Zone1 Noahide Law: Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our injustices betray this law?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So for those who don't know, Judaism demands and even requires the efforts of pious gentiles, a general reference to them for the purposes of this posting is that of Noahides. It is essentially 7 laws though with all the research across a wide array of sources I have conducted, there are respected rabbi who state that there are far more than these 7 laws, some even stating that Noahide are not excluded from what Jews are obligated to abide.

Some Talmud rabbi include Rav Nissim Gaon and Rav Chaim Volozhin among others share this expanded belief. The Noahide is critical to Judaism and the most religious practioners around the globe view Noahides with a substantial degree of reverence, but I digress...

In essence, Moshiach (Messiah) will not arrive until peace among men is achieved globally, among other requirements. A daunting task to be sure but we couldn't imagine the progress today compared to what was experienced 1000 years ago, let along even just 80 years ago, so I expand my mind to believe it is possible in time. Anything and everything is possible, isn't it?

This gargantuan task tantamount to a Utopian society aside (a pursuit of zenith worth embracing regardless of ones world beliefs) and taking the context of the forewritten into account; the one law I have difficulty with for the Noahide is for their nations to establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world. I've raised my concerns before but just now have decided to express them in more detail.

We are observing a litany of evil and abuses of power even in advanced nations today that the concept and requirement of "justice" has been greatly eroded. Clearly society has turned it back on G-d in my opinion. It is more prevalent than ever perhaps, just go for a walk in a busy city or watch the manner in which people interact with one another in innocuous situations and this is hardly a surprise revelation. One has to be increasingly adroit just to avoid the figurative landmines within society.

No larger example (notice I used the word "larger", meaning, global-scale consequence, not the worst) of this corrosive bastardizing of justice than what Donald Trump experienced in New York. I still shake my head and I am disappointed that the media and others put politics and a thirst for power above his rights. The rights that G-d demands for ALL citizens. Now, regardless of ones opinion of him or any political actor, this had to be viewed as a rapacious desire for power at the expense of standard decorum. How many sat silent and watched in approval?

The point of my post is that I struggle with this law more than any as just having a court of law does NOT ensure justice and this disconnect appears destined to be the most difficult obligation to achieve. This is where we clearly fail and dare I say, many of the so-called religious right wing actually contribute to these failures if and when they believe in shortcuts to actual truth in order to "impose law and order". Of course law and order is important, even noble; however, when the costs are violations of justice for the illusion of justice, we have violated this law in my opinion.

In closing, how do we as a species demand that justice is in accordance with courts of law?

There have been periods in history in which the courts and justice were determined by a single Ruler. Does that meet the standard as demanded by G-d? We are increasingly descending into the abyss of abuses again, often promoted by the most heathen of citizens.

Perhaps Trump and his team will have this addressed in America and the rest of the world fill follow suit bringing us closer to the Utopia we desire.

I would be open to hearing others opinions on this matter. How can we better achieve this requirement? How can we ensure more value is placed on true blind justice, what is inherently an unsexy and unprofitable pursuit of character?

Thank you for your time.
The Messiah (Jesus Christ) will return only when the world is on the brink of manmade destruction, not when the nations are 'finally at peace'.

You have a difference of opinion than those of Jews and Noahides.

Jesus was a great man who spread more of the bible than any other in history and an excellent rabbi at one point in time.

If he was the Messiah though, he wouldn't need to be risen twice, right?

Just logical but I'm not here to argue it. He is separate from the Noahide laws.
A prominent rabbi (whom I will not name) opined that he rejects Christianity because he cannot accept the concept of redemption (Christ died for OUR sins), and the God-thing. No one ever mentioned that the Messiah would be God, and that is an absolute deal breaker for Jews (and many others).

As for "justice" once you get away from tangible ad hominem crime and crimes against property - e.g., "election interference" - justice becomes a very difficult concept to apply objectively. OTOH, it does not take a genius or a professional ethicist to see that the political Left has lost its soul - assuming it ever had one - with its psychotic persecution of The Donald...which goes on as we sit here reading and writing.
If he was the Messiah????? Christ won't return until there is peace on earth???
Fact-check the Noahide laws with the Bible. Then pitch the Noahide Laws in the dumpster. Christ is the better covenant.
Jesus has already walked the earth. If it is true about his identity, what are the requirements before he rises again?

Also, where in the Torah does it suggest these details?

Let's be honest about the consistency between the Old Testament and a New Testament which was written long after Jesus passed and again, didn't abide by the text in the Torah.
He is not rising again. He is interdimensional. He can come and go at will. Christ is going to return to earth, not when there is peace, but when we are about to kill all life on this earth. When He returns this time, the Jews will realize He is the Messiah. He remains here the next time He shows up, in Jerusalem.

Who wrote the most popular book in the world? If it wasn't who the Bible says wrote it, then who? Who is this amazing prophet that prophesied that Israel would be born in a day, 2000 years into the future, when there already was an Israel? That the gospel would be preached worldwide? Why did the author forget to include the destruction of the Jewish Temple? The Bible tells about the other times the Temple was destroyed.

