New York: Soup Kitchens Full, Skyscrapers Empty

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
New York: Soup Kitchens Full, Skyscrapers Empty
Iran neednā€™t bother with its nuclear weapons program. There is an easier way to destroy American cities. Once liberals have taken charge, just sit back and let events unfold. With quintessential moonbat Bill de Blasio in control, New York is in a tailspin:

The number of shooting victims has gone up 51 per cent to 616 this year. In June alone, there were 250 shootings compared to 97 in the same month last year. Month-on-month, burglaries are up 119 per cent and car thefts up 48 per cent.

Many blame New Yorkā€™s liberal mayor, Bill de Blasio, who has slashed police funding by $1 billion (Ā£800 million), ended the NYPDā€™s controversial ā€˜stop-and-friskā€™ policy (which allowed police to stop and search anyone solely on the basis of ā€˜reasonable suspicionā€™) and who last week vowed to paint a huge Black Lives Matter sign outside President Trumpā€™s flagship Trump Tower.

Endorsing Black Lives Matter means endorsing the antipolice riots that have helped devastate the city.
Thanks to the cop-hating leftist de Blasio, law enforcement is demoralized and disintegrating. An astounding 272 police officers have applied for retirement in just the past month. Dermot Shea, Commissioner of the New York Police Department, sums up the situation:

ā€œYou have a criminal justice system that is imploding. Imploding. Thatā€™s the kindest way to put it.ā€

Have another look at this video of the NYPD retreating before a mob of savages to see the result.
Wuhan coronavirus lockdown hasnā€™t helped:

With no reliable forecast when tourists might return, up to a third of the cityā€™s small businesses ā€“ including 186,000 shops ā€“ could fail. Gregg Bishop, commissioner of the cityā€™s Small Business Agency, said: ā€˜I donā€™t know if the New York we left will ever come back.ā€™

Even when the virus is behind us, how many tourists will want to subject themselves to what New York has become? It would be like vacationing in Beirut during the 1980s.

Streets once teeming with tourists are virtually empty. Shops and restaurants are boarded up to protect against looters. Hotels are closed. According to one resident: ā€˜New York has become a place where the soup kitchens are full and skyscrapers are empty.ā€™

I was there on September 11, 2001. That was traumatic, but not a mortal wound.

Back then, Rudy Giuliani was mayor and considered a strong leader. The city was shaken but it was back on its feet in weeks.

De Blasio is no Rudy Giuliani. His misrule constructed a tinderbox. The ChiCom virus and the Black Lives Matter riots set it off.

Notes Joel Kotkin, a former New Yorker and an expert on urban trends,
ā€œUnder Mayor de Blasio, conditions were perfect for the pandemic to flourish. ā€¦ The rich immediately fled to homes in the country or by the beach.
Millennials went home to their parents. That left poor people and immigrants living in incredibly crowded conditions with high levels of poverty and multiple generations in one household. Add to that the [BLM] riots and the protests and New York was a perfect storm of everything that could go wrong ā€“ and did.ā€

It is easy for people to work remotely now. Why would they want to work in the hellhole New York has become?

More than 1.2 million people have lost their jobs, mostly low-paid roles in restaurants and retail.

Those jobs will come back, but not to New York, which has entered end-stage moonbattery and will soon resemble Detroit.
On a tip from Sean C.

I've been sayin for years all ya need is one good riot ....
One good riot ,an idiot marxist mayor and a economically crippling scamdemic ....its over Johnny..its over!

I canā€™t with any conscience argue for New York with anyone. Itā€™s like Calcutta. But I love the city in an emotional, irrational way, like loving your mother or your father even though theyā€™re a drunk or a thief. Iā€™ve loved the city my whole life ā€” to me, itā€™s like a great woman. Woody Allen

I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York's skyline. Particularly when one can't see the details. Just the shapes. The shapes and the thought that made them. The sky over New York and the will of man made visible. What other religion do we need? And then people tell me about pilgrimages to some dank pesthole in a jungle where they go to do homage to a crumbling temple, to a leering stone monster with a pot belly, created by some leprous savage. Is it beauty and genius they want to see? Do they seek a sense of the sublime? Let them come to New York, stand on the shore of the Hudson, look and kneel. When I see the city from my window - no, I don't feel how small I am - but I feel that if a war came to threaten this, I would throw myself into space, over the city, and protect these buildings with my body.ā€

Ha !no soviet....... or moonbattery Iranian warheads ayn..but unlike a nuclear strike
Potbelly savages is all that will remain .
There is little that is done in New York City that can't be done elsewhere easier and better in 2020.

