No Fraud? What are they hiding?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.
Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Quick, somebody call Alex Jones, Rudy and that crazy booted out lawyer chick.o_O
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.
Didn't Trump pay $3,000,000 for a recount that resulted in President Biden gaining an additional hundred plus votes?

And didn't they insist on a recount in Georgia what was it, two additional times and the end result was the same after each recount?

Then Trump was heard in a recorded conversation trying to coerce the Georgia Secretary of State by threatening him to "find" exactly 11,780 votes, a number which he reiterated he needed several times and which is exactly 1 vote more than what Biden had and would have effectively overturned the results for that state.

There is more readily available evidence of what Trump has done or tried to do than there is of election fraud, and certainly more than what Trump et al presented to the courts when they had the opportunity to do so.
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.
Didn't Trump pay $3,000,000 for a recount that resulted in President Biden gaining an additional hundred plus votes?

And didn't they insist on a recount in Georgia what was it, two additional times and the end result was the same after each recount?

Then Trump was heard in a recorded conversation trying to coerce the Georgia Secretary of State by threatening him to "find" exactly 11,780 votes, a number which he reiterated he needed several times and which is exactly 1 vote more than what Biden had and would have effectively overturned the results for that state.

There is more readily available evidence of what Trump has done or tried to do than there is of election fraud, and certainly more than what Trump et al presented to the courts when they had the opportunity to do so.
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.
Didn't Trump pay $3,000,000 for a recount that resulted in President Biden gaining an additional hundred plus votes?

And didn't they insist on a recount in Georgia what was it, two additional times and the end result was the same after each recount?

Then Trump was heard in a recorded conversation trying to coerce the Georgia Secretary of State by threatening him to "find" exactly 11,780 votes, a number which he reiterated he needed several times and which is exactly 1 vote more than what Biden had and would have effectively overturned the results for that state.

There is more readily available evidence of what Trump has done or tried to do than there is of election fraud, and certainly more than what Trump et al presented to the courts when they had the opportunity to do so.
The recounts were not audits...they just recounted the ballots without verifying signatures addresses and corresponding it wasn't a real recount for accuracy...just a big waste of time....a real recount would have tossed all suspicious ballots....
there was less rejected ballots nation wide in November than any other year...and with all of the millions of mailed out ballots one would think there would have been more....many more...
Sorry there are just too many anomalies for this election to be accepted by Trump voters....
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.

Obviously, they did not want to give a mouse a a cookie.
Wow ... Bubba really stooping this time ... 12% overcount? ... absolutely no one noticed 30 pick-up loads of ballots being trucked in? ...

... and performed door to door canvasing and found up to 30% of the addresses they looked at were fraudulent.

We just updated the Census maps there, Republican controlled Arizona FRAUDULENTLY claims 30% more population than they actually have ... that's four illegal house seats in Congress ... Hey, Bubba ... check with your friends and neighbors, see if any made it into high school ... it's really easy to audit an election with FOIA ... I'm very interested how Arizona gets an extra 30% for appropreations ...
Even tho these people should be mocked now....

But even for the most die hard Trump cultists, years from now this will be mocked like Bush was mocked for his "No WMD's here" joke....

What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.
Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Quick, somebody call Alex Jones, Rudy and that crazy booted out lawyer chick.o_O
Election transparency is a right not a conspiracy theory. Thanks for admitting guilt.
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.

Obviously, they did not want to give a mouse a a cookie.
Obviously they are covering up fraud. By your own standards. Trump withholding his taxes confirmed his guilt for Democrats. AZ withholding ballots must mean the same thing. They are guilty. There was massive fraud.
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.
You mean they want an actual INDEPENDENT auditor and not a hand picked Trumpophile?
Well obviously they must be hiding something.
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.
You mean they want an actual INDEPENDENT auditor and not a hand picked Trumpophile?
Well obviously they must be hiding something.
The machine does the work and makes the report on the ballots. The is no human error involved. Trump fan or not makes no difference. Withholding the ballots means they know there was fraud. Period.
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.

