Newtown/Sandy Hook Anniversary

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
A sad commentary on this great nation :(

Still no new significant laws concerning mental health,, which is the real problem in US society.
Weird - except for this thread and a post I made, I didn't hear a word about it yesterday.

Lest we forget
One year ago twenty 6 and 7-year old innocent children were slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut along with 6 of their teachers and staff. It was a Friday and the news dominated the day and the weekend. The rampage was only about 36 hours old when Saturday Night Live was scheduled to take the air. This is how the show opened, IMHO one of the most powerful moments I've ever seen on television:

No new laws because none of the ones proposed did anything to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people. We have a huge thread asking what laws would do that and the only responses are to disarm law abiding citizens in the hope that EVENTUALLY it will dry up the illegal gun market.
Still no new significant laws concerning mental health,, which is the real problem in US society.

Unfortunately we can't legislate mental health any more than we can legislate away gun culture.

Regulations in Obamacare tell doctors to ask patients if they own a gun. If the patient has been treated for depression that's probable-cause that he or she may go postal. Might have to take their guns and guns owned by family members.
Still no new significant laws concerning mental health,, which is the real problem in US society.

Unfortunately we can't legislate mental health any more than we can legislate away gun culture.

Regulations in Obamacare tell doctors to ask patients if they own a gun. If the patient has been treated for depression that's probable-cause that he or she may go postal. Might have to take their guns and guns owned by family members.

If my doctor asks me any questions that are not directly related to the health issue that I am paying him to see me for, my answer will be...

"I'm not paying you to ask me that question or to discuss that issue."
Unfortunately we can't legislate mental health any more than we can legislate away gun culture.

Regulations in Obamacare tell doctors to ask patients if they own a gun. If the patient has been treated for depression that's probable-cause that he or she may go postal. Might have to take their guns and guns owned by family members.

If my doctor asks me any questions that are not directly related to the health issue that I am paying him to see me for, my answer will be...

"I'm not paying you to ask me that question or to discuss that issue."

I'm sure they'll figure out a way of asking you without offending you.

And if you become offended they'll just call you a hater.
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Regulations in Obamacare tell doctors to ask patients if they own a gun. If the patient has been treated for depression that's probable-cause that he or she may go postal. Might have to take their guns and guns owned by family members.

If my doctor asks me any questions that are not directly related to the health issue that I am paying him to see me for, my answer will be...

"I'm not paying you to ask me that question or to discuss that issue."

I'm sure they'll figure out a way of asking you without offending you.

or simply check the box saying you do
I'm chuckling at those who choose to continue to politicize the deaths of these children. Not even dead a year. Screw gun control, screw the NRA. Twenty-six poor little souls were taken from us by a madman, not by the gun lobby, not by the Republicans, not by Democrats not by anyone. Let us not forget the adults in this, either. It will be a hard time for the parents and families at this time of the year.

If it weren't so sickening to see this sort of behavior, it would be sort of funny. Knock it off. Not everything is politics.

Rest in peace, young ones, in the bosom of our Lord. In Memoriam.


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Still no new significant laws concerning mental health,, which is the real problem in US society.

liberalism is a mental disorder, many of those afflicted can not be rehabilitated, several here on these forums are totally beyond any help, a few can be "cured" but the cost and time spent has a 50-50 chance of success/failure.

no new anti-gun laws are needed and 99.99% of the current laws need be rescinded as they are laws AGAINST the law abiding citizen, one thing the lefto-loonies can not seem to wrap their mind around is the FACT that criminals do NOT obey laws that will inhibit their chosen profession and way of life.

i believe the "Lame Stream Media" loves to celebrate the anniversaries of death and mayhem as all it does is incite the lefto-loonies to be more loony, the evidence of such can readily be observed right here on this forum, no names will be mentioned as i believe most of us Conservative Constitutional Patriots are well aware of whom they are :up:
If my doctor asks me any questions that are not directly related to the health issue that I am paying him to see me for, my answer will be...

"I'm not paying you to ask me that question or to discuss that issue."

I'm sure they'll figure out a way of asking you without offending you.

or simply check the box saying you do

my DR. will never ask if i own a gun(s), she was born in Alaska and lived there till she went to college, she told me about carrying a gun to school for protection against wild vicious animals, carrying a gun for protection was a way of life in Alaska during the late 1940's thru 1950's and 60's for her family. :up:
I'm sure they'll figure out a way of asking you without offending you.

or simply check the box saying you do

my DR. will never ask if i own a gun(s), she was born in Alaska and lived there till she went to college, she told me about carrying a gun to school for protection against wild vicious animals, carrying a gun for protection was a way of life in Alaska during the late 1940's thru 1950's and 60's for her family. :up:

mine ill not either but there are those that will

there are yes men in every takeover
I noticed that too. Maybe it was obscured by the recent Colorado shooting spree that just took place.

Weird - except for this thread and a post I made, I didn't hear a word about it yesterday.

Lest we forget
One year ago twenty 6 and 7-year old innocent children were slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut along with 6 of their teachers and staff. It was a Friday and the news dominated the day and the weekend. The rampage was only about 36 hours old when Saturday Night Live was scheduled to take the air. This is how the show opened, IMHO one of the most powerful moments I've ever seen on television:

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