No Kill Animal Shelters and your Veterinarian


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
We had the sweetest, most calm, cool and collected princess cat of all time! And in comes this young stray whom I had been watching for weeks catching mice or something in this meadow tall grass area across the way...

I won't go in to how she cleverly worked her way in to our household, but ultimately she did...

We initially thought it was a male kitten only the Vet later told us otherwise, and my sweet loving cat, turned in to the meanest cat that ever existed towards this little stray... we immediately brought it to our Vet, to get all the tests and shots, uncertain whether we could find a home for it with someone at Matt's job, and my Vet told us, that if we kept the stray, he had a program with a no kill animal shelter in Maine, that would contribute 1/3 of the bill for tests shots and being fixed, and my Vet would also contribute 1/3 of the bill and we would only owe 1/3 of the total Bill...

Well we kept her.... not really because of the offer... but we fell in love with her, and it was manageable, eventually, with our beloved cat.

The reason for the thread, is that if you are in a situation where a stray finds you, call around to your local vets to see if they have a similar program....

And if they do, then you know you are picking a loving and caring vet....imo. :)
We had the sweetest, most calm, cool and collected princess cat of all time! And in comes this young stray whom I had been watching for weeks catching mice or something in this meadow tall grass area across the way...

I won't go in to how she cleverly worked her way in to our household, but ultimately she did...

We initially thought it was a male kitten only the Vet later told us otherwise, and my sweet loving cat, turned in to the meanest cat that ever existed towards this little stray... we immediately brought it to our Vet, to get all the tests and shots, uncertain whether we could find a home for it with someone at Matt's job, and my Vet told us, that if we kept the stray, he had a program with a no kill animal shelter in Maine, that would contribute 1/3 of the bill for tests shots and being fixed, and my Vet would also contribute 1/3 of the bill and we would only owe 1/3 of the total Bill...

Well we kept her.... not really because of the offer... but we fell in love with her, and it was manageable, eventually, with our beloved cat.

The reason for the thread, is that if you are in a situation where a stray finds you, call around to your local vets to see if they have a similar program....

And if they do, then you know you are picking a loving and caring vet....imo. :)
You are the cat's meow for doing that.
"Last Cat In" syndrome ...

I'm not a cat collector ... I swear ... that's a nasty vicious lie being spread about me ... I just happen to have owned a lot of cats is all ... so I'm NOT a cat person goddammit ... with every clowder, there's always the one cat that came in last, and this cat is mercilessly picked on by the former last cat in ... that all stops immediately as soon as another cat is brought in ... but the fighting continues between the newest cat and the former newest cat ... like clockwork ...

I tested this with an experiment ... Bernard and Kit were fighting almost every day ... so I brought in my son's cat Peek-a-Boo ... sure enough, Bernard and Kit stopped fighting altogether, and Kit proceeded to tear into Peek-a-Boo ... my son found out what I was doing and took Peek-a-Boo back ... but Bernard and Kit never fought again ... to this day, Peek-a-Boo is still the "Last Cat In" subject to all manner of abuse form Kit ... otherwise there's complete peace in the clowder ...

There's places here in Oregon where house cats are in short supply due to coyotes ... we set up a "pipeline" to these areas through a kindly vet ... I sent 42 cats there one time only keeping 15 for myself ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ...

I'm slow on these "no kill" shelters ... they have them up north in Lane County ... it's an 18 month waiting list to drop a cat off ... surrounding counties require proof of three years residency in that county to drop off a cat ... is it really better to have the mountain lions control the stray cat population? ... because that's what's happening when we have "no kill" shelters ... strays have a truly marginal existence only to be eaten alive ... that's inhumane IMEIO ...
There is a woman near me that started a cat sanctuary...on her land she has created a safe haven for wayward cats....I donated materials and time to build fences around her property so coyotes and mountain lions can't get in....
She is a real hero for what she has done...the feral cat population has dropped in town because of her use to be a real problem...she is a veterinarian and takes good care of the cats....all of the cats get fixed upon entering and of course go up for adoption...
We had the sweetest, most calm, cool and collected princess cat of all time! And in comes this young stray whom I had been watching for weeks catching mice or something in this meadow tall grass area across the way...

I won't go in to how she cleverly worked her way in to our household, but ultimately she did...

