News Flash: 100% of Americans, every single one, recieves govt assistance.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Im so sick of this shit: "Makers" vs "Takers". People need to check their ego and realize they aren't some Knight of The Taxpayers Order or anything special.

Here is what EVERY American recieves from the government, aka, government assistance:

- You werent/aren't being invaded/attacked by The Soviet Union, Nazis, Cuba, China, North Korea because of the Federal Military's protection. Thats government workers, assisting you in your comfortable life.

- You aren't being murdered/raped/robbed, and neither is your family or your home, because there are Federal, State and City cops protecting you 24/7. Theres a reason the Bloods, Crips and OWS'ers aren't storming the gates of the local gated country club to steal your shit and rape your women. Cuz govt workers are there to stop them, arrest them.

- Your home's insurance rates are lower...and home is safer...because of a local fire department. If the Fire Department recieves the highest class rating (Class 3 I believe) then YOUR home insurance rates go down. Not to mention ALL full time fire depts have paramedics on staff, who provide on-scene first medical care, and if you dont need to be transported, it saves you a trip to the ER (and thus, a hit on your insurance). So when the rich lady in the pearly gates of Flowing Meadows Country Club has chest pain, the local FD arrives, determines it's not serious, and she gets off with no medical bill. Same for poor folk.

- You drive to work on safe roads. The goods your business ships in or out do so on safe roads. Thats because of cops and work crews. Unless you own a road building/paving company, you are getting assistance from the government.

- You have public schools to send your brats to. That saves you a shit load of money from not having to pay for private school. allows you to hire workers with education. Your family and business benefit from the existence of government schools.

- You enjoy a safety net should you fail in your business. Heck, just the idea that failing means bankruptcy and a safety net (rather than starvation and despair) means you can take a few more risks than people in...say...countries without a safety net. Even if you never use that safety net, its there, and your peace of mind in knowing it's there causes you less stress, and probably is why some take more business risks here. Failing in America means an apartment and a Hyundai, not starvation and a cardboard box.

All you holier-than-thou motherfuckers bitching about "Theres only makers and takers" need to shut the f**k up, spoiled assholes.
I can predict the respones:

"I dont need no god dang gubermint protecshin, I's can protex my own"
"The gubmint dont need to build no damn roads, the private sector can do that, an tha fire department"
"We dont need no gubmint schools, tha private sector.."

Blah blah blah.

Well, if the private sector can do the fire, roads, schools, police, etc..........what the fuck are they waiting on? Go ahead, get started on it. See how that works. Offer people private fire dept service (for a hefty charge) and see how many take that over the cheaper govt fire service.
Nice stringer of red herrings, Gomer. :lol:

Gotcha. So the "makers" dont take or recieve ANY government assistance.......well, if you ignore my "red herrings" of all that shit they do get assistance from the government for.....but aside from all that (and more), they dont need no stinkin' gubmint to help them, "THEY'RE MAKERS, NOT TAKERS!!!"
Nice stringer of red herrings, Gomer. :lol:

Gotcha. So the "makers" dont take or recieve ANY government assistance.......well, if you ignore my "red herrings" of all that shit they do get assistance from the government for.....but aside from all that (and more), they dont need no stinkin' gubmint to help them, "THEY'RE MAKERS, NOT TAKERS!!!"

we already know you love Guberment, so what else
they be your daddy
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Im so sick of this shit: "Makers" vs "Takers". People need to check their ego and realize they aren't some Knight of The Taxpayers Order or anything special.

Here is what EVERY American recieves from the government, aka, government assistance:

- You werent/aren't being invaded/attacked by The Soviet Union, Nazis, Cuba, China, North Korea because of the Federal Military's protection. Thats government workers, assisting you in your comfortable life.

- You aren't being murdered/raped/robbed, and neither is your family or your home, because there are Federal, State and City cops protecting you 24/7. Theres a reason the Bloods, Crips and OWS'ers aren't storming the gates of the local gated country club to steal your shit and rape your women. Cuz govt workers are there to stop them, arrest them.

- Your home's insurance rates are lower...and home is safer...because of a local fire department. If the Fire Department recieves the highest class rating (Class 3 I believe) then YOUR home insurance rates go down. Not to mention ALL full time fire depts have paramedics on staff, who provide on-scene first medical care, and if you dont need to be transported, it saves you a trip to the ER (and thus, a hit on your insurance). So when the rich lady in the pearly gates of Flowing Meadows Country Club has chest pain, the local FD arrives, determines it's not serious, and she gets off with no medical bill. Same for poor folk.

