new to the political field


Oct 3, 2011
hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me out with some of the main differences between being a republican and democrat. What are certain values and beliefs you should have in order to classify yourself under one of the two parties.
hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me out with some of the main differences between being a republican and democrat. What are certain values and beliefs you should have in order to classify yourself under one of the two parties.

Republicans are heartless, Fascist, Christian ethic demanding, pro war, racist dried up old white men demagogues. Democrats are bleeding heart, gay, anti-Christian, pro-Muslim, anti-war socialist demagogues.
Hope that clears it up for ya.
Republicans: Possessions over people

Democrats: People over possessions
hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me out with some of the main differences between being a republican and democrat. What are certain values and beliefs you should have in order to classify yourself under one of the two parties.

If you value liberty, choose neither. Remain above both sets of shitheads.
hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me out with some of the main differences between being a republican and democrat. What are certain values and beliefs you should have in order to classify yourself under one of the two parties.

If you feel the need to classify people, your a liberal.
hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me out with some of the main differences between being a republican and democrat. What are certain values and beliefs you should have in order to classify yourself under one of the two parties.

Just remember that president Lincoln was a republican... and you worries are over.
hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me out with some of the main differences between being a republican and democrat. What are certain values and beliefs you should have in order to classify yourself under one of the two parties.

How about this..... you carry on here and just post what you think...a label will get stuck on you by the ones on the other side.....

hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me out with some of the main differences between being a republican and democrat. What are certain values and beliefs you should have in order to classify yourself under one of the two parties.

Republicans tend to believe government is a necessary evil. Needed for some things such as national defense but in general efforts should be made to stop it from getting too big and getting in the way of people's efforts to succeed.

Democrats tend to believe that too many people fall through the cracks and can't make it on their own and government is necessary to help them succeed.
Sadly the difference today is slight but still significant when it comes to the economy, civil rights, and legal issues - good judges in other words. Both parties are controlled by money with the slight difference that a few democrats still think of the nation and its people. America thankfully is still a free and liberal nation but the closer we move to third world status under republican presidencies the sooner we become a plutocracy - we are getting too close and thus the wall street protests and Obama's win in 2008.

Use this handy parable to understand politics, first posted here:

Conservatism [Republicans today] in a Nutshell

A man is lost in the woods and it starts snowing, off in the distance he sees a cabin. Slowly he makes his way only to find a locked gate, he rings the bell and a voice asks what he wants. He tells the voice his plight and is told by the voice that there is a church down the road and that they will pray for him.

Libertarianism [Socially liberal republicans today] in a Nutshell

The snow continues and growing more tired and cold, the man sees another cabin, struggling he barely makes it, he knocks and finally opens the door to warm himself. There is a full kettle of hot soup, he helps himself. Soon out of a back room comes a man, he scolds the man and tells him to leave as this is private property. The man stumbles out the door.

Liberalism in a Nutshell

Nearly exhausted the man sees a third cabin. Slowly he makes his way, opens the door and warms himself. There is soup in a kettle and he helps himself. From a back room a woman enters, she sits down next to him and they talk. He sleeps the night on the floor and the next morning goes on his way.

Lots of good stuff above.
Sadly the difference today is slight but still significant when it comes to the economy, civil rights, and legal issues - good judges in other words. Both parties are controlled by money with the slight difference that a few democrats still think of the nation and its people. America thankfully is still a free and liberal nation but the closer we move to third world status under republican presidencies the sooner we become a plutocracy - we are getting too close and thus the wall street protests and Obama's win in 2008.

Use this handy parable to understand politics, first posted here:

Conservatism [Republicans today] in a Nutshell

A man is lost in the woods and it starts snowing, off in the distance he sees a cabin. Slowly he makes his way only to find a locked gate, he rings the bell and a voice asks what he wants. He tells the voice his plight and is told by the voice that there is a church down the road and that they will pray for him.

