Newt Gingrich comes out WINNER of Las Vegas Debate


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Watching Frank Luntz focus group--(of which he did 6 different focus groups) tonight of conservatives that watched the debate in Las Vegas this week--NEWT GINGRICH came in with a hand's down win.

Herman Cain is being taken apart on his 999 plan. Many stating that seniors on fixed incomes and lower incomes would be hammered with the most burden of this plan--and it would not accommodate what's needed in the Federal Budget--and give an additional revenue stream through a national sales tax that could be raised at a whim by the Federal government whenever they wanted additional money.

Rick Perry--no matter how much money he has in his campaign--does not have a snowballs chance in Haitti of winning--especially after taking a real cheap shot at Romney--on the lawn mower company that Romney used--and found that an illegal was working for this company.

Newt Gingrich--the true statesman he is--the one who has most knowledge on that stage--than any other candidate is coming across to many that he is the one we need in the Oval office. Why the RNC has not recognized that is beyond any rational comprehension.

Your thoughts?
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My thoughts?

If you want the biggest political insider, someone who is virtually guaranteed to put party before country, who is probably in the pockets of more lobbyist than anyone else on the stage, who talks a big game about finances but can't keep his own in line, then sure go ahead and vote for Newt. More of the same can't really hurt that much can it?
My thoughts...

I listen to Hannity regularly and he seems to hate poll tested focus group approved talking point then he throws it to Frank Luntz for poll tested focus group talking points.

Consistency is not his strong suit.
Watching Frank Luntz focus group--(of which he did 6 different focus groups) tonight of conservatives that watched the debate in Las Vegas this week--NEWT GINGRICH came in with a hand's down win.

Herman Cain is being taken apart on his 999 plan. Many stating that seniors on fixed incomes and lower incomes would be hammered with the most burden of this plan--and it would not accommodate what's needed in the Federal Budget--and give an additional revenue stream through a national sales tax that could be raised at a whim by the Federal government whenever they wanted additional money.

Rick Perry--no matter how much money he has in his campaign--does not have a snowballs chance in Haitti of winning--especially after taking a real cheap shot at Romney--on the lawn mower company that Romney used--and found that an illegal was working for this company.

Newt Gingrich--the true statesman he is--the one who has most knowledge on that stage--than any other candidate is coming across to many that he is the one we need in the Oval office. Why the RNC has not recognized that is beyond any rational comprehension.

Your thoughts?

:clap2: He could wipe the floor with Obama in a debate, and make a fine president. He has learned much by his mistakes and successes. Wisdom! Leadership. He has those, imo.
Watching Frank Luntz focus group--(of which he did 6 different focus groups) tonight of conservatives that watched the debate in Las Vegas this week--NEWT GINGRICH came in with a hand's down win.

Herman Cain is being taken apart on his 999 plan. Many stating that seniors on fixed incomes and lower incomes would be hammered with the most burden of this plan--and it would not accommodate what's needed in the Federal Budget--and give an additional revenue stream through a national sales tax that could be raised at a whim by the Federal government whenever they wanted additional money.

Rick Perry--no matter how much money he has in his campaign--does not have a snowballs chance in Haitti of winning--especially after taking a real cheap shot at Romney--on the lawn mower company that Romney used--and found that an illegal was working for this company.

Newt Gingrich--the true statesman he is--the one who has most knowledge on that stage--than any other candidate is coming across to many that he is the one we need in the Oval office. Why the RNC has not recognized that is beyond any rational comprehension.

Your thoughts?

:clap2: He could wipe the floor with Obama in a debate, and make a fine president. He has learned much by his mistakes and successes. Wisdom! Leadership. He has those, imo.

I have put out polls on two different political boards about one month ago--and both are stating that Newt Gingrich would be the best to debate Barack Obama.

I just don't understand how Mitt Romney can be forgiven for Romneycare--Rick Perry can be forgiven for his illegal immigration stance--but because Newt had some personal martial problems--the RNC looks the other way?

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind who would make the BEST RNC candidate--and it's Newt Gingrich. And I think there's a lot of conservatives that agree with me--but have been lead astray--by RNC tactics and worn out 15 year old slander of Newt Gingrich.
Sooo, I don't see how that makes Newt the winner and I like him... Ron Paul did very well, like really freaken well (Oh I’m sure some will hate on him) so to say hands down Newt won is a little far reaching and again I like Newt and would at this point vote for him.

