No trusting to Poles


Dec 19, 2013
Blue funk! Poles producing shale gas right at hand in the Lower Silesia – that is catastrophe coming. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. First those clubhanded twits from KGHM and PGNiG would waste a lot of money buying expensive American equipment and hiring American 'specialists'. And we've much heard about them. Their own south states and Mexico cannot stop being rocked by earthquakes after their shale gas mining. And here they won't be ceremonious or care about the least of safety rules. So prepare to great disasters all over Germany.
Why really Poles won't let FRG researching shale gas in Silesia? For sure we'll do it more carefully and properly. May be they don't care about this region at all? We could remind them that historically Silesia should belong to FRG. Germans cared about this land and fought for it. And what did Poles do apart that supported WWII winners left-hand?

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