American visitors to North Korea have been impressed with how attuned Pyongyang officials are to U.S. campaign developments, including polling numbers. Many assume the North prefers Kerry to Bush, who labeled the North a member of an international "axis of evil," along with Iraq and Iran.
Kerry contends that "America is more threatened than ever before" as a result of Bush's approach to the North Korea problem. He says the communist country has six to eight nuclear weapons, enabling it to "sell nuclear weapons to terrorists and still hold an arsenal in reserve." Powell cites U.S. intelligence estimates that say Pyongyang has only one or two.
-Fox News
Personally when North Korea, and UBL are hoping to get Kerry as president I fear for our elections. Especialy when I hear of N. Korea selling or giving nukes to terrorist. We have to keep the presure on everywhere not pull back and ease off.