- You drive to work on safe roads. The goods your business ships in or out do so on safe roads. Thats because of cops and work crews. Unless you own a road building/paving company, you are getting assistance from the government.

- You have public schools to send your brats to. That saves you a shit load of money from not having to pay for private school. allows you to hire workers with education. Your family and business benefit from the existence of government schools.

- You enjoy a safety net should you fail in your business. Heck, just the idea that failing means bankruptcy and a safety net (rather than starvation and despair) means you can take a few more risks than people in...say...countries without a safety net. Even if you never use that safety net, its there, and your peace of mind in knowing it's there causes you less stress, and probably is why some take more business risks here. Failing in America means an apartment and a Hyundai, not starvation and a cardboard box.

All you holier-than-thou motherfuckers bitching about "Theres only makers and takers" need to shut the f**k up, spoiled assholes.

I pay for those services. Too many Americans do not.

Understand now, dipshit?

I also served in the military for 20 years, so I am the reason you have not been invaded by the USSR.

Our happilly paid taxes goes to that stuff. 100% correct. The rest is what sucks. Lazy people getting free shit. I had this vendor tell me this story today. This guy walked into his office randomly and said he was quiting. He had no job planned out or nothing. He is a widow with 4 kids. He makes good money and they are comfortable and get what they want. He asked about what he was gonna do with his kids. He said after all the govt handouts he will get, he will actually be making 1300 more a month! WTF! A fuckin drain on us. Fucking lazy ass loser. Thats we dont like buc
I would also like to add that many services being provided by the government should not be provided by the government.

collectivism vs. libertopia again?

don't you folks ever debate something new here?

Im so sick of this shit: "Makers" vs "Takers". People need to check their ego and realize they aren't some Knight of The Taxpayers Order or anything special.

Here is what EVERY American recieves from the government, aka, government assistance:

- You werent/aren't being invaded/attacked by The Soviet Union, Nazis, Cuba, China, North Korea because of the Federal Military's protection. Thats government workers, assisting you in your comfortable life.

- You aren't being murdered/raped/robbed, and neither is your family or your home, because there are Federal, State and City cops protecting you 24/7. Theres a reason the Bloods, Crips and OWS'ers aren't storming the gates of the local gated country club to steal your shit and rape your women. Cuz govt workers are there to stop them, arrest them.

- Your home's insurance rates are lower...and home is safer...because of a local fire department. If the Fire Department recieves the highest class rating (Class 3 I believe) then YOUR home insurance rates go down. Not to mention ALL full time fire depts have paramedics on staff, who provide on-scene first medical care, and if you dont need to be transported, it saves you a trip to the ER (and thus, a hit on your insurance). So when the rich lady in the pearly gates of Flowing Meadows Country Club has chest pain, the local FD arrives, determines it's not serious, and she gets off with no medical bill. Same for poor folk.

- You drive to work on safe roads. The goods your business ships in or out do so on safe roads. Thats because of cops and work crews. Unless you own a road building/paving company, you are getting assistance from the government.

- You have public schools to send your brats to. That saves you a shit load of money from not having to pay for private school. allows you to hire workers with education. Your family and business benefit from the existence of government schools.

- You enjoy a safety net should you fail in your business. Heck, just the idea that failing means bankruptcy and a safety net (rather than starvation and despair) means you can take a few more risks than people in...say...countries without a safety net. Even if you never use that safety net, its there, and your peace of mind in knowing it's there causes you less stress, and probably is why some take more business risks here. Failing in America means an apartment and a Hyundai, not starvation and a cardboard box.

All you holier-than-thou motherfuckers bitching about "Theres only makers and takers" need to shut the f**k up, spoiled assholes.

go take your damn medicine you're out of control. just like ladygunslinger.pussy
You just run on over to Chicago and tell the folks that are being killed there every day how well they are being protected...............oh wait, can't............they're freaking dead. Ain't it great how effective government is?
Nice stringer of red herrings, Gomer. :lol:

Gotcha. So the "makers" dont take or recieve ANY government assistance.......well, if you ignore my "red herrings" of all that shit they do get assistance from the government for.....but aside from all that (and more), they dont need no stinkin' gubmint to help them, "THEY'RE MAKERS, NOT TAKERS!!!"

