Newly Released Documents Show Joe AND Jill Biden Colluded To Supress Hunter Biden Pedophilia/Child Abuse


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
So, it turns out Hillary Clinton isn't the only Sexual Crimes Enabler In DC...

Jill Biden has been exposed as not only engaging in Elderly Abuse by helping Democrats use her dementia-suffering husband to try to win the Presidential election but has been enabling her son's pedophilia / child abuse.

VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress


Joe and Jill Biden could give a rat's ass about protecting your children and your family - all they care about is protecting their own crack-head son and their own ass long enough to get through this election unscathed.

The Bidens have now been caught selling influence, selling out, extortion, hiding Hunter's crack-addiction, child porn, pedophilia, treason, money laundering, perjury, and more....

Joe Biden has never successfully accomplished anything in 47 years except enrich himself and his family, sell out to our enemies, endanger our national security, and hide their crimes.

So, it turns out Hillary Clinton isn't the only Sexual Crimes Enabler In DC...

Jill Biden has been exposed as not only engaging in Elderly Abuse by helping Democrats use her dementia-suffering husband to try to win the Presidential election but has been enabling her son's pedophilia / child abuse.

VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress


Joe and Jill Biden could give a rat's ass about protecting your children and your family - all they care about is protecting their own crack-head son and their own ass long enough to get through this election unscathed.

The Bidens have now been caught selling influence, selling out, extortion, hiding Hunter's crack-addiction, child porn, pedophilia, treason, money laundering, perjury, and more....

Joe Biden has never successfully accomplished anything in 47 years except enrich himself and his family, sell out to our enemies, endanger our national security, and hide their crimes.

So, are you working for Russia or Iran? :dunno:

So, are you working for Russia or Iran? :dunno:
Sorry my little Biden-esque propaganda-pushing and potentially dementia-suffering snowflake....

The DOJ, DNI, State Department, DHS, & FBI have verified:

China, Iran, and Russia have indeed been working to alter our election...but have been doing so AGAINST President Trump. Iran, for example, has been confirmed to have stolen voter registration information to target different groups with fake news, propaganda, et al... to get them to vote against Trump. I do believe some of those foreign POSes may be on this board, people like you who accuse others of being what YOU are and doing what YOU are / have been doing.

So, it turns out Hillary Clinton isn't the only Sexual Crimes Enabler In DC...

Jill Biden has been exposed as not only engaging in Elderly Abuse by helping Democrats use her dementia-suffering husband to try to win the Presidential election but has been enabling her son's pedophilia / child abuse.

VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress


Joe and Jill Biden could give a rat's ass about protecting your children and your family - all they care about is protecting their own crack-head son and their own ass long enough to get through this election unscathed.

The Bidens have now been caught selling influence, selling out, extortion, hiding Hunter's crack-addiction, child porn, pedophilia, treason, money laundering, perjury, and more....

Joe Biden has never successfully accomplished anything in 47 years except enrich himself and his family, sell out to our enemies, endanger our national security, and hide their crimes.

Putting shit like this out there is just more proof of the desperation and fear to you people are experiencing, not to mention the dishonesty
Good fucking grief!! Robert Byrd again??!!

Running for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1952, Byrd worked to distance himself from his Klan activities. He claimed he lost interest in it after a year and dropped his membership in the group. Byrd also said that he joined just for the excitement and because they were opposed to communism.

In interviews with The Wall Street Journal and Slate magazine in 2002 and 2008, Byrd called joining the Klan “the greatest mistake I ever made.” To young people interested in becoming involved in politics, Byrd warned,

In his autobiography, Byrd wrote that he had become a KKK member because he

“I was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions. ... I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened … it has emerged throughout my life to haunt and embarrass me and has taught me in a very graphic way what one major mistake can do to one’s life, career, and reputation.”
Good fucking grief!! Robert Byrd again??!!

Running for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1952, Byrd worked to distance himself from his Klan activities. He claimed he lost interest in it after a year and dropped his membership in the group. Byrd also said that he joined just for the excitement and because they were opposed to communism.

In interviews with The Wall Street Journal and Slate magazine in 2002 and 2008, Byrd called joining the Klan “the greatest mistake I ever made.” To young people interested in becoming involved in politics, Byrd warned,

In his autobiography, Byrd wrote that he had become a KKK member because he

“I was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions. ... I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened … it has emerged throughout my life to haunt and embarrass me and has taught me in a very graphic way what one major mistake can do to one’s life, career, and reputation.”

Hunter Biden’s sexual preference is children. Did I do that right?
So, it turns out Hillary Clinton isn't the only Sexual Crimes Enabler In DC...
Putting shit like this out there is just more proof of the desperation and fear to you people are experiencing, not to mention the dishonesty

Your objection to the truth is a sign of how much you despise and are afraid of the truth.

