No, Mr. Garcetti, You are Wrong

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
Asked during an interview with MSNBC about Trump's decision against wearing a face mask, Garcetti responded:

“Simply put, I say real men wear face masks."

Mr. Garcetti seems to have received the so-called “female education,” and he does not know that real men wear gloves, and, having been insulted, they slap the boor and throw the gauntlet.

And in general, I would advise Mr. Garcetti to put on a "whole body" protective barrier made of natural rubber - neither coronovirus nor male reproductive cell will overcome it.

I thought that the cultural shock that "real Americans" experienced when meeting emigrants from Europe in the early twentieth century, ill-mannered, barren and impudent, was behind. Turns out no ...

However, as I noticed from the behavior of the political elite in the Lower House, this is a widespread psychological destructive personality disorder there.

Yes, and obviously does not "shine" either in manners or in mind ...
But, as I understand it, he serves well the interests of those whose protégé he is.
Garcetti is one of the many "whodats" that suddenly found themselves in the limelight and they are just eating it up. To the detriment of their states and the country.
Yeah I met the guy and shook his hand,biggest mistake I ever made,I so much regret it now
What the genius conservatives cannot get through their thick skulls is, wearing masks is not to protect the wearer, it is to help keep the wearer's breath contained within a small area near his or her face. This limits the chance an asymptomatic, but contagious, individual can spread the disease to healthy people nearby.

Unfortunately, the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics have convinced themselves the U.S. Constitution specifically grants conservatives the right to disregard public safety restrictions, and then run around town blowing their filth into the faces of others.

What the genius conservatives cannot get through their thick skulls is, wearing masks is not to protect the wearer, it is to help keep the wearer's breath contained within a small area near his or her face. This limits the chance an asymptomatic, but contagious, individual can spread the disease to healthy people nearby.

Unfortunately, the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics have convinced themselves the U.S. Constitution specifically grants conservatives the right to disregard public safety restrictions, and then run around town blowing their filth into the faces of others.

Most tea bagger trumpoholics are too fucking stupid to understand the purpose of wearing a mask or are of such low moral character they don't care if rhey are bringing grief and pain to others.
What the genius conservatives cannot get through their thick skulls is, wearing masks is not to protect the wearer, it is to help keep the wearer's breath contained within a small area near his or her face. This limits the chance an asymptomatic, but contagious, individual can spread the disease to healthy people nearby.

Unfortunately, the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics have convinced themselves the U.S. Constitution specifically grants conservatives the right to disregard public safety restrictions, and then run around town blowing their filth into the faces of others.

If you are indoors the masks might help. If you are outdoors they are a waste of material. They are also uncomfortable and in some cases could be a health risk to the wearer. I was in an Ace hardware yesterday and one poor guy was apologizing when he pulled down his mask. He was sweating and breathing heavily saying it's hard for him to wear a mask for longer than 15 or 20 minutes.

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