A "focus group" is used to pick who the winner is, not see who the winner was.

Again, Newt did really well and I like him but to say hands down he won? Where, when he lied to Mitt to get out of something until Mitt had backup infoz?

Anyways, whatever, this would be like if someone started a thread saying Mitt won, or Cain won… or Paul… Not everyone will agree.
All the way up until the time Romney said his idea for "Romneycare" came from Newt who first called it a lie and then said it wasn't.
Newt couldn't win if he was the only one on stage! He's a functional retard.

I have to disagree. He's smart. It's just that he's a creep. Is against equal rights for his gay sister, but sends divorce papers to his wife in the hospital so he could marry another secretary for the second time. What a scumbag. No wonder Republicans like him. It least it wasn't a dude.
I think Newt is extremely well.

Our nominee is going to be Cain, Romney, or Newt. I am fairly confident of that.
Newt couldn't win if he was the only one on stage! He's a functional retard.

I have to disagree. He's smart. It's just that he's a creep. Is against equal rights for his gay sister, but sends divorce papers to his wife in the hospital so he could marry another secretary for the second time. What a scumbag. No wonder Republicans like him. It least it wasn't a dude.

I have to disagree. He's the dumbest educated man I've ever seen. It's like having a Cray computer up your ass - who wants to access it?
I think Newt is extremely well.

Our nominee is going to be Cain, Romney, or Newt. I am fairly confident of that.

I think Mitt, Newt or Paul. I can’t see Cain doing anything but fading out and holding a small group of diehards that just won't let go because they invested to much by hating on everyone else.

That is my opinion, nothing more.
Watching Frank Luntz focus group--(of which he did 6 different focus groups) tonight of conservatives that watched the debate in Las Vegas this week--NEWT GINGRICH came in with a hand's down win.

Herman Cain is being taken apart on his 999 plan. Many stating that seniors on fixed incomes and lower incomes would be hammered with the most burden of this plan--and it would not accommodate what's needed in the Federal Budget--and give an additional revenue stream through a national sales tax that could be raised at a whim by the Federal government whenever they wanted additional money.

Rick Perry--no matter how much money he has in his campaign--does not have a snowballs chance in Haitti of winning--especially after taking a real cheap shot at Romney--on the lawn mower company that Romney used--and found that an illegal was working for this company.

Newt Gingrich--the true statesman he is--the one who has most knowledge on that stage--than any other candidate is coming across to many that he is the one we need in the Oval office. Why the RNC has not recognized that is beyond any rational comprehension.

Your thoughts?

:clap2: He could wipe the floor with Obama in a debate, and make a fine president. He has learned much by his mistakes and successes. Wisdom! Leadership. He has those, imo.

I have put out polls on two different political boards about one month ago--and both are stating that Newt Gingrich would be the best to debate Barack Obama.

I just don't understand how Mitt Romney can be forgiven for Romneycare--Rick Perry can be forgiven for his illegal immigration stance--but because Newt had some personal martial problems--the RNC looks the other way?

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind who would make the BEST RNC candidate--and it's Newt Gingrich. And I think there's a lot of conservatives that agree with me--but have been lead astray--by RNC tactics and worn out 15 year old slander of Newt Gingrich.

Romney will be forgiven for Romney care as it dealt with only the 8% of the population that was un-insured. In that group many were showing up at the emergency rooms letting you flip the bill for their health care when they could afford there own plan. The people who had insurance saw no changes in their plans. All Romney really did was set up exchanges where the individual and small business's could shop for the best quote and group them to get cheaper premiums. He did not raise taxes to get this done. He also explanded HSA's and high deductible plans. All in all it is all based on the private sector and free market principles. Obama care is a massive takeover of our healthcare and it does raise taxes. Independents are breaking hard for Mitt Romney 54% to 41% for Obama. Independents control the outcome of our elections, it's important to watch which way they are breaking.

Rick Perry on immigration has not a chance after allowing illegals to have in-state tuition and not wanting a border fence. He can't debate, blew it last night and you will again see him fall in the polls. He could never stand a chance against the one and only thing Obama does well and that's debate.