Hillary Clinton defended Bill Clinton, the proven sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist, and pedophile his entire political career. She used every 'tool' at her disposal to attack, discredit, and destroy all f the women - anyone - who stepped forward to accuse Bill Clinton. Years later she declared to the American people, 'EVERY woman must be believed!'

....every woman except her husband, Bill Clinton.

The Democrats are sexual deviants and criminals who commit these atrocities / sexual crimes then attempt to justify, excuse, and HIDE them. The Democrats in Congress were exposed for many of them not only committing 'sexual misconduct', NOT making every effort to make it stop and hold those responsible accountable - NO, they created a COMMITTEE whose sole purpose was to use US Citizen tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims!

Bill Clinton was ONE of MANY rich, powerful PEDOPHILES exposed as having been involved with Jeffrey Epstein. Quite a few DEMOCRATS (Like former NM Gov Richardson, also an Epstein Pedophile, knew and covered it up /kept it hidden. Hillary damn-well knew & he did what she did best - kept it hidden while enabling / facilitating her sexual criminal husband's CRIMES!

Now we have not only Hunter's Laptop, not only HISA e-mails, not only his PARTNERS' laptops and e-mails proving Hunter Biden was / is a pedophile, his parents knew, and that they collaborated to HIDE it, we have the Chinese Government posting Hunter's porn / pedophile home movies on the Internet.

THIS is undeniable reality. This is recorded, cataloged, FBI-acknowledged, evidence-in-hand proven, CHINESE proven pedophilia and child porn.

Your continued denial of its existence and defense of the disgusting criminal acts not only Hunter has committed but his parents enabling / facilitating his abuse of children is not 'desperation', it's a type of partisan ILLNESS, a sickness.

May God have mercy on your soul.

Imagine you're seating at the dinner table and a 14 year old girl is seated there who is being sexually abused by a relative
So, it turns out Hillary Clinton isn't the only Sexual Crimes Enabler In DC...
Putting shit like this out there is just more proof of the desperation and fear to you people are experiencing, not to mention the dishonesty

Your objection to the truth is a sign of how much you despise and are afraid of the truth.

Hillary Clinton defended Bill Clinton, the proven sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist, and pedophile his entire political career. She used every 'tool' at her disposal to attack, discredit, and destroy all f the women - anyone - who stepped forward to accuse Bill Clinton. Years later she declared to the American people, 'EVERY woman must be believed!'

....every woman except her husband, Bill Clinton.

The Democrats are sexual deviants and criminals who commit these atrocities / sexual crimes then attempt to justify, excuse, and HIDE them. The Democrats in Congress were exposed for many of them not only committing 'sexual misconduct', NOT making every effort to make it stop and hold those responsible accountable - NO, they created a COMMITTEE whose sole purpose was to use US Citizen tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims!

Bill Clinton was ONE of MANY rich, powerful PEDOPHILES exposed as having been involved with Jeffrey Epstein. Quite a few DEMOCRATS (Like former NM Gov Richardson, also an Epstein Pedophile, knew and covered it up /kept it hidden. Hillary damn-well knew & he did what she did best - kept it hidden while enabling / facilitating her sexual criminal husband's CRIMES!

Now we have not only Hunter's Laptop, not only HISA e-mails, not only his PARTNERS' laptops and e-mails proving Hunter Biden was / is a pedophile, his parents knew, and that they collaborated to HIDE it, we have the Chinese Government posting Hunter's porn / pedophile home movies on the Internet.

THIS is undeniable reality. This is recorded, cataloged, FBI-acknowledged, evidence-in-hand proven, CHINESE proven pedophilia and child porn.

Your continued denial of its existence and defense of the disgusting criminal acts not only Hunter has committed but his parents enabling / facilitating his abuse of children is not 'desperation', it's a type of partisan ILLNESS, a sickness.

May God have mercy on your soul.

Now wipe the spit off of your chin and show us the damned proof!!
So, it turns out Hillary Clinton isn't the only Sexual Crimes Enabler In DC...

Jill Biden has been exposed as not only engaging in Elderly Abuse by helping Democrats use her dementia-suffering husband to try to win the Presidential election but has been enabling her son's pedophilia / child abuse.

VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress


Joe and Jill Biden could give a rat's ass about protecting your children and your family - all they care about is protecting their own crack-head son and their own ass long enough to get through this election unscathed.

The Bidens have now been caught selling influence, selling out, extortion, hiding Hunter's crack-addiction, child porn, pedophilia, treason, money laundering, perjury, and more....

