New York Times: Boosters can damage your immune system


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This seems pretty obvious.

If one keeps pumping experimental gene therapy shots into their body, how do we know what will happen?

Lots of volunteers in this unpaid medical trial for the victims, I mean, participants.

Those who chose the experimental gene therapy will not be able to sue any pharmaceutical company in the future for anything.

That was my physician's concern when they first came up with the whole booster thing and he would not advise to get them one way or the other.

It might not matter to oldsters that are nearing the end of life anyway but it's the long-term effects it has on kids that we should be worried about. That part is completely up in the air.

If it does not pan-out it will be the biggest crime ever perpetrated on our youth in the history of our country. So far that title is held by screwing them out of a years plus worth of education and torturing toddlers with masks.

We should be fuckin' well ashamed of ourselves.....But there is no shame anymore.
Pharma wants EVERYONE to get the shot so they can never have any future liability for anything that happens to those patients.

They will blame it on the vax and be forever immune to liability.

You sheep need to wake up. This whole vax thing is about power and money, not your health.

You sheep need to wake up. This whole vax thing is about power and money, not your health.
I hate how people like you who have zero responsibility for anything can just run your mouths and let everyone deal with the shit that happens as a result.
We should be fuckin' well ashamed of ourselves.....But there is no shame anymore
We should be ashamed that a giant chunk of society believes people like Joe Rogan over people who have studied medicine.

We should be ashamed at the massive amounts of death they had resulted from doing so.
Well then you shouldn't be pumping them up with a vaccine, knowing it could give them heart problems.
I’m vaccinated to protect myself from dying from COVID. My family actually needs me and wants me around.

That might not be the case for everyone.
We should be ashamed that a giant chunk of society believes people like Joe Rogan over people who have studied medicine.

We should be ashamed at the massive amounts of death they had resulted from doing so.

The medical profession has not been honest or forthright about the risk factors for age/health conditions/physical fitness level.

I have said many times here I am very glad my parents, in their mid-70s, are vaxxed and boosted. I don't think my own kids, mid-20s, needed anything. Hubby and I were in the grey zone. But anyone who has serious co-morbidities and especially obesity, the vaccines are a good bet.

That said: outliers will always happen. You will always have people who have multiple health issues, do not get vaccinated, and sail through. And you will have folks who get vaccinated, are young and healthy, and still die from Covid.

I most of all resent gov/employers not allowing us to do our own research and make our own decisions.
I’m vaccinated to protect myself from dying from COVID. My family actually needs me and wants me around.

That might not be the case for everyone.
Keep getting those boosters for your kids. They will thank you when they get heart problems 20 years from now and they cannot sue to get help. You know you have over 99% survival rate?
The medical profession has not been honest or forthright about the risk factors for age/health conditions/physical fitness level.

I have said many times here I am very glad my parents, in their mid-70s, are vaxxed and boosted. I don't think my own kids, mid-20s, needed anything. Hubby and I were in the grey zone. But anyone who has serious co-morbidities and especially obesity, the vaccines are a good bet.

That said: outliers will always happen. You will always have people who have multiple health issues, do not get vaccinated, and sail through. And you will have folks who get vaccinated, are young and healthy, and still die from Covid.

I most of all resent gov/employers not allowing us to do our own research and make our own decisions.

The media and leftists openly mock people who want to do their own research and ask their doctors.

Its manipulation. Its disgusting.

Watch as the Pharma Corporate media will push the new EXPENSIVE therapeutics developed by drug companies.


If it does not pan-out it will be the biggest crime ever perpetrated on our youth in the history of our country. So far that title is held by screwing them out of a years plus worth of education and torturing toddlers with masks.

Throw in letting the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile movement having any influence in what children are taught; teaching children insane and immoral lies to make them easier prey for these degenerates.
The medical profession has not been honest or forthright about the risk factors for age/health conditions/physical fitness level.

I have said many times here I am very glad my parents, in their mid-70s, are vaxxed and boosted. I don't think my own kids, mid-20s, needed anything. Hubby and I were in the grey zone. But anyone who has serious co-morbidities and especially obesity, the vaccines are a good bet.

That said: outliers will always happen. You will always have people who have multiple health issues, do not get vaccinated, and sail through. And you will have folks who get vaccinated, are young and healthy, and still die from Covid.

I most of all resent gov/employers not allowing us to do our own research and make our own decisions.
I’ve met a lot of people who were high risk for severe COVID who did their own research. I don’t resent doing research. I resent misinformation and misrepresentation.

False reports of danger from vaccination are harmful. Underestimating danger from COVID is harmful.

A vaccinated person who is healthy and gets severe COVID is going to be extremely difficult to find. Like, next to impossible. Meanwhile a health unvaccinated person getting severe COVID is common enough you can find them in with relative ease.

The medical profession is being as honest and forthright as they can be. They have ethics and standards. I’m pissed at the people who have neither and are given equal standing.
Keep getting those boosters for your kids. They will thank you when they get heart problems 20 years from now and they cannot sue to get help. You know you have over 99% survival rate?
I have a far greater than 99% survival rate thanks to vaccination.

Should I be mocked because I protect my life for the benefit of my family who needs me?

That’s how low we’ve sunk.
We should be ashamed that a giant chunk of society believes people like Joe Rogan over people who have studied medicine.

We should be ashamed at the massive amounts of death they had resulted from doing so.
You mean Dr. Robert Malone? A man who has been in the very field for decades and knows all the protocols that the government has for Big Pharma for vaccines?

What exactly did he say that is false or wrong?
But anyone who has serious co-morbidities and especially obesity, the vaccines are a good bet.

I have to seriously disagree.

I have type II diabetes. One of those conditions that you would consider a “comorbidity”.

Do you know how diabetes causes most of the harmful effects that it does? If not well-controlled, it tends to cause red blood cells to clump together, and to clog up capillary vessels.

Do you know how these dangerous experimental mRNA drugs cause many of their known adverse effects? They tend to cause red blood cells to clump together, clogging capillary vessels.

How stupid does someone have to be to think that it is a good idea for someone like me, who already has a condition that makes me prone to this form of damage, to take a dangerous experimental drug that is known, also, to cause or aggravate this same effect? To “protect” me from a disease which poses much less of a credible risk to my health than these dangerous drugs would?

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