Newt is by far the best debator, but he has a lot of baggage not just in his personal life but his political one as well. I don't believe he can catch up or make up for the lack of campaign organization early on.
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Trying to determine ‘winners’ of debates indicates the pointlessness of the exercise still well before the primaries. It also indicates the GOP’s disarray, as just last week Cain was ‘the man.’ And last it indicates the GOP will nominate an unpopular candidate who will lose come November 2012.
Personally, Im willing to forgive whomever is willing to correct some of the problems our nation has been facing lately. I'll even be willing to forgive Perry with his immigration problems.

Because quite frankly, I dont think the solutions to this nations problems will come from the President or Washington. I think they will come from the people. And from what I've seen, no matter what candidate we have, they will be much more willing to get out of our way than Obama is.
Newt couldn't win if he was the only one on stage! He's a functional retard.

Again--you and Rdean--are proof that the one you fear the most is Newt Gingrich. You are both confirmed Obamabots and intend on voting for him again no matter how miserable of a President he is.
Watching Frank Luntz focus group--(of which he did 6 different focus groups) tonight of conservatives that watched the debate in Las Vegas this week--NEWT GINGRICH came in with a hand's down win.

Herman Cain is being taken apart on his 999 plan. Many stating that seniors on fixed incomes and lower incomes would be hammered with the most burden of this plan--and it would not accommodate what's needed in the Federal Budget--and give an additional revenue stream through a national sales tax that could be raised at a whim by the Federal government whenever they wanted additional money.

Rick Perry--no matter how much money he has in his campaign--does not have a snowballs chance in Haitti of winning--especially after taking a real cheap shot at Romney--on the lawn mower company that Romney used--and found that an illegal was working for this company.

Newt Gingrich--the true statesman he is--the one who has most knowledge on that stage--than any other candidate is coming across to many that he is the one we need in the Oval office. Why the RNC has not recognized that is beyond any rational comprehension.

Your thoughts?

:clap2: He could wipe the floor with Obama in a debate, and make a fine president. He has learned much by his mistakes and successes. Wisdom! Leadership. He has those, imo.

I have put out polls on two different political boards about one month ago--and both are stating that Newt Gingrich would be the best to debate Barack Obama.

I just don't understand how Mitt Romney can be forgiven for Romneycare--Rick Perry can be forgiven for his illegal immigration stance--but because Newt had some personal martial problems--the RNC looks the other way? There is absolutely no doubt in my mind who would make the BEST RNC candidate--and it's Newt Gingrich. And I think there's a lot of conservatives that agree with me--but have been lead astray--by RNC tactics and worn out 15 year old slander of Newt Gingrich.

I personally think Newt is the most qualified to deal with the DC process, he would destroy most opponents in a debate forum of one on one, as for a debate with Obama, you would have to bring in CPS after the first ten minutes...

Look, I have a problem giving in state tuition to illegals, but I have a HUGE problem when the USSC ruled in '82 that ALL STATES had to educate ALL ILLEGALS K thru 12th, and somehow this is Perry's fatal flaw? Perry needs to work on his approach in these debates, it is not his strength, but debating is not what we are in trouble with currently, his track record with employment is the best we have, no one comes even close...

I like Herman, a lot, but he will have a tough time getting either nomination for POTUS or VPOTUS in either party...

Romney??? If he is the nominee, he will get my vote, but I would rather vote for McCain again, Romney is Obama lite, very weak, his past versus current stances lack conviction, and no one seems to push him on it...

We still have a way to go, Huntsman, Bachman & Santorum will fall off in that order I predict, and need to get out of the way soon, they have no way of winning...

Basically, we will be better off with any of the GOP potentials over Obama...
:clap2: He could wipe the floor with Obama in a debate, and make a fine president. He has learned much by his mistakes and successes. Wisdom! Leadership. He has those, imo.

I have put out polls on two different political boards about one month ago--and both are stating that Newt Gingrich would be the best to debate Barack Obama.

I just don't understand how Mitt Romney can be forgiven for Romneycare--Rick Perry can be forgiven for his illegal immigration stance--but because Newt had some personal martial problems--the RNC looks the other way? There is absolutely no doubt in my mind who would make the BEST RNC candidate--and it's Newt Gingrich. And I think there's a lot of conservatives that agree with me--but have been lead astray--by RNC tactics and worn out 15 year old slander of Newt Gingrich.

I personally think Newt is the most qualified to deal with the DC process, he would destroy most opponents in a debate forum of one on one, as for a debate with Obama, you would have to bring in CPS after the first ten minutes...

