Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney demand that Fiorina is on upcoming ABC debate stage


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Well another major screw-up in the GOP debates. Carly Fiorina came in ahead of Chris Christie and John Kasich in Iowa. They'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. She is also polling way ahead of Ben Carson in New Hampshire, he'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. So the inevitable crap has hit the fan.

And New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte also chimed in: "Carly Fiorina has campaigned hard in New Hampshire to earn support from voters," Ayotte said in a statement. "ABC News' decision to exclude her from Saturday's debate on the eve of our primary, while she is outperforming one of the other debate participants in New Hampshire polls, undermines our role in the primary process, and I urge ABC to allow Ms. Fiorina to participate."
Romney pushes for Fiorina to be on Saturday debate stage

It's probably NOT a good idea for Republicans to not raise hell about this, thereby (showing their gender bias)--when the 1st woman Presidential nominee will be running for POTUS on the other side of the isle--LOL Especially considering that women rule today as the majority voters in this country.

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Well another major screw-up in the GOP debates. Carly Fiorina came in ahead in Iowa--and came in ahead of Chris Christie and John Kasich. They'll be on the debate stage but have excluded her. So the inevitable crap has hit the fan.

And New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte also chimed in: "Carly Fiorina has campaigned hard in New Hampshire to earn support from voters," Ayotte said in a statement. "ABC News' decision to exclude her from Saturday's debate on the eve of our primary, while she is outperforming one of the other debate participants in New Hampshire polls, undermines our role in the primary process, and I urge ABC to allow Ms. Fiorina to participate."
Romney pushes for Fiorina to be on Saturday debate stage

It's probably NOT a good idea for Republicans to not raise hell about this, thereby (showing their gender bias)--when the 1st woman Presidential nominee will be running for POTUS on the other side of the isle--LOL Especially considering that women rule today as the majority voters in this country.


It's bewildering as to how Carly Fiorina hasn't dropped out already, even Mike Huckabee was doing better than her.
Well another major screw-up in the GOP debates. Carly Fiorina came in ahead in Iowa--and came in ahead of Chris Christie and John Kasich. They'll be on the debate stage but have excluded her. So the inevitable crap has hit the fan.

And New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte also chimed in: "Carly Fiorina has campaigned hard in New Hampshire to earn support from voters," Ayotte said in a statement. "ABC News' decision to exclude her from Saturday's debate on the eve of our primary, while she is outperforming one of the other debate participants in New Hampshire polls, undermines our role in the primary process, and I urge ABC to allow Ms. Fiorina to participate."
Romney pushes for Fiorina to be on Saturday debate stage

It's probably NOT a good idea for Republicans to not raise hell about this, thereby (showing their gender bias)--when the 1st woman Presidential nominee will be running for POTUS on the other side of the isle--LOL Especially considering that women rule today as the majority voters in this country.


Give it up.
Republicans have already lost this election if hillary is running on the democratic ticket.

Even some mothers and grandma's of the loserterians posting here are going to be secretly voting for her.

From reading things, I think if Ted Cruz nominee, then I think maybe many Republicans hold nose and vote for Hillary. I was reading about how Cruz isn't that well liked by many Republicans.
Right. She shouldn't have to earn her way onto the main stage like everyone else...she needs special treatment to get there.
Well another major screw-up in the GOP debates. Carly Fiorina came in ahead in Iowa--and came in ahead of Chris Christie and John Kasich. They'll be on the debate stage but have excluded her. So the inevitable crap has hit the fan.

And New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte also chimed in: "Carly Fiorina has campaigned hard in New Hampshire to earn support from voters," Ayotte said in a statement. "ABC News' decision to exclude her from Saturday's debate on the eve of our primary, while she is outperforming one of the other debate participants in New Hampshire polls, undermines our role in the primary process, and I urge ABC to allow Ms. Fiorina to participate."
Romney pushes for Fiorina to be on Saturday debate stage

It's probably NOT a good idea for Republicans to not raise hell about this, thereby (showing their gender bias)--when the 1st woman Presidential nominee will be running for POTUS on the other side of the isle--LOL Especially considering that women rule today as the majority voters in this country.


It's bewildering as to how Carly Fiorina hasn't dropped out already, even Mike Huckabee was doing better than her.

With that logic why hasn't Chris Christie and John Kasich dropped out. She beat them in Iowa and is way ahead of Ben Carson in recent New Hampshire polls. They're all on the stage why isn't she?
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Republicans have already lost this election if hillary is running on the democratic ticket.

Even some mothers and grandma's of the loserterians posting here are going to be secretly voting for her.