We initially thought it was a male kitten only the Vet later told us otherwise, and my sweet loving cat, turned in to the meanest cat that ever existed towards this little stray... we immediately brought it to our Vet, to get all the tests and shots, uncertain whether we could find a home for it with someone at Matt's job, and my Vet told us, that if we kept the stray, he had a program with a no kill animal shelter in Maine, that would contribute 1/3 of the bill for tests shots and being fixed, and my Vet would also contribute 1/3 of the bill and we would only owe 1/3 of the total Bill...

Well we kept her.... not really because of the offer... but we fell in love with her, and it was manageable, eventually, with our beloved cat.

The reason for the thread, is that if you are in a situation where a stray finds you, call around to your local vets to see if they have a similar program....

And if they do, then you know you are picking a loving and caring vet....imo. :)

The best cats find you. We recently lost our tabby cat that had been feral but picked us out to move in on. Rather I think the cat may have picked our dog. He'd wait across the street for my wife to take our dog for a walk every afternoon after work and the cat would go with them. He got closer and closer spending more time around the way they do. Eventually we took him to the vet and got him fixed up. Although he was small from spending his youth living by his own devices on mice and such he was pretty fit.
That cat turned into one of the most spoiled indoor critters I've ever seen. Hell he'd even come inside to use the cat box instead of just going out in the surrounding woods.
There aren't many cats around here so when the wife is ready, it's been over a year now, I suppose we'll have to go adopt one. I'd like to find her a calico kitten because we had one before and I think she was closest to her.
"Last Cat In" syndrome ...

I'm not a cat collector ... I swear ... that's a nasty vicious lie being spread about me ... I just happen to have owned a lot of cats is all ... so I'm NOT a cat person goddammit ... with every clowder, there's always the one cat that came in last, and this cat is mercilessly picked on by the former last cat in ... that all stops immediately as soon as another cat is brought in ... but the fighting continues between the newest cat and the former newest cat ... like clockwork ...

I tested this with an experiment ... Bernard and Kit were fighting almost every day ... so I brought in my son's cat Peek-a-Boo ... sure enough, Bernard and Kit stopped fighting altogether, and Kit proceeded to tear into Peek-a-Boo ... my son found out what I was doing and took Peek-a-Boo back ... but Bernard and Kit never fought again ... to this day, Peek-a-Boo is still the "Last Cat In" subject to all manner of abuse form Kit ... otherwise there's complete peace in the clowder ...

There's places here in Oregon where house cats are in short supply due to coyotes ... we set up a "pipeline" to these areas through a kindly vet ... I sent 42 cats there one time only keeping 15 for myself ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ...

I'm slow on these "no kill" shelters ... they have them up north in Lane County ... it's an 18 month waiting list to drop a cat off ... surrounding counties require proof of three years residency in that county to drop off a cat ... is it really better to have the mountain lions control the stray cat population? ... because that's what's happening when we have "no kill" shelters ... strays have a truly marginal existence only to be eaten alive ... that's inhumane IMEIO ...
I don't know for certain If there is a wait here for The Arch, there is plenty of property, just a matter of enough donations I suppose? Likely there is a wait, thus the program for vets to coerce New found parents, to keep the strays....?
Cats are harder to place than dogs just because of the sheer volume that come in. I have one now I need to get fixed. That is my thing. I fix the females after that they can stay or leave at their leisure. The ones who stay get regular vet visits/shots. We have a dirt cheap vet who is a bit of a hike (26 miles each way) but you can get a cat fixed and all its shots for $98.00.
"Last Cat In" syndrome ...

I'm not a cat collector ... I swear ... that's a nasty vicious lie being spread about me ... I just happen to have owned a lot of cats is all ... so I'm NOT a cat person goddammit ... with every clowder, there's always the one cat that came in last, and this cat is mercilessly picked on by the former last cat in ... that all stops immediately as soon as another cat is brought in ... but the fighting continues between the newest cat and the former newest cat ... like clockwork ...

I tested this with an experiment ... Bernard and Kit were fighting almost every day ... so I brought in my son's cat Peek-a-Boo ... sure enough, Bernard and Kit stopped fighting altogether, and Kit proceeded to tear into Peek-a-Boo ... my son found out what I was doing and took Peek-a-Boo back ... but Bernard and Kit never fought again ... to this day, Peek-a-Boo is still the "Last Cat In" subject to all manner of abuse form Kit ... otherwise there's complete peace in the clowder ...

There's places here in Oregon where house cats are in short supply due to coyotes ... we set up a "pipeline" to these areas through a kindly vet ... I sent 42 cats there one time only keeping 15 for myself ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ...