Shopping can be done online, with the products shipped out of regional fulfillment centers. Financial transactions can be done at home. Broadway shows can move off-off-off-Broadway to a stage anywhere..

But New York still has one asset that isn't going anywhere, the United Nations. All the various nations of the world have a presence in the big rotten apple already.

Moving the United States Department of State from Foggy Bottom to Midtown Manhattan would be a tremendous idea, as all of the nations of the world would be able to combine their missions to the UN and US into a single embassy building. It would be the peak of efficiency, increase the utility of New York City. And NYC's crazy income taxes are not a problem for the staffs at the Guyana or Upper Volta embassies, as they don't pay those levies any how.
There is little that is done in New York City that can't be done elsewhere easier and better in 2020.

Shopping can be done online, with the products shipped out of regional fulfillment centers. Financial transactions can be done at home. Broadway shows can move off-off-off-Broadway to a stage anywhere..

But New York still has one asset that isn't going anywhere, the United Nations. All the various nations of the world have a presence in the big rotten apple already.

Moving the United States Department of State from Foggy Bottom to Midtown Manhattan would be a tremendous idea, as all of the nations of the world would be able to combine their missions to the UN and US into a single embassy building. It would be the peak of efficiency, increase the utility of New York City. And NYC's crazy income taxes are not a problem for the staffs at the Guyana or Upper Volta embassies, as they don't pay those levies any how.
The u.n. stopped being an asset a long time ago
They can also leave...savages

There is little that is done in New York City that can't be done elsewhere easier and better in 2020.

Shopping can be done online, with the products shipped out of regional fulfillment centers. Financial transactions can be done at home. Broadway shows can move off-off-off-Broadway to a stage anywhere..

But New York still has one asset that isn't going anywhere, the United Nations. All the various nations of the world have a presence in the big rotten apple already.

Moving the United States Department of State from Foggy Bottom to Midtown Manhattan would be a tremendous idea, as all of the nations of the world would be able to combine their missions to the UN and US into a single embassy building. It would be the peak of efficiency, increase the utility of New York City. And NYC's crazy income taxes are not a problem for the staffs at the Guyana or Upper Volta embassies, as they don't pay those levies any how.
The u.n. stopped being an asset a long time ago
They can also leave...savages
They should convert the UN building into a prison....
Since March half a million productive people have moved from New York. The dregs, the criminals are left behind to prey upon one another. The city is dying.

Moving the Department of State could replace some of those productive folks, not to mention all of the foreign embassy staff now in Washington.

They have the room in the Big Rotten Apple.
There is little that is done in New York City that can't be done elsewhere easier and better in 2020.

Shopping can be done online, with the products shipped out of regional fulfillment centers. Financial transactions can be done at home. Broadway shows can move off-off-off-Broadway to a stage anywhere..

But New York still has one asset that isn't going anywhere, the United Nations. All the various nations of the world have a presence in the big rotten apple already.

Moving the United States Department of State from Foggy Bottom to Midtown Manhattan would be a tremendous idea, as all of the nations of the world would be able to combine their missions to the UN and US into a single embassy building. It would be the peak of efficiency, increase the utility of New York City. And NYC's crazy income taxes are not a problem for the staffs at the Guyana or Upper Volta embassies, as they don't pay those levies any how.
The u.n. stopped being an asset a long time ago
They can also leave...savages
They should convert the UN building into a prison....
The U.N. Building. What a joke! They turned it into low rent housing. It's a dump.

-- Harry Canyon, Heavy Metal (1981)
New York: Soup Kitchens Full, Skyscrapers Empty
Iran neednā€™t bother with its nuclear weapons program. There is an easier way to destroy American cities. Once liberals have taken charge, just sit back and let events unfold. With quintessential moonbat Bill de Blasio in control, New York is in a tailspin:

The number of shooting victims has gone up 51 per cent to 616 this year. In June alone, there were 250 shootings compared to 97 in the same month last year. Month-on-month, burglaries are up 119 per cent and car thefts up 48 per cent.