From reading things, I think if Ted Cruz nominee, then I think maybe many Republicans hold nose and vote for Hillary. I was reading about how Cruz isn't that well liked by many Republicans.

You're right--he is the Reich Wing Tea Party favorite, not at all electable. Independents nor women would ever vote for him. He is promoted by Reich Wing talk show hosts, like Rush Limbaugh--who fails to give his listeners demographics of the electorate, election history and math--LOL Limbaugh is still telling his listeners that the reason Romney lost was because he wasn't conservative enough--so they latched onto Canadian born Cruz.

The reason why Republicans lost in 2012 is because women were OFFENDED into Obama's column by the Reich wing dragging the party into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills and what is "legal-legitimate" rape questions. They lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

By not putting Carly Fiorina on this stage--Hillary Clinton has got WMD to use to prove that Republicans have a gender bias--and I wouldn't want to face the wrath of 54% of the voting public (women) over that one--LOL

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No special treatment at all is being given to her. Quite the opposite. In Iowa, she finished ahead of guys that will be on the stage.

If that's the criteria...why isn't she being included?

Because that's not the criteria.

She's already BEEN the recipient of special treatment at the CNN debate. They changed the rules just for her.

The Republican presidential contenders are just a week from facing off under the lights on the second debate stage. But this time, the stage will be a little more crowded, according to the list released by CNN on Thursday night.

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina will be joining the main debate stage after a last-minute rules change by CNN. The mainstage debate will include the 10 candidates who are polling the top 10 in an average of national polls since mid-July. To account for the late boost in the polls by Fiorina after her strong performance in the Fox News undercard debate last month, CNN decided to add any candidate who is polling in the top 10 since the first debate, paving the way for Fiorina to join.

Fiorina Makes Cut for 2nd Republican Debate

Now you want another round of special rules and special treatment? Once was more than enough. If she couldn't capitalize then, she can't capitalize now. Let's allow the candidates to debate who actually have a shot at the nomination.
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Republicans have already lost this election if hillary is running on the democratic ticket.

Even some mothers and grandma's of the loserterians posting here are going to be secretly voting for her.

Well if they exclude Carly Fiorina's righful place on the debate stage, you can bet that Hillary Clinton is going to be bring that up a lot-- LOL
No special treatment at all is being given to her. Quite the opposite. In Iowa, she finished ahead of guys that will be on the stage.

If that's the criteria...why isn't she being included?

Because that's not the criteria.

She's already BEEN the recipient of special treatment at the CNN debate. They changed the rules just for her.

The Republican presidential contenders are just a week from facing off under the lights on the second debate stage. But this time, the stage will be a little more crowded, according to the list released by CNN on Thursday night.

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina will be joining the main debate stage after a last-minute rules change by CNN. The mainstage debate will include the 10 candidates who are polling the top 10 in an average of national polls since mid-July. To account for the late boost in the polls by Fiorina after her strong performance in the Fox News undercard debate last month, CNN decided to add any candidate who is polling in the top 10 since the first debate, paving the way for Fiorina to join.

Fiorina Makes Cut for 2nd Republican Debate

Now you want another round of special rules and special treatment? Once was more than enough. If she couldn't capitalize then, she can't capitalize now. Let's allow the candidates to debate who actually have a shot at the nomination.

The problem is the REAL vote came out on Monday night, and she beat John Kasich & Chris Christie, and she is polling well ahead in New Hampshire of Ben Carson. They're on the stage, she isn't. National polls aren't going to cut it now.

She has moved up to 6th in National polls.
CARLY for America: Carly Fiorina Ranks Sixth Nationally, Leads Jeb Bush In New Hampshire - Breitbart

If Republicans don't raise hell about this now, and get her on this debate stage, Democrats are going to use this as evidence of Gender Bias--and then the real war on women starts.
They raised hell about it last time...and bent the rules to get her on the main stage. It didn't help her nationally. Now she wants the rules bent again?

Sorry...once was too much. Twice is out of the question.
They raised hell about it last time...and bent the rules to get her on the main stage. It didn't help her nationally. Now she wants the rules bent again?

Sorry...once was too much. Twice is out of the question.

This is the equivalent of Ted Cruz winning Iowa, but some National Poll that they took a few weeks ago, he was trailing all the other candidates, so they eliminate him from the debate, and all the others he beat in Iowa are put on the debate stage. There is no difference. I seriously doubt the Republican Party would tolerate this if it were Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. Carly Fiorina it's O.K.

