No Frets About Scandinavia's Slavery Past?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.
In 1904, a couple who emigrated from Denmark to America in 1856 testified that the reason they did so was because the dirt-poor peasants they were back then did not want their children to grow up in "the same type of slavery" as they had.

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^ Whenever the issue of apologies and reparations for American slavery comes up, a question or two come to mind.

I should like to know on behalf of whom, exactly, slavery should be apologized for and whom reparations should be made to. I myself, like the majority of today's U.S. population, am descended from immigrants who arrived after the turn of the 20th century and therefore have nothing to do with the treatment of blacks on the plantations (or that of Indians on the plains, for that matter) —although (as you will see below) Europeans have their own closeted history of local (and non-racially-based) slavery.
In a similar way, less than half of the blacks in the USA today are descended from Africans who were carried across the Atlantic in chains in the holds of sailing ships. That's right: more than half of blacks in America are descended from Africans (or happen to be the very individuals themselves) who freely decided to emigrate across the Atlantic of their own free will (and who, for some reason, were not repelled by reports by Western drama queens of the USA as some kind of a racist nightmare).
As for Americans living at the time slavery existed, over twice as many whites lived in states where slavery was illegal and where it had been, for the most part, since before the French Revolution. Nobody can hardly apologize for the South either, since most whites even there—two thirds of them, to be precise—did not own a single slave.

Maybe somebody should apologize for the planters and slaveholders? (Their descendants?) But they inherited the system they dwelled in, and although they certainly did little if anything to change it, in what way are they more guilty than the English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and other European nationals who introduced it in all their colonies (including, of course, the future United States)?
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White Slave Trade,
Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida, 1895.

In 1904, a couple who emigrated from Denmark to America in 1856 testified that the reason they did so was because the dirt-poor peasants they were back then did not want their children to grow up in "the same type of slavery" as they had.
A certain distant ancestor of mine around that time had darker skin and eyes and darker, curlier hair than most Finns: she probably did experience racism, and must have emigrated Finland for Estonia to look for work on better terms and conditions of employment, which is somewhat ironic, because if anything the Estonians are whiter and more racist than the Finns, although they do speak a related language. So if there was any black or Negro blood, it quickly disappeared among very blonde straight-haired, blue-eyed people with very light skin.
It was the same throughout Europe pre 20th century a very rich elite, a small middle class, and the millions living in abject poverty. Only through Marxism, Trade Unions, and organised public decent did the governments begin to make concessions fearing they would go the same way as the French, and in 1917 the Russian revolutions.

The fact ordinary people across Europe and America enjoy a very privileged lifestyle compared with our poverty-stricken ancestors is down to Karl Marx.
^ Whenever the issue of apologies and reparations for American slavery comes up, a question or two come to mind.

I should like to know on behalf of whom, exactly, slavery should be apologized for and whom reparations should be made to. I myself, like the majority of today's U.S. population, am descended from immigrants who arrived after the turn of the 20th century and therefore have nothing to do with the treatment of blacks on the plantations (or that of Indians on the plains, for that matter) —although (as you will see below) Europeans have their own closeted history of local (and non-racially-based) slavery.
In a similar way, less than half of the blacks in the USA today are descended from Africans who were carried across the Atlantic in chains in the holds of sailing ships. That's right: more than half of blacks in America are descended from Africans (or happen to be the very individuals themselves) who freely decided to emigrate across the Atlantic of their own free will (and who, for some reason, were not repelled by reports by Western drama queens of the USA as some kind of a racist nightmare).
As for Americans living at the time slavery existed, over twice as many whites lived in states where slavery was illegal and where it had been, for the most part, since before the French Revolution. Nobody can hardly apologize for the South either, since most whites even there—two thirds of them, to be precise—did not own a single slave.

Maybe somebody should apologize for the planters and slaveholders? (Their descendants?) But they inherited the system they dwelled in, and although they certainly did little if anything to change it, in what way are they more guilty than the English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and other European nationals who introduced it in all their colonies (including, of course, the future United States)?

Very interesting & informative.

I did not know that 50% of African Americans are descendants of African people who voluntarily emigrated to the States.