Many blame New Yorkā€™s liberal mayor, Bill de Blasio, who has slashed police funding by $1 billion (Ā£800 million), ended the NYPDā€™s controversial ā€˜stop-and-friskā€™ policy (which allowed police to stop and search anyone solely on the basis of ā€˜reasonable suspicionā€™) and who last week vowed to paint a huge Black Lives Matter sign outside President Trumpā€™s flagship Trump Tower.

Endorsing Black Lives Matter means endorsing the antipolice riots that have helped devastate the city.
Thanks to the cop-hating leftist de Blasio, law enforcement is demoralized and disintegrating. An astounding 272 police officers have applied for retirement in just the past month. Dermot Shea, Commissioner of the New York Police Department, sums up the situation:

ā€œYou have a criminal justice system that is imploding. Imploding. Thatā€™s the kindest way to put it.ā€

Have another look at this video of the NYPD retreating before a mob of savages to see the result.
Wuhan coronavirus lockdown hasnā€™t helped:

With no reliable forecast when tourists might return, up to a third of the cityā€™s small businesses ā€“ including 186,000 shops ā€“ could fail. Gregg Bishop, commissioner of the cityā€™s Small Business Agency, said: ā€˜I donā€™t know if the New York we left will ever come back.ā€™

Even when the virus is behind us, how many tourists will want to subject themselves to what New York has become? It would be like vacationing in Beirut during the 1980s.

Streets once teeming with tourists are virtually empty. Shops and restaurants are boarded up to protect against looters. Hotels are closed. According to one resident: ā€˜New York has become a place where the soup kitchens are full and skyscrapers are empty.ā€™

I was there on September 11, 2001. That was traumatic, but not a mortal wound.

Back then, Rudy Giuliani was mayor and considered a strong leader. The city was shaken but it was back on its feet in weeks.

De Blasio is no Rudy Giuliani. His misrule constructed a tinderbox. The ChiCom virus and the Black Lives Matter riots set it off.

Notes Joel Kotkin, a former New Yorker and an expert on urban trends,
ā€œUnder Mayor de Blasio, conditions were perfect for the pandemic to flourish. ā€¦ The rich immediately fled to homes in the country or by the beach.
Millennials went home to their parents. That left poor people and immigrants living in incredibly crowded conditions with high levels of poverty and multiple generations in one household. Add to that the [BLM] riots and the protests and New York was a perfect storm of everything that could go wrong ā€“ and did.ā€

It is easy for people to work remotely now. Why would they want to work in the hellhole New York has become?

More than 1.2 million people have lost their jobs, mostly low-paid roles in restaurants and retail.

Those jobs will come back, but not to New York, which has entered end-stage moonbattery and will soon resemble Detroit.
On a tip from Sean C.

I've been sayin for years all ya need is one good riot ....
One good riot ,an idiot marxist mayor and a economically crippling scamdemic ....its over Johnny..its over!

I canā€™t with any conscience argue for New York with anyone. Itā€™s like Calcutta. But I love the city in an emotional, irrational way, like loving your mother or your father even though theyā€™re a drunk or a thief. Iā€™ve loved the city my whole life ā€” to me, itā€™s like a great woman. Woody Allen

I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York's skyline. Particularly when one can't see the details. Just the shapes. The shapes and the thought that made them. The sky over New York and the will of man made visible. What other religion do we need? And then people tell me about pilgrimages to some dank pesthole in a jungle where they go to do homage to a crumbling temple, to a leering stone monster with a pot belly, created by some leprous savage. Is it beauty and genius they want to see? Do they seek a sense of the sublime? Let them come to New York, stand on the shore of the Hudson, look and kneel. When I see the city from my window - no, I don't feel how small I am - but I feel that if a war came to threaten this, I would throw myself into space, over the city, and protect these buildings with my body.ā€

Ha !no soviet....... or moonbattery Iranian warheads ayn..but unlike a nuclear strike
Potbelly savages is all that will remain .
Democrats are out to destroy the whole Western World.
New York: Soup Kitchens Full, Skyscrapers Empty
Iran neednā€™t bother with its nuclear weapons program. There is an easier way to destroy American cities. Once liberals have taken charge, just sit back and let events unfold. With quintessential moonbat Bill de Blasio in control, New York is in a tailspin:

The number of shooting victims has gone up 51 per cent to 616 this year. In June alone, there were 250 shootings compared to 97 in the same month last year. Month-on-month, burglaries are up 119 per cent and car thefts up 48 per cent.

