New Video Shows Firefight With ISIS That Killed Navy SEAL Charles Keating IV


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
Am I the only one getting a Vietnam before the escalation vibe with the whole observer bullshit ? Either go big or don't send one fucking service member at all. RIP Petty Officer 1st Class Charles Keating IV.

Am I the only one getting a Vietnam before the escalation vibe with the whole observer bullshit ? Either go big or don't send one fucking service member at all. RIP Petty Officer 1st Class Charles Keating IV.

. After all the betrayals we've had in Afghanistan, where as the American trainer's/servicemen were killed by the Afghan trainee's, I absolutely don't trust anything about our role in that hell hole.
At least when the U.S. finally pulled out of Vietnam.

We were smart enough not to return and stick our toes back into the alligator infested water. ....... :cool:
Should have never left until the job was done.

The Iraqi government made that impossible when they wanted to strip our servicemen/women of immunity. They wanted the ability to prosecute and incarnate them in their courts. That is a non-starter.
At least when the U.S. finally pulled out of Vietnam.

We were smart enough not to return and stick our toes back into the alligator infested water. ....... :cool:
Should have never left until the job was done.

The Iraqi government made that impossible when they wanted to strip our servicemen/women of immunity. They wanted the ability to prosecute and incarnate them in their courts. That is a non-starter.

Your right of course without SOFA our troops are subject to whatever fuckery the locals can come up with. But I can still use the argument we should have taken out Sadam in the first Gulf War and the current BS would be a non-starter.

Now we are back and instead of full hammer we are pussy footing around with slow escalation. That kind of garbage grinds the troops down to a nub and craps all over morale. The Armchairs will be calling for blood when we should have already beaten ISIS down to a stain with overwhelming force.
At least when the U.S. finally pulled out of Vietnam.

We were smart enough not to return and stick our toes back into the alligator infested water. ....... :cool:
Should have never left until the job was done.

The Iraqi government made that impossible when they wanted to strip our servicemen/women of immunity. They wanted the ability to prosecute and incarnate them in their courts. That is a non-starter.

Your right of course without SOFA our troops are subject to whatever fuckery the locals can come up with. But I can still use the argument we should have taken out Sadam in the first Gulf War and the current BS would be a non-starter.

Now we are back and instead of full hammer we are pussy footing around with slow escalation. That kind of garbage grinds the troops down to a nub and craps all over morale. The Armchairs will be calling for blood when we should have already beaten ISIS down to a stain with overwhelming force.

You won't get any arguments from me concerning those points.
There is no such thing as unwinnable.
Really? ...... :cool:

Such things as public opinion and Politician lead wars lost those don't blame that shit on the military. . Let a General who is worth those stars pined on his collar run the war without interference from the Armchairs and its won. Case in point Eisenhower during WWII and the multitude of competent Generals under him.

The only way to win is total war. I don't like the concept its very destructive, but if your going to send troops to fight after the orders for combat operations are given immediately get out of the way and let them do their job.
There is no such thing as unwinnable.
Really? ...... :cool:

Such things as public opinion and Politician lead wars lost those don't blame that shit on the military. . Let a General who is worth those stars pined on his collar run the war without interference from the Armchairs and its won. Case in point Eisenhower during WWII and the multitude of competent Generals under him.

The only way to win is total war. I don't like the concept its very destructive, but if your going to send troops to fight after the orders for combat operations are given immediately get out of the way and let them do their job.
. I agree, but in the world of nukes, and every nation that is tied together in ways that keep military actions from pushing to far ( war), and the inialation of a supposed enemy that is held up by a nuclear nation poses huge risk in every step that is made in the various events taking place. The super problem is trying to be strong in the world, yet tippy toeing in these military actions because of a nuclear nation being involved in the equation in some way or the other. Syria is a perfect example of this, as well as North Korea, and Iran etc. Being in strained relations with Russia is a serious situation for us. What's even more of a strain is our debauchery and immorals that have been growing like a wild fire here, and then trying to hold our head up when dealing with these nations who see us more and more as the weak idiots we have become.
No, Vietnam we invaded and left, Iraq, we can't quite leave well enough alone. There were no WMD's. And My brother was in the Gulf of Tonkin in 64', and attacks by the North Vietnamese PT boats ? Didn't happen, lies and more lies. Justifications and lies. Makes me sad and cynical as an American.
Slain Navy Sea had already earned Silver Star...

SEAL Killed Fighting ISIS Had Earned Prestigious Combat Medal
Jun 27, 2016 | A Navy SEAL killed in May in a gunfight with Islamic State militants in northern Iraq had already distinguished himself on the battlefield during that deployment, earning the Silver Star -- the nation's third-highest combat award -- two months before.
Petty Officer First Class Charles H. Keating IV, 31, of San Diego, was killed May 3 in Tall Usquf, Iraq, after his team answered a call to support Peshmerga forces engaged with enemy fighters. The Peshmerga are the military forces of Iraqi Kurdistan and have been fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, since 2014. Keating, who would be posthumously promoted to chief petty officer eight days after his death, was the senior enlisted adviser for a SEAL Team One advise-and-assist team supporting these local troops. According to documents obtained by and first reported by CNN, Keating had played a key role in a March 4 operation that repelled more than 100 enemy fighters as they assaulted the Peshmerga front lines. According to his Silver Star citation, Keating took the lead as the friendly position came under attack, demonstrating "courageous leadership, tactical acumen, and physical courage."


After directing the Peshmerga troops as they pushed back against the enemy assault, Keating coordinated with the U.S. quick-reaction force and himself engaged the militants, according to his citation. "[Keating] continually exposed himself to enemy automatic weapon, mortar, and rocket propelled grenade fire as he diligently maneuvered between the front and flanks of the defensive fighting position to stop enemy advances and keep friendly forces accurately informed of the unfolding situation," the document reads. At one point, ISIS fighters attempted to send a vehicle carrying an improvised explosive device alongside Keating's position, according to the citation. The SEAL prevented them from succeeding by directing a team to intercept the vehicle with snipers and accurate rocket fire. "His personal bravery inspired his comrades to vigorously defend their position and repel the enemy assault," the citation reads, adding that Keating continued to train partner forces until he was killed in combat.


Keating would be awarded the Silver Star on May 10, seven days after his death. On the same day, he received a Purple Heart in recognition of the fatal combat wounds he received on May 3. That day, ISIS forces breached Peshmerga forward lines at about 7:30 a.m., and the American quick-reaction force responded some 20 minutes later, Pentagon spokesman Army. Col. Steve Warren told reporters in May. Keating, he said, was wounded nearly two hours into the fighting by direct fire. "There were bullets everywhere," Warren said of the firefight. While the enemy assaulted with dozens of vehicles, mortar systems, and even bulldozers, the Peshmerga were able to regain control of Tall Usquf. Although U.S. troops are not formally in a combat role in the coalition fight against ISIS, Keating was the third American service member to die in combat in support of the fight against the militant group.

SEAL Killed Fighting ISIS Had Earned Prestigious Combat Medal |
God bless Petty Officer Keating but what the hell are Navy Seals doing in freaking Afghanistan? The short answer is that Seals have become the private little army of the CIA and the CIA is good at excuses but not so good at military operations.

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