Non-Violent Overthrow Of International Evil, And Reagan!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone might have guessed that recently ejected, President Bush: Would have qualified for the title of, "First African American President In U. S. History." 20% Afrikaner, 80% not too up on things--Clearly applies. Bill Clinton finally paled by comparison.

Still, there are liberals: And they seem to want it known that they have a candidate in there running, themselves. Initially, it would have been expected that he really only had 1/2 the chance.


Apparently, Liberals will not so-state, but the end of the Soviet Union actually happened. Even Reagan-Bush-Bush even got ejected. Liberals do not want to so-state either matter.

The first event included severe economic downturn, and opening of the affected nations to new concepts, for them. The second event included severe economic downturn, and opening of the affected party to new concepts, for them.

No Military incursions were required. Even the famous "Iraq War," in Kuwait was a non-event. The General in Command had some sense, and got in and got out. The police-level event had created a coalition, and a reputation, that could have been brought to bear in Afghanistan.

That too, never happened, but the other events did.

And all of that slipped past the Nobel Commitee. And all of that slipped past all its award recipients. A small handful had staged a "Beer Hall Putsch" in the 1920's. A small handful had been atomized, and set to be captured even by the Taliban. A small handful in the West Wing and in the Pentagon engineered the travesty in Afghanistan, even in recent weeks.

When the people got rid of Reagan-Bush-Bush, that brought about end of it all again. When the people got rid of Bush-Bush, then it was expected that the U. S. Military Threat to the Middle East was finally at an end.

And so someone in the White House, actually sent Barack Obama to Oslo to discuss this: Or at least his own idiosyncratic version of it all! This time, it is noted: A viewpoint of the entire representative government is not so-far, entirely, included. A tiny minority of an empowered faction in government actually did this. Others have done this.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Prior to Bush-Bush, even the U. S. Intelligence Estimate was basically that! Serious Cluelessness Continues in the interpretations!)
In fact, anyone has to guess that the Obama Adminstration doesn't know anything about any of it, either!

These are an Ivy League Educated people.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Her Majesty's Prime Minister is already aware, in fact, that the Banking Industry in the Former Colonies have trouble with English Lanague concepts, themselves!)
And all the events are widely recorded history, where people who can't to stand to be around their buddies: Take them into combat to be killed, or wounded, dismembered, disembowled or even permanantly disabled for life!

There is such vomit on the planet! Even Obama said so at Oslo: Evil in the world's military and lethal combative factions is in the world!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Gravediggers know this too! And journalists make pricely sums from it, themselves!)

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