Many blame New Yorkā€™s liberal mayor, Bill de Blasio, who has slashed police funding by $1 billion (Ā£800 million), ended the NYPDā€™s controversial ā€˜stop-and-friskā€™ policy (which allowed police to stop and search anyone solely on the basis of ā€˜reasonable suspicionā€™) and who last week vowed to paint a huge Black Lives Matter sign outside President Trumpā€™s flagship Trump Tower.

Endorsing Black Lives Matter means endorsing the antipolice riots that have helped devastate the city.
Thanks to the cop-hating leftist de Blasio, law enforcement is demoralized and disintegrating. An astounding 272 police officers have applied for retirement in just the past month. Dermot Shea, Commissioner of the New York Police Department, sums up the situation:

ā€œYou have a criminal justice system that is imploding. Imploding. Thatā€™s the kindest way to put it.ā€

Have another look at this video of the NYPD retreating before a mob of savages to see the result.
Wuhan coronavirus lockdown hasnā€™t helped:

With no reliable forecast when tourists might return, up to a third of the cityā€™s small businesses ā€“ including 186,000 shops ā€“ could fail. Gregg Bishop, commissioner of the cityā€™s Small Business Agency, said: ā€˜I donā€™t know if the New York we left will ever come back.ā€™

Even when the virus is behind us, how many tourists will want to subject themselves to what New York has become? It would be like vacationing in Beirut during the 1980s.

Streets once teeming with tourists are virtually empty. Shops and restaurants are boarded up to protect against looters. Hotels are closed. According to one resident: ā€˜New York has become a place where the soup kitchens are full and skyscrapers are empty.ā€™

I was there on September 11, 2001. That was traumatic, but not a mortal wound.

Back then, Rudy Giuliani was mayor and considered a strong leader. The city was shaken but it was back on its feet in weeks.

De Blasio is no Rudy Giuliani. His misrule constructed a tinderbox. The ChiCom virus and the Black Lives Matter riots set it off.

Notes Joel Kotkin, a former New Yorker and an expert on urban trends,
ā€œUnder Mayor de Blasio, conditions were perfect for the pandemic to flourish. ā€¦ The rich immediately fled to homes in the country or by the beach.
Millennials went home to their parents. That left poor people and immigrants living in incredibly crowded conditions with high levels of poverty and multiple generations in one household. Add to that the [BLM] riots and the protests and New York was a perfect storm of everything that could go wrong ā€“ and did.ā€

It is easy for people to work remotely now. Why would they want to work in the hellhole New York has become?

More than 1.2 million people have lost their jobs, mostly low-paid roles in restaurants and retail.

Those jobs will come back, but not to New York, which has entered end-stage moonbattery and will soon resemble Detroit.
On a tip from Sean C.

I've been sayin for years all ya need is one good riot ....
One good riot ,an idiot marxist mayor and a economically crippling scamdemic ....its over Johnny..its over!

I canā€™t with any conscience argue for New York with anyone. Itā€™s like Calcutta. But I love the city in an emotional, irrational way, like loving your mother or your father even though theyā€™re a drunk or a thief. Iā€™ve loved the city my whole life ā€” to me, itā€™s like a great woman. Woody Allen

I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York's skyline. Particularly when one can't see the details. Just the shapes. The shapes and the thought that made them. The sky over New York and the will of man made visible. What other religion do we need? And then people tell me about pilgrimages to some dank pesthole in a jungle where they go to do homage to a crumbling temple, to a leering stone monster with a pot belly, created by some leprous savage. Is it beauty and genius they want to see? Do they seek a sense of the sublime? Let them come to New York, stand on the shore of the Hudson, look and kneel. When I see the city from my window - no, I don't feel how small I am - but I feel that if a war came to threaten this, I would throw myself into space, over the city, and protect these buildings with my body.ā€

Ha !no soviet....... or moonbattery Iranian warheads ayn..but unlike a nuclear strike
Potbelly savages is all that will remain .
Democrats are out to destroy the whole Western World.

You're a moron.
Since March half a million productive people have moved from New York. The dregs, the criminals are left behind to prey upon one another. The city is dying.

Bah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha HA
Wow, what a convincing counterargument!

Its all the response that is needed.
I'm sure that fiction makes you feel like a witty, erudite, independent thinker.