Obviously, they did not want to give a mouse a a cookie.
Obviously they are covering up fraud. By your own standards. Trump withholding his taxes confirmed his guilt for Democrats. AZ withholding ballots must mean the same thing. They are guilty. There was massive fraud.

The EAC is a bipartisan commission enacted by a republican house and senate, and signed into law by a republican president. In short, it's the independent commission designed in part, to do exactly what you want done. It would be stupid to choose another group, who might have an agenda, to do this kind of audit.
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.

Obviously, they did not want to give a mouse a a cookie.
Obviously they are covering up fraud. By your own standards. Trump withholding his taxes confirmed his guilt for Democrats. AZ withholding ballots must mean the same thing. They are guilty. There was massive fraud.

The EAC is a bipartisan commission enacted by a republican house and senate, and signed into law by a republican president. In short, it's the independent commission designed in part, to do exactly what you want done. It would be stupid to choose another group, who might have an agenda, to do this kind of audit.

They are hiding fraud.
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.

Obviously, they did not want to give a mouse a a cookie.
Obviously they are covering up fraud. By your own standards. Trump withholding his taxes confirmed his guilt for Democrats. AZ withholding ballots must mean the same thing. They are guilty. There was massive fraud.

The EAC is a bipartisan commission enacted by a republican house and senate, and signed into law by a republican president. In short, it's the independent commission designed in part, to do exactly what you want done. It would be stupid to choose another group, who might have an agenda, to do this kind of audit.

They are hiding fraud.

If so, the EAC is the most qualified independent commission with the credibility to show that. I suppose you would prefer someone chosen by Rudy?
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.

Obviously, they did not want to give a mouse a a cookie.
Obviously they are covering up fraud. By your own standards. Trump withholding his taxes confirmed his guilt for Democrats. AZ withholding ballots must mean the same thing. They are guilty. There was massive fraud.

The EAC is a bipartisan commission enacted by a republican house and senate, and signed into law by a republican president. In short, it's the independent commission designed in part, to do exactly what you want done. It would be stupid to choose another group, who might have an agenda, to do this kind of audit.

They are hiding fraud.

If so, the EAC is the most qualified independent commission with the credibility to show that. I suppose you would prefer someone chosen by Rudy?

No, I wanted the state legislature to get transparency. That is all they are asking for. It is being denied because of the obvious fraud those officials know took place.

No fraud= nothing to hide. Do the math they are guilty of covering up fraud.
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.
Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Quick, somebody call Alex Jones, Rudy and that crazy booted out lawyer chick.o_O
Election transparency is a right not a conspiracy theory. Thanks for admitting guilt.
Gee, thanks. And to think, I engineered and carried it out from my library while plinking misspelled words and southern affected writing style (or lack there of) on the USMB in my spare time. Cool!:cool:
What is going on in Arizona? After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.
Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.
What does that tell you about a fair election when no one will let see if it was fair? It tells me they know there was fraud.
Your story seems to be eschewed with what a news source in Arizona states...This is from three days ago...So it seems your "FAKE NEWS" site is wrong as per usual..

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is preparing to release election material to the Arizona Senate in response to its subpoenas, so that the Senate can perform an audit.

The supervisors said in a statement on Wednesday that they continue to negotiate with the Senate on how to respond to the subpoenas, while Senate President Karen Fann put out a statement on Wednesday that said the Senate and supervisors had come to an agreement.

The announcement of a potential agreement comes the day President Joe Biden was inaugurated and as a legal battle between the supervisors and Senate has lasted more than a month.

A list provided by Senate Republicans shows what could be included in the agreement, including, but not limited to:

  • The county will provide images of ballots.
  • An audit will be performed including a logic and accuracy test on a random sample of tabulation machines and a review of the source code on a random sample of tabulation machines.
  • The audit will only examine material related to the "2020 election."
  • The auditor will be certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and will have access to a "random sample of desktops, servers, and routers" in a way that wouldn't disrupt county operations.
  • Only authorized parties would have access to data or materials provided by the county.
  • The parties will "work together in good faith" to resolve issues arising during the audit.


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