New poll show swing voters do not favor capitalist pig Trump they like the MarxEngles Trump


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
This is good news for the center left American worker majority of the Democrats in Congress and in state houses all over the country continue to be the true leaders against this health and economic crisis as Trump continues to fail and blunder and try to divide us.

New poll showing swing voters do not favor capitalist pig Trump, they like the MarxEngles socialist Trump during this crisis.

Trump's approval rating on handling the coronavirus dropped 6 percentage points in a three-day span in the poll.​

In the Mar. 26-27 survey, 50 percent of registered voters said they approved of the president's handling of COVID-19, compared to 56 percent saying the same in a Mar. 22-23 survey.​

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By the way, here is the breakdown in your poll-
Well, we've heard from another one of the site's 17 year old communists on the subject.

Now what?

TrumpOroids are all socialists now.....
and their dear capitalist pig cult master wants his name printed on $2 Trillion worth of checks that Nancy Pelosi got for the workers and the impoverished

Donald Trump demands his own signature be on coronavirus stimulus checks​

But according to The Wall Street Journal, Trump wants those checks to be sent out explicitly in his name.​

Are any TrumoOroids here standing in fierce opposition to their cult master proudly attaching his name to the largest single socialistic payout to the working class which adds $2 trillion to the national debt in the wink of an eye?
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Well, we've heard from another one of the site's 17 year old communists on the subject.

Now what?

TrumpOroids are all socialists now.....
and their dear capitalist pig cult master wants his name printed on $2 Trillion worth of checks that Nancy Pelosi got for the workers and the impoverished

Donald Trump demands his own signature be on coronavirus stimulus checks​

But according to The Wall Street Journal, Trump wants those checks to be sent out explicitly in his name.​

My apologies for overestimating your age.

Does mommy know you're using her computer?
My apologies for overestimating your age.

Does mommy know you're using her computer?

It’s easy to spot a flummoxed TrumpOroid.

The rightwing propaganda machine has not come up with talking points to explain away Dear Leader TRUMPO’s desparate turn to a Socialists dream come true that not even Bernie Sanders could have dreamed up.

they can only come up mommy’s basement crap.

I left home:moved out when I was fifteen years old and that was when the Vietnam War was ramping up. Have worked every day since and still am. I could retire but getting paid too much to quit now. And getting checks signed by FDR.

TrumpO wants to be FDR. Never happen but that’s to funny.
My apologies for overestimating your age.

Does mommy know you're using her computer?

It’s easy to spot a flummoxed TrumpOroid.

The rightwing propaganda machine has not come up with talking points to explain away Dear Leader TRUMPO’s desparate turn to a Socialists dream come true that not even Bernie Sanders could have dreamed up.

they can only come up mommy’s basement crap.

I left home:moved out when I was fifteen years old and that was when the Vietnam War was ramping up. Have worked every day since and still am. I could retire but getting paid too much to quit now. And getting checks signed by FDR.

TrumpO wants to be FDR. Never happen but that’s to funny.

I left home:moved out when I was fifteen years old and that was when the Vietnam War was ramping up.

Little old to be using immature insults like those, arent' you?

I'd bet you aren't more than 13.

you certainly don't act it.
This is good news for the center left American worker majority of the Democrats in Congress and in state houses all over the country continue to be the true leaders against this health and economic crisis as Trump continues to fail and blunder and try to divide us.

New poll showing swing voters do not favor capitalist pig Trump, they like the MarxEngles socialist Trump during this crisis.

Trump's approval rating on handling the coronavirus dropped 6 percentage points in a three-day span in the poll.​

In the Mar. 26-27 survey, 50 percent of registered voters said they approved of the president's handling of COVID-19, compared to 56 percent saying the same in a Mar. 22-23 survey.​

This is good news for the center left American worker majority of the Democrats in Congress and in state houses all over the country continue to be the true leaders against this health and economic crisis as Trump continues to fail and blunder and try to divide us.

New poll showing swing voters do not favor capitalist pig Trump, they like the MarxEngles socialist Trump during this crisis.

Trump's approval rating on handling the coronavirus dropped 6 percentage points in a three-day span in the poll.​

In the Mar. 26-27 survey, 50 percent of registered voters said they approved of the president's handling of COVID-19, compared to 56 percent saying the same in a Mar. 22-23 survey.​


His handling of the Pandemic was as high as sixty percent five days ago. Why the drop?
This is good news for the center left American worker majority of the Democrats in Congress and in state houses all over the country continue to be the true leaders against this health and economic crisis as Trump continues to fail and blunder and try to divide us.

New poll showing swing voters do not favor capitalist pig Trump, they like the MarxEngles socialist Trump during this crisis.

Trump's approval rating on handling the coronavirus dropped 6 percentage points in a three-day span in the poll.​

In the Mar. 26-27 survey, 50 percent of registered voters said they approved of the president's handling of COVID-19, compared to 56 percent saying the same in a Mar. 22-23 survey.​


His handling of the Pandemic was as high as sixty percent five days ago. Why the drop?
Depends on the poll and who they poll. The last few have shown they way over poll Dems and under poll independents.
People love president Trump, not the CNN misrepresentation of president Trump.
I have seen objections here to the GOP and TRUMPO’s conversion to socialism.

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