NJ Governor acts like he MEANS what he says


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Good Lord. I can't believe it.

This new Governor in NJ, Gov. Christie, is great.

The guy says what he means apparently and means what he says.

Check this one out: He just vetoed the new idiotic Dem attempt to soak the rich.

It took him TWO minutes! :lol:


N.J. Gov. Chris Christie swiftly vetoes 'millionaires tax,' property tax rebate bills | - NJ.com

My advice to Gov. Christie is to seriously start eating lettuce, get some exercise, get himself in tip-top physical shape and keep doing what he's doing.

Why oh why can't the Empire State take a lesson from the Garden State?

Bravo to Gov. Christie and Bravo to the rationality that overcame the business as usual practice of New Jersey voters. Excellent news over there in NJ!
:clap2: for the GOV, at least he is trying to fix a problem, and he isn't going around the world bashing America or trying to tear NJ apart etc etc. He's just trying to balance the budget and get rid of some fat along with some 'freeloaders', some of which do not even pay anything for their health care, WE DO, the residents!

I applaud Gov. Christie, who has the 'ballz' to tell the unions ,NJEA and others to stuff it, and start tightening their own belts, which was and is at the expense of the NJ residents,and taxpayers.
I want to thank the people of New Jersey who voted for this man.Finally some one with sense in in position
to change the lives of the good people of New Jersey.Good for you guys,support this man and you will be rewarded.
My mom.worked on Christie's campaign and now feels guilty because two of her children are teachers. He's gone down hard on the NJEA but we have told her not to feel bad, He is trying to help all NJ taxpayers including teachers. If some hard choices aren't made there will be no pensions system. That's something some union people don't seem to get.
My mom.worked on Christie's campaign and now feels guilty because two of her children are teachers. He's gone down hard on the NJEA but we have told her not to feel bad, He is trying to help all NJ taxpayers including teachers. If some hard choices aren't made there will be no pensions system. That's something some union people don't seem to get.

Exactly, it is all about helping everyone in New Jersey, not setting aside certain groups to continue having unbelievable benefits and who are not willing to help at all by tightening their own belts while having all the pie, at the expense of other taxpayers.

Christie is doing what others have failed miserably to do, bite the bullet.
Good Lord. I can't believe it.

This new Governor in NJ, Gov. Christie, is great.

The guy says what he means apparently and means what he says.

Check this one out: He just vetoed the new idiotic Dem attempt to soak the rich.

It took him TWO minutes! :lol:


N.J. Gov. Chris Christie swiftly vetoes 'millionaires tax,' property tax rebate bills | - NJ.com

My advice to Gov. Christie is to seriously start eating lettuce, get some exercise, get himself in tip-top physical shape and keep doing what he's doing.

Why oh why can't the Empire State take a lesson from the Garden State?

Bravo to Gov. Christie and Bravo to the rationality that overcame the business as usual practice of New Jersey voters. Excellent news over there in NJ!

The fucking dope liberals who think they can tax their way out of fiscal irresponsibiity really crack me up. Christie's a good guy...Bravo Zulu to him!!!!!
A bit of edification for those of you who probably didn't bother to read exactly what was passed and what was vetoed:

The Assembly voted 46-32 to pass a bill that would raise taxes on income over $1 million to pay for property tax rebates and prescription drug benefits for seniors and the disabled.

But the vote was overshadowed by a looming promise made by Gov. Chris Christie to immediately veto the tax increase.

Just before 5 p.m., the massive wooden desk where Christie signs and vetos bills was wheeled into his outer office.

Democrats say the effect would be that the rich would be paying the same in taxes in 2010 as they did in 2009, when a one-year tax increase was imposed during the recession.

The increase would bring in $637 million, according to a non-partisan analysis by the Office of Legislative Services.

The Assembly also voted 46-31 to pass the bill that would reinstate property tax rebates worth $563.2 million and prescription drug benefits worth $55.5 million to seniors and the disabled.
Good Lord. I can't believe it.

This new Governor in NJ, Gov. Christie, is great.

The guy says what he means apparently and means what he says.

