Nobel Peace Prize Update: State Dept Removes All Staff Family Members from Turkey

Imagine how much trouble we would be in if obama had won the nobel war prize.......he is doing such a bang up job having won the peace prize....
Heck, I may not tan as well as Obama (the reason he got the Nobel Prize...he was raised in a white family fer crissakes), but I'd be more deserving of the Prize for drawing attention to the cult of LGBT taking over our country. For years I was almost literally the lone voice on the internet, getting the shit beat out of me...banned right and left ...for speaking out against the cult. Now others are waking up and talking about it; when it gets to the point of deranged males wanting legal access to women's showers.

It had to go THAT FAR before people started waking up and saying "wow, this Silhouette may have a point". Der... :cuckoo: Ya thunk?

Obama has done NOTHING to warrant the Prize. Unless you get a prize for filth-mouth Jay-Z visiting Obama's girls at the Whitehouse on a regular basis. You know...dem hoes... (well that's how Jay-Z refers to women & girls). Great role model Obama!

I love how white-family-raised in Hawaii Obama (while getting all the affirmative action goodies he could for tanning well...including the Whitehouse...) adopts that Deep-South singsong in his voice like he was raised on a cotton plantation in Alabama with a black momma slaving over a cookstove while his daddy ran the mule team hauling bales back to the gin barn. Every time he does that with his voice, it angers me; knowing he got the Nobel Prize for NOTHING but clever imitation and more melanin in his skin cells.

In fact, Obama has used his skin pigmentation to rile up racial unrest where it had taken decades to settle it down. He sits in the Whitehouse, getting their via no qualifications except his skin color, bemoaning "the state of racial inequality". How ironic. Meanwhile actual black people hear his dog whistle; and as a direct result of it are blockading white kids from entering UC Berkeley. It's gotten THAT BAD since Obama's Affirmative-Action presidency coming in as a Jr. Senator from Illinois. He should get the Anti-Nobel Prize for almost singlehandedly stirring up new racial tensions as a favor to his LGBT financiers to create a new unease of "civil rights" to lube the wheels in litigation on their legal freight train which attempts to equate perverted behaviors as legal-equivalent to a race of people.

His methodology for addressing racism is the polar opposite of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s He has literally undone most of Dr. King's good work in the short time he's has his tans-well presidency. If Dr. King were alive today, he would be projectile-vomiting at the perversions done to his good & legitimate civil rights campaign about a RACE of people. :puke3:
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