Hey assfucking wipe. We pay for the government. every fucking nickel and dime. they get assistance from us and not the other way around. now put your head back up your crazy ass.
Im so sick of this shit: "Makers" vs "Takers". People need to check their ego and realize they aren't some Knight of The Taxpayers Order or anything special.

Here is what EVERY American recieves from the government, aka, government assistance:

- You werent/aren't being invaded/attacked by The Soviet Union, Nazis, Cuba, China, North Korea because of the Federal Military's protection. Thats government workers, assisting you in your comfortable life.

- You aren't being murdered/raped/robbed, and neither is your family or your home, because there are Federal, State and City cops protecting you 24/7. Theres a reason the Bloods, Crips and OWS'ers aren't storming the gates of the local gated country club to steal your shit and rape your women. Cuz govt workers are there to stop them, arrest them.

- Your home's insurance rates are lower...and home is safer...because of a local fire department. If the Fire Department recieves the highest class rating (Class 3 I believe) then YOUR home insurance rates go down. Not to mention ALL full time fire depts have paramedics on staff, who provide on-scene first medical care, and if you dont need to be transported, it saves you a trip to the ER (and thus, a hit on your insurance). So when the rich lady in the pearly gates of Flowing Meadows Country Club has chest pain, the local FD arrives, determines it's not serious, and she gets off with no medical bill. Same for poor folk.

- You drive to work on safe roads. The goods your business ships in or out do so on safe roads. Thats because of cops and work crews. Unless you own a road building/paving company, you are getting assistance from the government.

- You have public schools to send your brats to. That saves you a shit load of money from not having to pay for private school. allows you to hire workers with education. Your family and business benefit from the existence of government schools.

- You enjoy a safety net should you fail in your business. Heck, just the idea that failing means bankruptcy and a safety net (rather than starvation and despair) means you can take a few more risks than people in...say...countries without a safety net. Even if you never use that safety net, its there, and your peace of mind in knowing it's there causes you less stress, and probably is why some take more business risks here. Failing in America means an apartment and a Hyundai, not starvation and a cardboard box.

All you holier-than-thou motherfuckers bitching about "Theres only makers and takers" need to shut the f**k up, spoiled assholes.

I pay for those services. Too many Americans do not.

Understand now, dipshit?

I also served in the military for 20 years, so I am the reason you have not been invaded by the USSR.


Every American who makes 1 purchase a year pays sales tax. Most municipal services are paid for through sales tax, property tax, hospitality tax. Sure...the people living in rat infested shitholes with no joy, like the Atlanta ghettos, dont pay much. Do you envy them?

I served as a cop in ATL in those ghettos. The rich folks and middle class folks in the Buckead area and other suburbs weren't raped, robbed, murdered by those animals because of the PD.

The USSR was a thread. Ghetto thugs are a threat. There are layers of govt for the different layers of threats.

BTW, nice arrogant attitude with "I am the reason" we weren't invaded. Sure, whatever Rambo. Im sure you and you alone stopped the USSR.

What you may not know...and any cop who has worked in a major city will that the welfare and food stamps...aren't for helping those people. Its to prevent mass violence. Government contains those people in their neighborhoods, gives enough handouts to simply keep them civil enough not to threaten the suburbs with mass violence. Fair? No. Effective? Well, yeah. Unless you have a better plan. Sure..."Lead a horse to water". Sounds great. Spend a few days working those neighborhoods, and you'll see the truth reality, up close, after dark. I'd love to see the culture changes where they can be led to water. But it aint happening for DECADES. Its too ingrained. Cutoff the welfare shit, and we'll have mass violence, sadly. I dont have a better answer. Do you? Or are you too busy single handedly stopping China from invading us?
Im so sick of this shit: "Makers" vs "Takers". People need to check their ego and realize they aren't some Knight of The Taxpayers Order or anything special.

Here is what EVERY American recieves from the government, aka, government assistance:

- You werent/aren't being invaded/attacked by The Soviet Union, Nazis, Cuba, China, North Korea because of the Federal Military's protection. Thats government workers, assisting you in your comfortable life.

- You aren't being murdered/raped/robbed, and neither is your family or your home, because there are Federal, State and City cops protecting you 24/7. Theres a reason the Bloods, Crips and OWS'ers aren't storming the gates of the local gated country club to steal your shit and rape your women. Cuz govt workers are there to stop them, arrest them.