If that figure is correct, then it certainly should lessen the guilt that is still felt by some Caucasians.
I did not know that 50% of African Americans are descendants of African people who voluntarily emigrated to the States.
Just because some apologist for slavery said it doesn't mean it's true.

Plenty of Africans who have immigrated to the U.S. after the Civil War.
The ones who voluntarily immigrated before the Civil War may well have felt Shanghaied and pressed into labor against their will, which was not what they were promised or what they expected when they came to America, but that is no denial or apology of slavery.
I've met immigrants from Africa in America who are clearly not descendants of African-American slaves.
50% was the number given in the article. The black immigration site does not reinforce that assertion. What numerical value do you put on 'plenty'?
In 1904, a couple who emigrated from Denmark to America in 1856 testified that the reason they did so was because the dirt-poor peasants they were back then did not want their children to grow up in "the same type of slavery" as they had.
A certain distant ancestor of mine around that time had darker skin and eyes and darker, curlier hair than most Finns: she probably did experience racism, and must have emigrated Finland for Estonia to look for work on better terms and conditions of employment, which is somewhat ironic, because if anything the Estonians are whiter and more racist than the Finns, although they do speak a related language. So if there was any black or Negro blood, it quickly disappeared among very blonde straight-haired, blue-eyed people with very light skin.

I was wandering around the Nazareth farmers’ market once, and saw blonde blue eyed Arabs amongst the crowds. Even red haired with freckles.

Descendants of the Crusaders (not the band).

And even before that; after much research, white slaves, captured from the shores of England by the sea faring Arabs. Even from as far away as Iceland.
In 1904, a couple who emigrated from Denmark to America in 1856 testified that the reason they did so was because the dirt-poor peasants they were back then did not want their children to grow up in "the same type of slavery" as they had.
A certain distant ancestor of mine around that time had darker skin and eyes and darker, curlier hair than most Finns: she probably did experience racism, and must have emigrated Finland for Estonia to look for work on better terms and conditions of employment, which is somewhat ironic, because if anything the Estonians are whiter and more racist than the Finns, although they do speak a related language. So if there was any black or Negro blood, it quickly disappeared among very blonde straight-haired, blue-eyed people with very light skin.

I was wandering around the Nazareth farmers’ market once, and saw blonde blue eyed Arabs amongst the crowds. Even red haired with freckles.

Descendants of the Crusaders (not the band).

And even before that; after much research, white slaves, captured from the shores of England by the sea faring Arabs. Even from as far away as Iceland.
We, Irish, had a lot to contend with, first the British then the Arabs!
In 1904, a couple who emigrated from Denmark to America in 1856 testified that the reason they did so was because the dirt-poor peasants they were back then did not want their children to grow up in "the same type of slavery" as they had.
A certain distant ancestor of mine around that time had darker skin and eyes and darker, curlier hair than most Finns: she probably did experience racism, and must have emigrated Finland for Estonia to look for work on better terms and conditions of employment, which is somewhat ironic, because if anything the Estonians are whiter and more racist than the Finns, although they do speak a related language. So if there was any black or Negro blood, it quickly disappeared among very blonde straight-haired, blue-eyed people with very light skin.

I was wandering around the Nazareth farmers’ market once, and saw blonde blue eyed Arabs amongst the crowds. Even red haired with freckles.

Descendants of the Crusaders (not the band).

And even before that; after much research, white slaves, captured from the shores of England by the sea faring Arabs. Even from as far away as Iceland.
We, Irish, had a lot to contend with, first the British then the Arabs!

You’re one for personal hobby horses, aren’t you?
In 1904, a couple who emigrated from Denmark to America in 1856 testified that the reason they did so was because the dirt-poor peasants they were back then did not want their children to grow up in "the same type of slavery" as they had.
A certain distant ancestor of mine around that time had darker skin and eyes and darker, curlier hair than most Finns: she probably did experience racism, and must have emigrated Finland for Estonia to look for work on better terms and conditions of employment, which is somewhat ironic, because if anything the Estonians are whiter and more racist than the Finns, although they do speak a related language. So if there was any black or Negro blood, it quickly disappeared among very blonde straight-haired, blue-eyed people with very light skin.

I was wandering around the Nazareth farmers’ market once, and saw blonde blue eyed Arabs amongst the crowds. Even red haired with freckles.

