made excuses such as our states are too valuable to let Syrian refugees resettle in, and one went on to say that Syrian culture is ‘alien’ to the gulf region. "

Islam practices cultrual genocide.
It is one of it's primary goals.
It is what causes their terrorism.
Liberals who defend it are showing everyone that they don't have any real principles about tolerance.
Not just NZ, Australia, SA, Brazil, USA. colonialism: How did the indigenous peoples of the Middle East outside of the Arabian Peninsula become “Arabs?” great reading for all west haters


European countries have taken in more than they can handle, yet none of the rich Arabian Gulf countries have taken in a single refugee, even though they are situated close to the areas under attack. Interestingly, Saudi Arabia has offered to finance the building of 200 mosques in Germany for the refugees. Why mosques? Why not housing to ease the burden on Germany and other European countries? Why not take in three million refugee families which can be accommodated immediately in the already existing camp in Saudi Arabia? Three million fire-proof tents with air-conditioning are sitting there empty. ...
To tackle these questions we would have to look into a brief history of the region.... Islam, as well as submitting to a whole new identity, the identity of the invader. Languages were banned, new generations opened their eyes to one language, Arabic,...
... The persecution of these men was triggered by the famous Imam Al-Ghazali, who announced that Mathematics is the work of the devil. That was the beginning of the end of the ironically named Golden Age of “Islam.”


many of the indigenous nations of the Middle East were put under the rule of Arabs, even though they live on their ancestral land, speak their own language, and enjoy their distinct culture and ancient heritage. The Treaty of Sèvres (1920) saw the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire after WWI, it was in this treaty that the region was divided into states without consideration for the ethnic groups. As a result many nations suffered, namely Kurds, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Amazighs, and others. Kurdistan which has a population of around 50 million was partitioned into 4 parts, each given away, land, stock, and barrel, to a neighbouring nation, making the new states of ‘Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Turkey’. ...

The Amazighs in North Africa are another such indigenous nation; both Islamisation and Arabisation of their region greatly altered their society and culture, inserting new ways and a new language into their lives. The Coptic Christians in Egypt also suffered greatly and continue to do so, there has been ongoing intolerance towards them, which the state has failed to investigate, including the continuous disappearance of Coptic Christian women and girls.


When asked why they won’t open their doors to Syrian refugees fleeing from the Islamic State, officials from the oil-rich states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and UAE have made excuses such as our states are too valuable to let Syrian refugees resettle in, and one went on to say that Syrian culture is ‘alien’ to the gulf region. "

Read the history of the Akkadians .. That will answer your questions.

The Saudis have taken in 2 million Syrian refugees only they are not in camps and they are not called refugees. They are called Brothers in Distress. They live out in the economy.. They have jobs and their kids go to Saudi schools.

The Arabs traded with Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Levant, East Africa and the Indus Valley long before Islam existed. They sold frankincense and myrrh to Herod and the Pharaohs for funeral rights.
Not just NZ, Australia, SA, Brazil, USA. colonialism: How did the indigenous peoples of the Middle East outside of the Arabian Peninsula become “Arabs?” great reading for all west haters


European countries have taken in more than they can handle, yet none of the rich Arabian Gulf countries have taken in a single refugee, even though they are situated close to the areas under attack. Interestingly, Saudi Arabia has offered to finance the building of 200 mosques in Germany for the refugees. Why mosques? Why not housing to ease the burden on Germany and other European countries? Why not take in three million refugee families which can be accommodated immediately in the already existing camp in Saudi Arabia? Three million fire-proof tents with air-conditioning are sitting there empty. ...
To tackle these questions we would have to look into a brief history of the region.... Islam, as well as submitting to a whole new identity, the identity of the invader. Languages were banned, new generations opened their eyes to one language, Arabic,...
... The persecution of these men was triggered by the famous Imam Al-Ghazali, who announced that Mathematics is the work of the devil. That was the beginning of the end of the ironically named Golden Age of “Islam.”


many of the indigenous nations of the Middle East were put under the rule of Arabs, even though they live on their ancestral land, speak their own language, and enjoy their distinct culture and ancient heritage. The Treaty of Sèvres (1920) saw the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire after WWI, it was in this treaty that the region was divided into states without consideration for the ethnic groups. As a result many nations suffered, namely Kurds, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Amazighs, and others. Kurdistan which has a population of around 50 million was partitioned into 4 parts, each given away, land, stock, and barrel, to a neighbouring nation, making the new states of ‘Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Turkey’. ...

The Amazighs in North Africa are another such indigenous nation; both Islamisation and Arabisation of their region greatly altered their society and culture, inserting new ways and a new language into their lives. The Coptic Christians in Egypt also suffered greatly and continue to do so, there has been ongoing intolerance towards them, which the state has failed to investigate, including the continuous disappearance of Coptic Christian women and girls.


When asked why they won’t open their doors to Syrian refugees fleeing from the Islamic State, officials from the oil-rich states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and UAE have made excuses such as our states are too valuable to let Syrian refugees resettle in, and one went on to say that Syrian culture is ‘alien’ to the gulf region. "

The Gulf states have taken in 2 million Syrian refugees. So much for that lie. They call them brothers in distress. They don't belong to the UNHCR of 1951 because they only welcome Muslim refugees. The Syrian refugees live on the economy, send their children to school, work. There are no refugee camps.
Read the history of the Akkadians .. That will answer your questions.

The Saudis have taken in 2 million Syrian refugees only they are not in camps and they are not called refugees. They are called Brothers in Distress. They live out in the economy.. They have jobs and their kids go to Saudi schools.