Who knew 2,000 ago, in the age of swords and cross bows, that destroying all life on earth could was a possibility?
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that's a fine website for a Christian.

that's a fine website for a Christian.

I like the one about not eating from a live animal. :omg:
He is not rising again. He is interdimensional. He can come and go at will. Christ is going to return to earth, not when there is peace, but when we are about to kill all life on this earth. When He returns this time, the Jews will realize He is the Messiah. He remains here the next time He shows up, in Jerusalem.

Who wrote the most popular book in the world? If it wasn't who the Bible says wrote it, then who? Who is this amazing prophet that prophesied that Israel would be born in a day, 2000 years into the future, when there already was an Israel? That the gospel would be preached worldwide? Why did the author forget to include the destruction of the Jewish Temple? The Bible tells about the other times the Temple was destroyed.

Who knew 2,000 ago, in the age of swords and cross bows, that destroying all life on earth could was a possibility?
Most amazing is the church itself. Jesus said, "I will build my church", and boy did he. :bowdown:
Christ is going to return to earth, not when there is peace, but when we are about to kill all life on this earth.

you have fooled yourself ram - either circumstance will bring the final judgement, best be the triumph of good they return and all will celebrate as otherwise w/ the triumph of evil all remaining will be destroyed.
So for those who don't know, Judaism demands and even requires the efforts of pious gentiles, a general reference to them for the purposes of this posting is that of Noahides. It is essentially 7 laws though with all the research across a wide array of sources I have conducted, there are respected rabbi who state that there are far more than these 7 laws, some even stating that Noahide are not excluded from what Jews are obligated to abide.

Some Talmud rabbi include Rav Nissim Gaon and Rav Chaim Volozhin among others share this expanded belief. The Noahide is critical to Judaism and the most religious practioners around the globe view Noahides with a substantial degree of reverence, but I digress...

In essence, Moshiach (Messiah) will not arrive until peace among men is achieved globally, among other requirements. A daunting task to be sure but we couldn't imagine the progress today compared to what was experienced 1000 years ago, let along even just 80 years ago, so I expand my mind to believe it is possible in time. Anything and everything is possible, isn't it?

This gargantuan task tantamount to a Utopian society aside (a pursuit of zenith worth embracing regardless of ones world beliefs) and taking the context of the forewritten into account; the one law I have difficulty with for the Noahide is for their nations to establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world. I've raised my concerns before but just now have decided to express them in more detail.

We are observing a litany of evil and abuses of power even in advanced nations today that the concept and requirement of "justice" has been greatly eroded. Clearly society has turned it back on G-d in my opinion. It is more prevalent than ever perhaps, just go for a walk in a busy city or watch the manner in which people interact with one another in innocuous situations and this is hardly a surprise revelation. One has to be increasingly adroit just to avoid the figurative landmines within society.

No larger example (notice I used the word "larger", meaning, global-scale consequence, not the worst) of this corrosive bastardizing of justice than what Donald Trump experienced in New York. I still shake my head and I am disappointed that the media and others put politics and a thirst for power above his rights. The rights that G-d demands for ALL citizens. Now, regardless of ones opinion of him or any political actor, this had to be viewed as a rapacious desire for power at the expense of standard decorum. How many sat silent and watched in approval?

The point of my post is that I struggle with this law more than any as just having a court of law does NOT ensure justice and this disconnect appears destined to be the most difficult obligation to achieve. This is where we clearly fail and dare I say, many of the so-called religious right wing actually contribute to these failures if and when they believe in shortcuts to actual truth in order to "impose law and order". Of course law and order is important, even noble; however, when the costs are violations of justice for the illusion of justice, we have violated this law in my opinion.

In closing, how do we as a species demand that justice is in accordance with courts of law?

There have been periods in history in which the courts and justice were determined by a single Ruler. Does that meet the standard as demanded by G-d? We are increasingly descending into the abyss of abuses again, often promoted by the most heathen of citizens.

Perhaps Trump and his team will have this addressed in America and the rest of the world fill follow suit bringing us closer to the Utopia we desire.

I would be open to hearing others opinions on this matter. How can we better achieve this requirement? How can we ensure more value is placed on true blind justice, what is inherently an unsexy and unprofitable pursuit of character?

Thank you for your time.
I follow Christ. I don't care what Judaism "requires" of me any more than I care what Islam "requires" of me
He is not rising again. He is interdimensional. He can come and go at will. Christ is going to return to earth, not when there is peace, but when we are about to kill all life on this earth. When He returns this time, the Jews will realize He is the Messiah. He remains here the next time He shows up, in Jerusalem.

Who wrote the most popular book in the world? If it wasn't who the Bible says wrote it, then who? Who is this amazing prophet that prophesied that Israel would be born in a day, 2000 years into the future, when there already was an Israel? That the gospel would be preached worldwide? Why did the author forget to include the destruction of the Jewish Temple? The Bible tells about the other times the Temple was destroyed.

Who knew 2,000 ago, in the age of swords and cross bows, that destroying all life on earth could was a possibility?
"And except those days be shortened, there would be no flesh saved alive. But for the sake of the elect (Christ's church) THOSE DAYS SHALL BE CUT SHORT!"

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