- Your home's insurance rates are lower...and home is safer...because of a local fire department. If the Fire Department recieves the highest class rating (Class 3 I believe) then YOUR home insurance rates go down. Not to mention ALL full time fire depts have paramedics on staff, who provide on-scene first medical care, and if you dont need to be transported, it saves you a trip to the ER (and thus, a hit on your insurance). So when the rich lady in the pearly gates of Flowing Meadows Country Club has chest pain, the local FD arrives, determines it's not serious, and she gets off with no medical bill. Same for poor folk.

- You drive to work on safe roads. The goods your business ships in or out do so on safe roads. Thats because of cops and work crews. Unless you own a road building/paving company, you are getting assistance from the government.

- You have public schools to send your brats to. That saves you a shit load of money from not having to pay for private school. allows you to hire workers with education. Your family and business benefit from the existence of government schools.

- You enjoy a safety net should you fail in your business. Heck, just the idea that failing means bankruptcy and a safety net (rather than starvation and despair) means you can take a few more risks than people in...say...countries without a safety net. Even if you never use that safety net, its there, and your peace of mind in knowing it's there causes you less stress, and probably is why some take more business risks here. Failing in America means an apartment and a Hyundai, not starvation and a cardboard box.

All you holier-than-thou motherfuckers bitching about "Theres only makers and takers" need to shut the f**k up, spoiled assholes.

The moon is made of cheese,money grows on trees

People, well some anyway PAY FOR IT ALL.are you trying to be dense?
You just run on over to Chicago and tell the folks that are being killed there every day how well they are being protected...............oh wait, can't............they're freaking dead. Ain't it great how effective government is?

You will never grasp the reality of neighborhood like that. You've never spent time in them.

The govt (cops) job in those places is NOT to protect those people from each other. Thats a lost cause without generational parenting changes.

Their job is to protect YOU from those people. To contain it. And drop enough handouts to keep the violence contained in those areas.
First of all, a national defense is a proper and constitutionally provided federal function...Your nutty opinion that the only thing keeping ravenous hordes from invading America is merely because of the military is so absurd that it deserves no further mention.

Fire and police are locally provided services that are presumably equally available to all....Moreover, police and fire services are a collectivized expression of the individual right to be free from criminal aggression and to safeguard my property should my neighbor's catch fire....The notion that the only thing keeping marauding hordes for burning, looting, pillaging and raping is the existence of police is an equally laughable as your preposterous assertion about the military.

Roads are equally available to all and paid for by fuel taxes and registration fees of those who use them, not as an appendage of the socialistic welfare/redistributionist state.

I have no choice as to whether or not I pay for the monopoly of gubmint schools....They are a defacto welfare program for the middle class....And, like all other welfare programs, they are wasteful, inefficient and fall far short of their promises to deliver the goods...It's amusing that you'd try to bring them up.

Now, you'd better get to cleaning all them red herrings, before they get to smellin' too bad. :lol:
Nope, you can go float that pile of horseshit over in Sweden or some other socialist utopia. It's my tax dollars that are paying for roads and highways. And those firefighters and cops salaries are being paid with my tax dollars. So, in essence, I'm assisting the government. And before you bring up tax credits, it was my money anyway before the govt decided to start parsing it out for their coffers.
Our happilly paid taxes goes to that stuff. 100% correct. The rest is what sucks. Lazy people getting free shit. I had this vendor tell me this story today. This guy walked into his office randomly and said he was quiting. He had no job planned out or nothing. He is a widow with 4 kids. He makes good money and they are comfortable and get what they want. He asked about what he was gonna do with his kids. He said after all the govt handouts he will get, he will actually be making 1300 more a month! WTF! A fuckin drain on us. Fucking lazy ass loser. Thats we dont like buc

Hey, Im all for changing that. That isn't my point.

Im sick of the absolute "makers" vs "takers" attitude.

There are plenty of low income people who pay their taxes too. Do they recieve more help from the govt than you or I? Yeah. We dont need that help. WE do get a lot of help, like I laid out in the OP. We ALL TAKE, or consume, some govt. And we all give into that pot, some far less than others (even welfare queens pay sales tax).

But the above is plain fraud. Im 100% in favor of reforming handouts to prevent that type of shit.
ever notice how there's sorts always on the net available all day long to howl about what social crumb is doled out .......~S~

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