New Rules in China Upset Western Tech Companies


Gold Member
Aug 12, 2011
HONG KONG — The Chinese government has adopted new regulations requiring companies that sell computer equipment to Chinese banks to turn over secret source code, submit to invasive audits and build so-called back doors into hardware and software, according to a copy of the rules obtained by foreign technology companies that do billions of dollars’ worth of business in China.
It's time to bring major manufacturing back to the USA. Congress needs to repeal NAFTA and WTO and other related trade agreements.
Yep. And what did they expect? Companies that move manufacturing to other nations, expecially those that do not have a democratic government, deserve what they get.
Do you think greed got the best of them? There is no way I have any sympathy for them, it all centers around what they do deliberately to the manufacturing sector of this country.
Manufacturing is the back-bone of a countries economy.

Yep. And what did they expect? Companies that move manufacturing to other nations, expecially those that do not have a democratic government, deserve what they get.
I understand the need for local manufacturing for local markets, but these guys saw a gold rush of cheap labor and high profit...
Yes, and that is something I agree with 100% but it has all taken place because of the NAFTA rules and WTO rulings, TPP rulings.
To top it all off, they get tax havens outside the US, yet their company CEO's live in the US and take advantage of all the amenities of
this country.
Then one sector of our political systems finds nothing wrong with this scenario.

I understand the need for local manufacturing for local markets, but these guys saw a gold rush of cheap labor and high profit...

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