Check this one out: He just vetoed the new idiotic Dem attempt to soak the rich.

My advice to Gov. Christie is to seriously start eating lettuce, get some exercise, get himself in tip-top physical shape and keep doing what he's doing.

Why oh why can't the Empire State take a lesson from the Garden State?

Bravo to Gov. Christie and Bravo to the rationality that overcame the business as usual practice of New Jersey voters. Excellent news over there in NJ!

If only he was governor of NY....I'd buy him a bike myself just to keep him in shape.

He might be the first true honest politician who wants to do the right thing in my lifetime, and I am no spring chicken.

Here's a good WSJ piece on this event:

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Good Lord. I can't believe it.

This new Governor in NJ, Gov. Christie, is great.

The guy says what he means apparently and means what he says.

Check this one out: He just vetoed the new idiotic Dem attempt to soak the rich.

My advice to Gov. Christie is to seriously start eating lettuce, get some exercise, get himself in tip-top physical shape and keep doing what he's doing.

Why oh why can't the Empire State take a lesson from the Garden State?

Bravo to Gov. Christie and Bravo to the rationality that overcame the business as usual practice of New Jersey voters. Excellent news over there in NJ!

If only he was governor of NY....I'd buy him a bike myself just to keep him in shape.

He might be the first true honest politician who wants to do the right thing in my lifetime, and I am no spring chicken.

Here's a good WSJ piece on this event:

Born to Veto - WSJ.com

You want to terminate the current property tax break for seniors in NY, and use the revenue to cut taxes for millionaires?

How does that benefit you?
You want to terminate the current property tax break for seniors in NY, and use the revenue to cut taxes for millionaires?

How does that benefit you?

My friend, do NOT EVEN FUCKING GET ME STARTED on this. A clear description of what I would do to the public employees of NYC and NYS is not allowed even on this most free-wheeling of boards.

"Cut taxes for millionaires"?

You are so fucking clueless, that either you are a troll, or just so fucking stupid as to be unworthy of a thoughtful response.
A bit of edification for those of you who probably didn't bother to read exactly what was passed and what was vetoed:

The Assembly voted 46-32 to pass a bill that would raise taxes on income over $1 million to pay for property tax rebates and prescription drug benefits for seniors and the disabled.

But the vote was overshadowed by a looming promise made by Gov. Chris Christie to immediately veto the tax increase.

Just before 5 p.m., the massive wooden desk where Christie signs and vetos bills was wheeled into his outer office.

Democrats say the effect would be that the rich would be paying the same in taxes in 2010 as they did in 2009, when a one-year tax increase was imposed during the recession.

The increase would bring in $637 million, according to a non-partisan analysis by the Office of Legislative Services.

The Assembly also voted 46-31 to pass the bill that would reinstate property tax rebates worth $563.2 million and prescription drug benefits worth $55.5 million to seniors and the disabled.

Hey retard; we READ it. THAT'S exactly why we APPLAUD it and Gov. Christie.

Idiots like you whine and cry over the veto acting EVERY BIT as irresponsibly as the asshole citizens of Greece who are bitching that they are gonna hafta tighten their own belts if they want to avoid sovereign BANKRUPTCY. Good grief you fucking liberoidal types are self-serving, selfish, stupid motherfuckers.

BRAVO to Christie for saying NO to assholes like you.
You want to terminate the current property tax break for seniors in NY, and use the revenue to cut taxes for millionaires?

How does that benefit you?

My friend, do NOT EVEN FUCKING GET ME STARTED on this. A clear description of what I would do to the public employees of NYC and NYS is not allowed even on this most free-wheeling of boards.

"Cut taxes for millionaires"?

You are so fucking clueless, that either you are a troll, or just so fucking stupid as to be unworthy of a thoughtful response.

In other words, you have no intelligent response.
A bit of edification for those of you who probably didn't bother to read exactly what was passed and what was vetoed:

The Assembly voted 46-32 to pass a bill that would raise taxes on income over $1 million to pay for property tax rebates and prescription drug benefits for seniors and the disabled.