No why you're sitting there laughing about it. To remind you Republicans lost women by double digits in 2012--due to the right wing of the party dragging us into issues of abortion who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legal legitimate" rape questions. Women were offended into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points. They are the largest voting block in this country today at 54% This secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Doing this only confirms what women already believe about the Republican Party. That they are oppressive to women.

Carly Fiorina social media boards have caught on fire tonight, many are threatening to change their party status and vote for Hillary Clinton because of this.

And it's because the Republican party has a Gender bias problem, and only now Republican women are starting to realize it.

Carly already got a break at the CNN debate.

She DIDN'T win the Iowa Caucus...she go a whole 1.9%.

Let me reiterate that...One point nine percent... 1.9%.

Rand got 4.5%...and he dropped out of the race.

Here are the requirements:

(ABC NEWS Qualifications) for the main debate stage included ranking among the top three in the Iowa caucuses, top six in New Hampshire polls or top six nationally.

Read more: Carly Fiorina excluded from next GOP debate
So, let's take a look.

Iowa she finished in 7th place.

New Hampshire she is polling between 7th and last.

Nationally, she is polling second to last and dead last.

That's three strikes...she's out.

There was no compelling reason to bend the rules for her the first time. There is absolutely no reason to bend them a second time.
Carly already got a break at the CNN debate.

She DIDN'T win the Iowa Caucus...she go a whole 1.9%.

Let me reiterate that...One point nine percent... 1.9%.

Rand got 4.5%...and he dropped out of the race.

Here are the requirements:

(ABC NEWS Qualifications) for the main debate stage included ranking among the top three in the Iowa caucuses, top six in New Hampshire polls or top six nationally.

Read more: Carly Fiorina excluded from next GOP debate
So, let's take a look.

Iowa she finished in 7th place.

New Hampshire she is polling between 7th and last.

Nationally, she is polling second to last and dead last.

That's three strikes...she's out.

There was no compelling reason to bend the rules for her the first time. There is absolutely no reason to bend them a second time.

She beat Kasich & Christie in Iowa--they're on the stage--she isn't. She is way ahead of Ben Carson in Iowa polls, he's on the stage, she isn't.

Paybacks can be hell. Republican supporters are changing their party status, and are calling the RNC donation office, and telling them to take their names off of their list.

Their call number is: 202-863-8500 then #2 button (btw I heard their mail box is full), so you'll have to wait for an operator if you want to stop all those mailing for Republican requests for you to donate.

The point is a lot of people DONATED money to Carly Fiorina--and she is being treated unfairly.

Well another major screw-up in the GOP debates. Carly Fiorina came in ahead of Chris Christie and John Kasich in Iowa. They'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. She is also polling way ahead of Ben Carson in New Hampshire, he'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. So the inevitable crap has hit the fan.

And New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte also chimed in: "Carly Fiorina has campaigned hard in New Hampshire to earn support from voters," Ayotte said in a statement. "ABC News' decision to exclude her from Saturday's debate on the eve of our primary, while she is outperforming one of the other debate participants in New Hampshire polls, undermines our role in the primary process, and I urge ABC to allow Ms. Fiorina to participate."
Romney pushes for Fiorina to be on Saturday debate stage

It's probably NOT a good idea for Republicans to not raise hell about this, thereby (showing their gender bias)--when the 1st woman Presidential nominee will be running for POTUS on the other side of the isle--LOL Especially considering that women rule today as the majority voters in this country.


I saw this and thought, wtf? They seem to intentionally want to exclude the only woman. Good lord even if they have an ironclad reason for doing this they have to know what this will look like to women.

The GOP, even after you tell them "I'm putting this pistol on the counter, its not loaded, and the safety is on. Don't pick it up, don't load it, don't take the safety off, don't point it at someone, don't point it at yourself, and don't pull the trigger".

The GOP then loads it and fires every round into their own foot. I'm glad they do this, but WTF.
The network announced Thursday night that Fiorina had failed to meets its criteria for the debate in Manchester, New Hampshire, making her the one major candidate still in the running to be excluded from the stage. On Friday, ABC News sources told CNN that despite the incoming criticism, they have no intention of changing their plans.

"There is little desire to revisit that conversation," one ABC News source said.

One of the network's primary justifications for that decision is that altering its criteria would be unfair to candidates who have already dropped out of the race. Rand Paul, who received more than twice as much support in the Iowa caucuses as Fiorina, dropped out of the race on Wednesday -- in part, his campaign manager Doug Stafford told reporters, because they didn't anticipate that he would be allowed into the New Hampshire debate.

ABC: No last-minute invite for Carly Fiorina to debate -

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