No script warning


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Lately when I click on new threads I get a warning from No Script of a possible cross site scripting occurring.

Not sure if that is important or not.
This site uses lots of Javascripts, and Javascript has several functions to prevent malicious behavior. Since Javascript is interpreted by your computer, you are getting a warning about possible misuse. I think the guys who do the programming for the message board made a couple boo boos, but I don't think Gunny is malicious.

Again, since Javascript is interpreted by the browser, which browser you use determines which errors you get, if you get an error. Many of us won't see the error at all, as we will be using different browsers.

So if you see a <script> type error, and you want to bring it to someone's attention, you should give your browser type and version along with your operating system and version in a PM to several mods so it gets looked at. Giving out too much information on a public message board is not a good thing security wise.
Twice in the last 3 days I have had to remove what Live One Care calls malicious programs while viewing this board. Not sure if that is related.

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