But the vote was overshadowed by a looming promise made by Gov. Chris Christie to immediately veto the tax increase.

Just before 5 p.m., the massive wooden desk where Christie signs and vetos bills was wheeled into his outer office.

Democrats say the effect would be that the rich would be paying the same in taxes in 2010 as they did in 2009, when a one-year tax increase was imposed during the recession.

The increase would bring in $637 million, according to a non-partisan analysis by the Office of Legislative Services.

The Assembly also voted 46-31 to pass the bill that would reinstate property tax rebates worth $563.2 million and prescription drug benefits worth $55.5 million to seniors and the disabled.

Hey retard; we READ it. THAT'S exactly why we APPLAUD it and Gov. Christie.

Idiots like you whine and cry over the veto acting EVERY BIT as irresponsibly as the asshole citizens of Greece who are bitching that they are gonna hafta tighten their own belts if they want to avoid sovereign BANKRUPTCY. Good grief you fucking liberoidal types are self-serving, selfish, stupid motherfuckers.

BRAVO to Christie for saying NO to assholes like you.

We currently have a STARS program that lowers property taxes in NY, and especially for seniors. You want to end that?

That's effectively what Christie is doing. Instead of extending the 2009 tax increase on millionaires, he's letting their taxes fall back to pre-2009 levels and in order to make up that lost revenue he's ending the property tax rebate for seniors.

Is that what you'd like to do in NY?
A bit of edification for those of you who probably didn't bother to read exactly what was passed and what was vetoed:

The Assembly voted 46-32 to pass a bill that would raise taxes on income over $1 million to pay for property tax rebates and prescription drug benefits for seniors and the disabled.

But the vote was overshadowed by a looming promise made by Gov. Chris Christie to immediately veto the tax increase.

Just before 5 p.m., the massive wooden desk where Christie signs and vetos bills was wheeled into his outer office.

Democrats say the effect would be that the rich would be paying the same in taxes in 2010 as they did in 2009, when a one-year tax increase was imposed during the recession.

The increase would bring in $637 million, according to a non-partisan analysis by the Office of Legislative Services.

The Assembly also voted 46-31 to pass the bill that would reinstate property tax rebates worth $563.2 million and prescription drug benefits worth $55.5 million to seniors and the disabled.

Hey retard; we READ it. THAT'S exactly why we APPLAUD it and Gov. Christie.

Idiots like you whine and cry over the veto acting EVERY BIT as irresponsibly as the asshole citizens of Greece who are bitching that they are gonna hafta tighten their own belts if they want to avoid sovereign BANKRUPTCY. Good grief you fucking liberoidal types are self-serving, selfish, stupid motherfuckers.

BRAVO to Christie for saying NO to assholes like you.

We currently have a STARS program that lowers property taxes in NY, and especially for seniors. You want to end that?

That's effectively what Christie is doing. Instead of extending the 2009 tax increase on millionaires, he's letting their taxes fall back to pre-2009 levels and in order to make up that lost revenue he's ending the property tax rebate for seniors.

Is that what you'd like to do in NY?

You are entirely dishonest. In that, you are very much a liberal Democrap like the assholes in the NJ legislature.

What the Governor ACTUALLY vetoed, you lying sack of pus, was a millionaires tax. what the fucking scumbag liberal Democrapics TRIED to do was link that bullshit to a program that offered a small rebate for a few people. In that way they hoped to be able to engage in the thoroughly dishonest propaganda YOU just tried to foist off:

NEW YORK, NY May 21, 2010 — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has vetoed a measure that would have restored a higher income tax on the state’s wealthiest residents. Democrats in both houses included the tax increase with votes to boost prescription drug benefits for seniors and to restore property tax rebates for the elderly and disabled. They knew Christie had promised to veto the measure, which would affect some 16,000 Garden State residents who make more than a million dollars a year. Christie was quick to reject the package, saying higher taxes would hurt the state's recovery. * * * *
WNYC - News - Christie Vetoes 'Millionaire's Tax'; Saturday Protest Planned in Trenton

They are transparent and so are you, you fucking fraud.