Joe Biden has never successfully accomplished anything in 47 years except enrich himself and his family, sell out to our enemies, endanger our national security, and hide their crimes.

Putting shit like this out there is just more proof of the desperation and fear to you people are experiencing, not to mention the dishonesty
Oh we know how dishonest it is to actually call out a Democrat for the felonies they commit, you wackos have made your feelings on that subject clear.
Listen PP, Joe Biden is corrupt and his son is a drug addict and sexual defiant conducting corrupt business dealings for Joe.
You have to be really, really stupid to believe that there is any actual evidence of that. More likely you all know what bullshit it is

You have to be mentally ill to continue to deny and defend the undeniable and indefensible.

3 Laptops containing the same exact e-mails - because they were all recipients of these e-mails.

3 Whistle Blowers - Hunter's own business partners - coming forward to give testimony, the e-mails, and their own laptops - all sharing the same story of Hunter's crimes / Influence Peddling.
-- Democrats could never get 1 crime, could not get 1 piece of evidence - Schiff tried to manufacture some, or 1 witness against the President. Democrats would have sold their left nut to get any of this

Speaking of which, The State Department testified during the faux Impeachment Joe Biden DID meet with Burisma officials AGAINST THEIR WARNING, while Joe continued to lie and say he never did

DHS and The Treasury Department have official documents, transactions, records, and more confirming Hunter Biden laundered and received MILLIONS from the wife of a Russian Oligarch

The FBI confirmed thay had the laptop and e-mails proving Trump was innocent DURING the Democrats' faux Impeachment coup but Wray WITHHELD / HID it.

Just like with the failed Obama coup attempt, there is an overabundance of undeniable evidence of the Bidens' crimes.

Continuing to openly attempt to deny all of this exists and continue to defend the Bidens is a sign NOT of political partisanship but of serious mental illness.
You have to be really, really stupid to believe that there is any actual evidence of that. More likely you all know what bullshit it is

You have to be mentally ill to continue to deny and defend the undeniable and indefensible.

3 Laptops containing the same exact e-mails - because they were all recipients of these e-mails.

3 Whistle Blowers - Hunter's own business partners - coming forward to give testimony, the e-mails, and their own laptops - all sharing the same story of Hunter's crimes / Influence Peddling.
-- Democrats could never get 1 crime, could not get 1 piece of evidence - Schiff tried to manufacture some, or 1 witness against the President. Democrats would have sold their left nut to get any of this

Speaking of which, The State Department testified during the faux Impeachment Joe Biden DID meet with Burisma officials AGAINST THEIR WARNING, while Joe continued to lie and say he never did

DHS and The Treasury Department have official documents, transactions, records, and more confirming Hunter Biden laundered and received MILLIONS from the wife of a Russian Oligarch

The FBI confirmed thay had the laptop and e-mails proving Trump was innocent DURING the Democrats' faux Impeachment coup but Wray WITHHELD / HID it.

Just like with the failed Obama coup attempt, there is an overabundance of undeniable evidence of the Bidens' crimes.

Continuing to openly attempt to deny all of this exists and continue to defend the Bidens is a sign NOT of political partisanship but of serious mental illness.
Libber lemmings only believe what the lefty media tells them to believe.
You have to be really, really stupid to believe that there is any actual evidence of that. More likely you all know what bullshit it is

You have to be mentally ill to continue to deny and defend the undeniable and indefensible.

3 Laptops containing the same exact e-mails - because they were all recipients of these e-mails.

3 Whistle Blowers - Hunter's own business partners - coming forward to give testimony, the e-mails, and their own laptops - all sharing the same story of Hunter's crimes / Influence Peddling.
-- Democrats could never get 1 crime, could not get 1 piece of evidence - Schiff tried to manufacture some, or 1 witness against the President. Democrats would have sold their left nut to get any of this

Speaking of which, The State Department testified during the faux Impeachment Joe Biden DID meet with Burisma officials AGAINST THEIR WARNING, while Joe continued to lie and say he never did

DHS and The Treasury Department have official documents, transactions, records, and more confirming Hunter Biden laundered and received MILLIONS from the wife of a Russian Oligarch

The FBI confirmed thay had the laptop and e-mails proving Trump was innocent DURING the Democrats' faux Impeachment coup but Wray WITHHELD / HID it.

Just like with the failed Obama coup attempt, there is an overabundance of undeniable evidence of the Bidens' crimes.

Continuing to openly attempt to deny all of this exists and continue to defend the Bidens is a sign NOT of political partisanship but of serious mental illness.
Libber lemmings only believe what the lefty media tells them to believe.
Let us know when Hunter is charged with a crime or when someone can actually produce evidence of a crime. Until then you can just


And that goes for the rest of the deranged dumb fucks here too

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