The Arabs traded with Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Levant, East Africa and the Indus Valley long before Islam existed. They sold frankincense and myrrh to Herod and the Pharaohs for funeral rights.
Akkadians were LITERATE----ie NOT ARABS. What did Herod do with Myrrh and Frankincense at funerals the RIGHTS (sic) of funerals
Akkadians were LITERATE----ie NOT ARABS. What did Herod do with Myrrh and Frankincense at funerals the RIGHTS (sic) of funerals

Akkadians were from the Arabian peninsula... and they were literate. Frankincense and Myrrh were used to anoint the body of the deceased.. pharaohs also used frankincense and Myrrh.
Akkadians were from the Arabian peninsula... and they were literate. Frankincense and Myrrh were used to anoint the body of the deceased.. pharaohs also used frankincense and Myrrh.
yes Herod was killing people for rome---left and right---but probably did not
do the anointing. The Egyptians included the aromatic resins in their
EMBALMING techniques and needed lots more. Akkadians were all over
mesopotamia........the people indigenous to the Arabian peninsula were ILLITERATE and the language which developed among them was
Arabic which came into an alphabet sometime approximately---200 AD---
In ancient jewish writings the ARABS are called ISHMAELITES. I am
fascinated----the arabs seem to be claiming that the AKKADIANS
were arabs aka Ishmaelites----like the big MO. Today even the
Egyptians are called "arabs" ---descended from posthumous
REVERTS (the mormons did not invent the idea)
Read the history of the Akkadians .. That will answer your questions.

The Saudis have taken in 2 million Syrian refugees only they are not in camps and they are not called refugees. They are called Brothers in Distress. They live out in the economy.. They have jobs and their kids go to Saudi schools.

The Arabs traded with Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Levant, East Africa and the Indus Valley long before Islam existed. They sold frankincense and myrrh to Herod and the Pharaohs for funeral rights.
the saudis have accepted MUSLIMS from Syria ----non muslims have also wound up there as temporary, virtually enslaved, "workers"
yes Herod was killing people for rome---left and right---but probably did not
do the anointing. The Egyptians included the aromatic resins in their
EMBALMING techniques and needed lots more. Akkadians were all over
mesopotamia........the people indigenous to the Arabian peninsula were ILLITERATE and the language which developed among them was
Arabic which came into an alphabet sometime approximately---200 AD---
In ancient jewish writings the ARABS are called ISHMAELITES. I am
fascinated----the arabs seem to be claiming that the AKKADIANS
were arabs aka Ishmaelites----like the big MO. Today even the
Egyptians are called "arabs" ---descended from posthumous
REVERTS (the mormons did not invent the idea)
Herod had his wife anointed with frankincense and myrrh.... So did pharaoh.

The Akkadians migrated from Arabia. Medianites , Amorites, Edomites were all Arabs.
Herod had his wife anointed with frankincense and myrrh.... So did pharaoh.

The Akkadians migrated from Arabia. Medianites , Amorites, Edomites were all Arabs.
right----EVERYONE in the Levant came from the arabian Peninsula and the
only people who REMAINED illiterate whilst there was literacy THRUOUT
the Levant----were the unwashed nomads of the Arabian Peninsula.
AND they were all----REALLY, sorta, MUSLIMS. Frankincense and Myrrh were
the perfumes of the time----the production of which was common in parts
of arabia-----but also in various area of Africa and India (also literate) Even
the Edomites were literate. There are some "arab" populations in the
Southern part of Israel who were migrants from arabia as determined by
linguistics. -----uhm----Boys used scents too----for all kinds of
purposes and they were used in the making of incense
right----EVERYONE in the Levant came from the arabian Peninsula and the
only people who REMAINED illiterate whilst there was literacy THRUOUT
the Levant----were the unwashed nomads of the Arabian Peninsula.
AND they were all----REALLY, sorta, MUSLIMS. Frankincense and Myrrh were
the perfumes of the time----the production of which was common in parts
of arabia-----but also in various area of Africa and India (also literate) Even
the Edomites were literate. There are some "arab" populations in the
Southern part of Israel who were migrants from arabia as determined by
linguistics. -----uhm----Boys used scents too----for all kinds of
purposes and they were used in the making of incense

Frankincense and Myrrh were luxury items. There's no evidence that literacy was common among the Arabs or the Jews, but the Babylonians had a written language by the time of Adam and Eve.
Frankincense and Myrrh were luxury items. There's no evidence that literacy was common among the Arabs or the Jews, but the Babylonians had a written language by the time of Adam and Eve.
yes Frankincense and Myrrh were luxury items produced widely in east africa
and India. There is clear evidence that there was widespread illiteracy until
RECENTLY in arabia and in those areas that were invaded by arab HORDES....
and counting. Literacy has been common amongst jews for at least the
past 4000 years. Even Jesus was literate. For illiteracy in NYC---look at the
HIJAB population
yes Frankincense and Myrrh were luxury items produced widely in east africa
and India. There is clear evidence that there was widespread illiteracy until
RECENTLY in arabia and in those areas that were invaded by arab HORDES....
and counting. Literacy has been common amongst jews for at least the
past 4000 years. Even Jesus was literate. For illiteracy in NYC---look at the
HIJAB population

Most frankincense and Myrrh came from Yemen not Africa.
Most frankincense and Myrrh came from Yemen not Africa.
SO? have you now decided that Yemen is part of Arabia?---
you did seem to reject that idea sometime back. Yemen is
very fertile----lots of water and flora. Jews there were known
to be literate for approx. 3000 years........those called "arabs"
are still working on it----recently
Mesopotamia was literate----part of the AKKADIAN empire.
Egypt was literate. India was literate. Jews in Arabia and
Yemen were literate------then islam happened widely, ----in
the Levant and the Indian subcontinent

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