I'm slow on these "no kill" shelters ... they have them up north in Lane County ... it's an 18 month waiting list to drop a cat off ... surrounding counties require proof of three years residency in that county to drop off a cat ... is it really better to have the mountain lions control the stray cat population? ... because that's what's happening when we have "no kill" shelters ... strays have a truly marginal existence only to be eaten alive ... that's inhumane IMEIO ...
My sister was able to buy coupons to fix cats through a program with her Teacher's Union for like $30 a fix, male or female.... she lived in a suburb south of Miami, and there were a lot of strays, mainly due to a lady on the street who did not have her cats fixed...another long story... sigh....

So my sister would capt u 're the strays and bring them to the vet to get fixed and after a week release them back out, or found homes for them, or took them in.... our first sweetest cat actually came from her...I lived in Massachsetts, was visiting my parents on the way home from a business trip in Florida, my sister lived about 500 miles away, drove to my parents with this cat to give to me, had the vet papers to travel, paid the extra money for me to fly home with the kitty, bought an under the airplane seat travel case, and handed her over to me..... she's stubborn and forceful.... I had no choice, this cat was going to be mine and the hubby's, there was no, saying no! :lol:

We are grateful to have had her, for the 16 years that we did.
Is this the same cat that brings mice into your house as her own personal pet? :)
Yes!!! But at least she doesn't eat them anymore! She's a slacker now... catch and release.... And causing mommy and daddy nothing but trouble and money! But we love her, regardless!!!
We had the sweetest, most calm, cool and collected princess cat of all time! And in comes this young stray whom I had been watching for weeks catching mice or something in this meadow tall grass area across the way...

I won't go in to how she cleverly worked her way in to our household, but ultimately she did...

We initially thought it was a male kitten only the Vet later told us otherwise, and my sweet loving cat, turned in to the meanest cat that ever existed towards this little stray... we immediately brought it to our Vet, to get all the tests and shots, uncertain whether we could find a home for it with someone at Matt's job, and my Vet told us, that if we kept the stray, he had a program with a no kill animal shelter in Maine, that would contribute 1/3 of the bill for tests shots and being fixed, and my Vet would also contribute 1/3 of the bill and we would only owe 1/3 of the total Bill...

Well we kept her.... not really because of the offer... but we fell in love with her, and it was manageable, eventually, with our beloved cat.

The reason for the thread, is that if you are in a situation where a stray finds you, call around to your local vets to see if they have a similar program....

And if they do, then you know you are picking a loving and caring vet....imo. :)

The best cats find you. We recently lost our tabby cat that had been feral but picked us out to move in on. Rather I think the cat may have picked our dog. He'd wait across the street for my wife to take our dog for a walk every afternoon after work and the cat would go with them. He got closer and closer spending more time around the way they do. Eventually we took him to the vet and got him fixed up. Although he was small from spending his youth living by his own devices on mice and such he was pretty fit.
That cat turned into one of the most spoiled indoor critters I've ever seen. Hell he'd even come inside to use the cat box instead of just going out in the surrounding woods.
There aren't many cats around here so when the wife is ready, it's been over a year now, I suppose we'll have to go adopt one. I'd like to find her a calico kitten because we had one before and I think she was closest to her.
My sister had a very small calico that was coming to her back patio to feed, she was trying to capture it, to have it fixed, it was skittish at first, then one day she opened her slider to put food out and this calico ran inside my sister's house to the spare bedroom, under the bed and plopped out 3 kittens within an hour... I was visiting my sister that very day, so I got to witness the birth!

All three kittens were striped, two gray and black, one orange striped....

This cat was BUT 4lbs, had those 3 kittens and all lived! She ended up keeping all four, her last cat of them died 4 years ago. She's been cat free now for 4 years, traveling with friends or to visit friends and family, until about a month ago, SHE a&opted a cat.
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Yes!!! But at least she doesn't eat them anymore! She's a slacker now... catch and release.... And causing mommy and daddy nothing but trouble and money! But we love her, regardless!!!

I have a few cats who don't understand why I don't eat the mice they bring me ... and insist on showing me how ... very thoughtful of them ...
Yes we have a no kill shelter and it's just a small town. Our vet and his wife are awesome. They built it, they cover it and do the work with a bit of community donations, T shirt sales etc.
My town, which is a large township, has it's own animal control department, and is a "no kill" town.
Even though I say I won't get another after my last little boy is gone, he's 16. I'm sure I will and it will be from Docs shelter. Best Doc I ever known. . His wife is just as awesome, does the grooming and helps him.

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