Look, I have a problem giving in state tuition to illegals, but I have a HUGE problem when the USSC ruled in '82 that ALL STATES had to educate ALL ILLEGALS K thru 12th, and somehow this is Perry's fatal flaw? Perry needs to work on his approach in these debates, it is not his strength, but debating is not what we are in trouble with currently, his track record with employment is the best we have, no one comes even close...

I like Herman, a lot, but he will have a tough time getting either nomination for POTUS or VPOTUS in either party...

Romney??? If he is the nominee, he will get my vote, but I would rather vote for McCain again, Romney is Obama lite, very weak, his past versus current stances lack conviction, and no one seems to push him on it...

We still have a way to go, Huntsman, Bachman & Santorum will fall off in that order I predict, and need to get out of the way soon, they have no way of winning...

Basically, we will be better off with any of the GOP potentials over Obama...

We have witnessed Rick Perry's campaign collapse. Last night was the final nail in his campaign coffin. He looked very petty--talking about some lawn mowing company and accusing Romney of hiring an illegal- because an illegal was hired by this lawn mowing company--:lol::lol: It was nothing but desperation and it backfired on him big time.

Perry's GONE--and I will agree that Bachmann--Huntsman are out soon.
Watching Frank Luntz focus group--(of which he did 6 different focus groups) tonight of conservatives that watched the debate in Las Vegas this week--NEWT GINGRICH came in with a hand's down win.

Herman Cain is being taken apart on his 999 plan. Many stating that seniors on fixed incomes and lower incomes would be hammered with the most burden of this plan--and it would not accommodate what's needed in the Federal Budget--and give an additional revenue stream through a national sales tax that could be raised at a whim by the Federal government whenever they wanted additional money.

Rick Perry--no matter how much money he has in his campaign--does not have a snowballs chance in Haitti of winning--especially after taking a real cheap shot at Romney--on the lawn mower company that Romney used--and found that an illegal was working for this company.

Newt Gingrich--the true statesman he is--the one who has most knowledge on that stage--than any other candidate is coming across to many that he is the one we need in the Oval office. Why the RNC has not recognized that is beyond any rational comprehension.

Your thoughts?

My thought- So what?

He could have been debating 6 chimps and suits, and STILL would be unelectable.

I'll say it, Newt is a smart guy. Smarter than any of these other idiots. Hands down. If we were determining this contest with a game of Jeopardy, he'd win hands down.

But elections are won by how we feel about people. How much we like them.

Newt is a guy who impeached a popular president over a sex scandal when 67% of the populace said that was a bad idea. He then resigned when it was about to come out that he was cheating on his own wife with a lobbyist half his age.

At the end of the day, that's why he'll get nowhere near the nomination. Won't matter how many debates he wins or how much smarter he sounds than the cowboy and the guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underpants.
Romney will be forgiven for Romney care as it dealt with only the 8% of the population that was un-insured. In that group many were showing up at the emergency rooms letting you flip the bill for their health care when they could afford there own plan. The people who had insurance saw no changes in their plans. All Romney really did was set up exchanges where the individual and small business's could shop for the best quote and group them to get cheaper premiums. He did not raise taxes to get this done. He also explanded HSA's and high deductible plans. All in all it is all based on the private sector and free market principles. Obama care is a massive takeover of our healthcare and it does raise taxes. Independents are breaking hard for Mitt Romney 54% to 41% for Obama. Independents control the outcome of our elections, it's important to watch which way they are breaking.

It isn't a matter of whether RomBot 4.0 will be forgiven for Romney/ObamaCare. It's a matter of the fact that his nomination takes THE BEST argument against Obama off the table. You don't win elections by conceding the other guy is right.

Independents are fluid, at best. When Obama starts taking that 1 billion dollar war chest and puts on commercials of all the working folks Romney has screwed over the years making himself richer, they'll break for Obama.

Oh, and not to worry, I know you like to dance the around the Mormon issue, but you won't be able to after he gets the nomination. the MSM will be doing nightly exposes on how crazy Mormon beliefs are... by pointing out how crazy Mormon beliefs are.

Evangelicals will stay home or might even start a third party. The TEA Party activists will feel betrayed and become disillusioned.

Hispanics aren't going to like the fact he demagogued immigration while hiring illegals to do his lawn work.

It's like the GOP Beltway Establishment brainstormed on how to come up the absolute biggest loser they could possibly come up with, and they came up with Romney.

And for the first time in 30 years, I'll vote for the Democrat.

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