Descendants of the Crusaders (not the band).

And even before that; after much research, white slaves, captured from the shores of England by the sea faring Arabs. Even from as far away as Iceland.
We, Irish, had a lot to contend with, first the British then the Arabs!

You’re one for personal hobby horses, aren’t you?
Rebellion comes naturally with the Irish!
In 1904, a couple who emigrated from Denmark to America in 1856 testified that the reason they did so was because the dirt-poor peasants they were back then did not want their children to grow up in "the same type of slavery" as they had.


The thing is the Cabal wants to keep us divided. I found this a long time ago and it makes a lot of sense:

This Awareness indicates that it has been given previously (revelations of Awareness No. 77-28 The Lincoln Conspiracy), that the entity Abraham Lincoln was faced with a need to finance his troops for the Civil War. This Awareness indicates the Civil war itself was staged and set up by the Illuminati, whereby they brought the slaves from Africa to the Southern plantations in order to create an atmosphere that would lead to an issue which could be used for setting up a war which would divide the nation. This Awareness indicates that the newspapers, being controlled by these entities, began to build up the background and the attitude among the northerners to set the stage for Civil War. This Awareness indicates that the entity Abraham Lincoln, attempting to finance his troops, sought money from the banks and was told that it would cost 26% interest. This Awareness indicates that this entity then turned to the Constitution and printed the" Lincoln greenbacks" which were used for financing his armies.

Not much has change from then to today. They are still playing the same game because it works and humans fall for the scam of divide and conquer every time.
In 1904, a couple who emigrated from Denmark to America in 1856 testified that the reason they did so was because the dirt-poor peasants they were back then did not want their children to grow up in "the same type of slavery" as they had.


The thing is the Cabal wants to keep us divided. I found this a long time ago and it makes a lot of sense:

This Awareness indicates that it has been given previously (revelations of Awareness No. 77-28 The Lincoln Conspiracy), that the entity Abraham Lincoln was faced with a need to finance his troops for the Civil War. This Awareness indicates the Civil war itself was staged and set up by the Illuminati, whereby they brought the slaves from Africa to the Southern plantations in order to create an atmosphere that would lead to an issue which could be used for setting up a war which would divide the nation. This Awareness indicates that the newspapers, being controlled by these entities, began to build up the background and the attitude among the northerners to set the stage for Civil War. This Awareness indicates that the entity Abraham Lincoln, attempting to finance his troops, sought money from the banks and was told that it would cost 26% interest. This Awareness indicates that this entity then turned to the Constitution and printed the" Lincoln greenbacks" which were used for financing his armies.

Not much has change from then to today. They are still playing the same game because it works and humans fall for the scam of divide and conquer every time.

The British have been playing that game for years, with their partition plans.
In 1904, a couple who emigrated from Denmark to America in 1856 testified that the reason they did so was because the dirt-poor peasants they were back then did not want their children to grow up in "the same type of slavery" as they had.


The thing is the Cabal wants to keep us divided. I found this a long time ago and it makes a lot of sense:

This Awareness indicates that it has been given previously (revelations of Awareness No. 77-28 The Lincoln Conspiracy), that the entity Abraham Lincoln was faced with a need to finance his troops for the Civil War. This Awareness indicates the Civil war itself was staged and set up by the Illuminati, whereby they brought the slaves from Africa to the Southern plantations in order to create an atmosphere that would lead to an issue which could be used for setting up a war which would divide the nation. This Awareness indicates that the newspapers, being controlled by these entities, began to build up the background and the attitude among the northerners to set the stage for Civil War. This Awareness indicates that the entity Abraham Lincoln, attempting to finance his troops, sought money from the banks and was told that it would cost 26% interest. This Awareness indicates that this entity then turned to the Constitution and printed the" Lincoln greenbacks" which were used for financing his armies.

Not much has change from then to today. They are still playing the same game because it works and humans fall for the scam of divide and conquer every time.

The British have been playing that game for years, with their partition plans.

No doubt about that. :)
For some reason modern left wingers want to ignore Scandinavia's flirtation with Nazism in the 20th century while condemning America's 19th century slavery issues. Every culture in human civilization engaged in slavery

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