Just makes me right.
New York: Soup Kitchens Full, Skyscrapers Empty
Iran neednā€™t bother with its nuclear weapons program. There is an easier way to destroy American cities. Once liberals have taken charge, just sit back and let events unfold. With quintessential moonbat Bill de Blasio in control, New York is in a tailspin:

The number of shooting victims has gone up 51 per cent to 616 this year. In June alone, there were 250 shootings compared to 97 in the same month last year. Month-on-month, burglaries are up 119 per cent and car thefts up 48 per cent.

Many blame New Yorkā€™s liberal mayor, Bill de Blasio, who has slashed police funding by $1 billion (Ā£800 million), ended the NYPDā€™s controversial ā€˜stop-and-friskā€™ policy (which allowed police to stop and search anyone solely on the basis of ā€˜reasonable suspicionā€™) and who last week vowed to paint a huge Black Lives Matter sign outside President Trumpā€™s flagship Trump Tower.

Endorsing Black Lives Matter means endorsing the antipolice riots that have helped devastate the city.
Thanks to the cop-hating leftist de Blasio, law enforcement is demoralized and disintegrating. An astounding 272 police officers have applied for retirement in just the past month. Dermot Shea, Commissioner of the New York Police Department, sums up the situation:

ā€œYou have a criminal justice system that is imploding. Imploding. Thatā€™s the kindest way to put it.ā€

Have another look at this video of the NYPD retreating before a mob of savages to see the result.
Wuhan coronavirus lockdown hasnā€™t helped:

With no reliable forecast when tourists might return, up to a third of the cityā€™s small businesses ā€“ including 186,000 shops ā€“ could fail. Gregg Bishop, commissioner of the cityā€™s Small Business Agency, said: ā€˜I donā€™t know if the New York we left will ever come back.ā€™

Even when the virus is behind us, how many tourists will want to subject themselves to what New York has become? It would be like vacationing in Beirut during the 1980s.

Streets once teeming with tourists are virtually empty. Shops and restaurants are boarded up to protect against looters. Hotels are closed. According to one resident: ā€˜New York has become a place where the soup kitchens are full and skyscrapers are empty.ā€™

I was there on September 11, 2001. That was traumatic, but not a mortal wound.

Back then, Rudy Giuliani was mayor and considered a strong leader. The city was shaken but it was back on its feet in weeks.

De Blasio is no Rudy Giuliani. His misrule constructed a tinderbox. The ChiCom virus and the Black Lives Matter riots set it off.

Notes Joel Kotkin, a former New Yorker and an expert on urban trends,
ā€œUnder Mayor de Blasio, conditions were perfect for the pandemic to flourish. ā€¦ The rich immediately fled to homes in the country or by the beach.
Millennials went home to their parents. That left poor people and immigrants living in incredibly crowded conditions with high levels of poverty and multiple generations in one household. Add to that the [BLM] riots and the protests and New York was a perfect storm of everything that could go wrong ā€“ and did.ā€

It is easy for people to work remotely now. Why would they want to work in the hellhole New York has become?

More than 1.2 million people have lost their jobs, mostly low-paid roles in restaurants and retail.

Those jobs will come back, but not to New York, which has entered end-stage moonbattery and will soon resemble Detroit.
On a tip from Sean C.

I've been sayin for years all ya need is one good riot ....
One good riot ,an idiot marxist mayor and a economically crippling scamdemic ....its over Johnny..its over!

I canā€™t with any conscience argue for New York with anyone. Itā€™s like Calcutta. But I love the city in an emotional, irrational way, like loving your mother or your father even though theyā€™re a drunk or a thief. Iā€™ve loved the city my whole life ā€” to me, itā€™s like a great woman. Woody Allen

I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York's skyline. Particularly when one can't see the details. Just the shapes. The shapes and the thought that made them. The sky over New York and the will of man made visible. What other religion do we need? And then people tell me about pilgrimages to some dank pesthole in a jungle where they go to do homage to a crumbling temple, to a leering stone monster with a pot belly, created by some leprous savage. Is it beauty and genius they want to see? Do they seek a sense of the sublime? Let them come to New York, stand on the shore of the Hudson, look and kneel. When I see the city from my window - no, I don't feel how small I am - but I feel that if a war came to threaten this, I would throw myself into space, over the city, and protect these buildings with my body.ā€

Ha !no soviet....... or moonbattery Iranian warheads ayn..but unlike a nuclear strike
Potbelly savages is all that will remain .
Democrats are out to destroy the whole Western World.

You're a moron.
Really? How well are these Democrat controlled shit holes doing? Thanks for wasting your time.

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