But it is always a pleasure to expose you for what you are. Yeech.
Hey retard; we READ it. THAT'S exactly why we APPLAUD it and Gov. Christie.

Idiots like you whine and cry over the veto acting EVERY BIT as irresponsibly as the asshole citizens of Greece who are bitching that they are gonna hafta tighten their own belts if they want to avoid sovereign BANKRUPTCY. Good grief you fucking liberoidal types are self-serving, selfish, stupid motherfuckers.

BRAVO to Christie for saying NO to assholes like you.

We currently have a STARS program that lowers property taxes in NY, and especially for seniors. You want to end that?

That's effectively what Christie is doing. Instead of extending the 2009 tax increase on millionaires, he's letting their taxes fall back to pre-2009 levels and in order to make up that lost revenue he's ending the property tax rebate for seniors.

Is that what you'd like to do in NY?

You are entirely dishonest. In that, you are very much a liberal Democrap like the assholes in the NJ legislature.

What the Governor ACTUALLY vetoed, you lying sack of pus, was a millionaires tax. what the fucking scumbag liberal Democrapics TRIED to do was link that bullshit to a program that offered a small rebate for a few people. In that way they hoped to be able to engage in the thoroughly dishonest propaganda YOU just tried to foist off:

NEW YORK, NY May 21, 2010 — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has vetoed a measure that would have restored a higher income tax on the state’s wealthiest residents. Democrats in both houses included the tax increase with votes to boost prescription drug benefits for seniors and to restore property tax rebates for the elderly and disabled. They knew Christie had promised to veto the measure, which would affect some 16,000 Garden State residents who make more than a million dollars a year. Christie was quick to reject the package, saying higher taxes would hurt the state's recovery. * * * *
WNYC - News - Christie Vetoes 'Millionaire's Tax'; Saturday Protest Planned in Trenton

They are transparent and so are you, you fucking fraud.

But it is always a pleasure to expose you for what you are. Yeech.

You're not making any sense. Try again. Try being mature for 5 minutes and maybe that will help you achieve some coherence.
I guess you missed this part of the saga:

TRENTON -- Gov. Chris Christie today assured an audience of some 300 AARP members he would not impose premiums and co-pay hikes on a prescription drug program for low-income senior and disabled people, and prepared them for a budget they "probably wouldn't like'' but was needed to help undo 30 years of poor fiscal planning.

Christie announced Wednesday he would abandon his plan to charge PAAD and Senior Gold members a $310 annual premium and raise co-pays on each brand name prescription. The announcement came on the eve of the governor's speech before the AARP, and a vote in both houses of the legislature scheduled for today that would pass a tax increase on the state's 16,000 millionaires.

Christie told the AARP members gathered at the Trenton Marriott his reversal disproves "the press and the cynics of the world who say say there is no common ground between Republicans and Democrats. The Senate President and Assembly Speaker stood up and said this was a priority that needed to be protected, and I agree.''

The Republican governor said his administration said they would find the $55.5 million through higher-than-anticipated savings in President Barack Obama's health care reform package and an anticipated increase in the use of generic drugs over brand-name drugs.


Gov. Chris Christie prepares N.J. AARP for a budget 'they probably wouldn't like' | - NJ.com
Top Democratic lawmakers today proposed raising taxes on so-called true millionaires -- those making more than $1 million a year -- to pay for restored senior property tax rebates and prescription drug benefits.

Democratic legislators, led during a Statehouse news conference by Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D-Gloucester) and Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver (D-Essex), said the tax increase would apply to about 16,000 New Jersey residents.

Christie immediately rejected the Democrats' proposal, accusing them of trying to "pander" to senior citizens with a one-year fix that will harm the state's broader economy. He repeated his vow to veto any tax increase, and characterized the dispute as a "philosophical difference" between himself and foes who want a bigger government.

The governor questioned how lawmakers proposed to raise the same amount of revenue from 16,000 taxpayers that had previously been raised from 63,000 people.

"It's a cute idea, but their math doesn't work," Christie said.

N.J. Democrats propose tax hike on those making more than $1M | - NJ.com

The math doesn't work.

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