Libertarianism [Socially liberal republicans today] in a Nutshell

The snow continues and growing more tired and cold, the man sees another cabin, struggling he barely makes it, he knocks and finally opens the door to warm himself. There is a full kettle of hot soup, he helps himself. Soon out of a back room comes a man, he scolds the man and tells him to leave as this is private property. The man stumbles out the door.

Liberalism in a Nutshell

Nearly exhausted the man sees a third cabin. Slowly he makes his way, opens the door and warms himself. There is soup in a kettle and he helps himself. From a back room a woman enters, she sits down next to him and they talk. He sleeps the night on the floor and the next morning goes on his way.

Lots of good stuff above.

That was a great post to explain liberals/progressives, as it shows how they confuse people and government entities.

If you wanted to try to fix the analogy it would be that when the poor person knocks on a liberal's door, the liberal would tell them to wait in line at some agency and apply for government benefits.

The problem with the analogy is of course that left or right, people are decent and as individuals would be inclined to help when an individual asks for help.

But when they group together they have different ideas of what the solutions should be for different groups.

And no - the liberal's idea for the groups is not to invite people into their own houses. It's to write a law to require everyone else to pay more taxes so that an ineffective bureaucracy will have more money to squander, with hopefully some of it actually going to the people whose plight prompted the law.
Sadly the difference today is slight but still significant when it comes to the economy, civil rights, and legal issues - good judges in other words. Both parties are controlled by money with the slight difference that a few democrats still think of the nation and its people. America thankfully is still a free and liberal nation but the closer we move to third world status under republican presidencies the sooner we become a plutocracy - we are getting too close and thus the wall street protests and Obama's win in 2008.

Use this handy parable to understand politics, first posted here:

Conservatism [Republicans today] in a Nutshell

A man is lost in the woods and it starts snowing, off in the distance he sees a cabin. Slowly he makes his way only to find a locked gate, he rings the bell and a voice asks what he wants. He tells the voice his plight and is told by the voice that there is a church down the road and that they will pray for him.

Libertarianism [Socially liberal republicans today] in a Nutshell

The snow continues and growing more tired and cold, the man sees another cabin, struggling he barely makes it, he knocks and finally opens the door to warm himself. There is a full kettle of hot soup, he helps himself. Soon out of a back room comes a man, he scolds the man and tells him to leave as this is private property. The man stumbles out the door.

Liberalism in a Nutshell

Nearly exhausted the man sees a third cabin. Slowly he makes his way, opens the door and warms himself. There is soup in a kettle and he helps himself. From a back room a woman enters, she sits down next to him and they talk. He sleeps the night on the floor and the next morning goes on his way.

Lots of good stuff above.

^^^^^ This is an example of a lefty - note: a lefty is not a liberal... it is a progressive pretending to be a liberal.

They create an illusion of intellect by repeating crap from other faux intellectuals and put in lots of links to other faux intellectuals. These are, often, some of the most moronic twits on either side.
hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me out with some of the main differences between being a republican and democrat. What are certain values and beliefs you should have in order to classify yourself under one of the two parties.

The main difference? A D or an R after their name. Yes that was snide sarcasm because, at the end of the day, both sides are just spoiled little babies who demagogue the other side.

Republican basics:

Pro-energy independance through our own fossil fuel resources combined with un-subsidised clean energies
Smaller Govt = good govt
Lower Taxes
Less govt spending
Less govt handouts/programs
Big military
Pro success/wealth

Democrat Basics

Pro-energy independance through subsidising clean energy companies but without increasing any fossil fuel resource usage.
Big Govt = good govt
Raise taxes to support big govt
More govt spending, spending is the solution
More govt handouts/programs
smaller military
Pro Class-warfare

Hope I helped. If your truly new to politics DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT pick either party. Take each individual situation and event on its merits and don't just follow what some political party's position on it is. Inform yourself and form your own opinion/position.
I think the main difference is between the two parties is this, when these so-called republicans are voted into office by the people;they sign a pledge with grover norquist to obey him regardless that the people who voted for them want them to do something different!

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