*New Terrorist Nation Gets Born?: Or Aborted?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Ah sure, lets get a terrorist nation started at USA expense, Yuuuup!, lets do it!
2. On second thought, *No*, lets not, and say we did,......no,.... lets get a coat hanger and stab that babies head, before it comes out!
3. Justice demands it!
4. Allowing this terrorist nation legitimacy is stupid as shit.
5. You heard it here first, now, why don't you people fucking wake up!!!!:eusa_hand:
6. Link:Holy Land clerics bless Palestinian UN bid

"The retired Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Michel Sabbah gestures during his ...

Priests in the Holy Land used their sermons on Sunday to give their blessing to the Palestinians' bid for United Nations membership.
The retired Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Michel Sabbah, the first Palestinian to hold the post since the Crusades, was to preach in the Roman Catholic church in the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

A joint statement by Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran priests pledged their "support for the diplomatic efforts being deployed to win international recognition for the State of Palestine... on the June 1967 borders with Jerusalem as our capital."

The priests went further than their bishops, who in a statement this week confined themselves to a call for intensified prayer and diplomatic efforts ahead of the Palestinian membership request, to be sent to the UN Security Council on Friday."

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